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NuLabour hires ad firm to 'sell' ID cards

In the article about Saatchi it mentions that :

www.mylifemyid.org is fucking unbelievable

There's also a forum on the site>> http://www.mylifemyid.org/discussions

Theres a funny bit here on it:


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I wonder what other points are judged to be 'cyberbullying' ? :)
Would have been nice of the Mail to get the right picture of the offices. M&C Saatchi, the agency the brothers created after being fired from S&S, is based in Golden Square, not Charlotte St.
People get what they vote for

This is a defining issue for our time. Please do what you can to wake people up and defacilitate the scheme from the off. Dont wait till they come for you, that is selfish, naive and complacent. Once they have their critical mass it will harder to stop the trend towards the biometrically databased / monitored population.
The Tories announced their intention to scrap the ID card when they come into power. A letter was written to the head of the Civil Service about this.

David Davis the MP for Howden and Haltemprice gave up his seat to fight a by-election, partially on his opposition to identity cards.

People on here are making comparisons with the poll tax. I doubt very much whether there will be a big poll tax style popular backlash against it. I do not think there is sufficient interest or concern for freedom within the general population.

People get exactly what they vote for and sometimes apathy is a kind of vote. The trouble is that people have been given too much 'freedom' and the wrong kinds of freedom, freedom without responsibility. They have been infantilised by their supposed 'freedoms', so in the end they are going to lose them.

It could be made a big issue at the general election. Short of the immense costs of this ballooning, and being axed for that reason, the General Election is probably your one chance of stopping it.
I bet anything the Tories will bring it in too. It's not Nu Lab who want the ID Card, it's assorted pressure-groups - esp in the The City. There's also no coincidence in it being brought in here the same as other schemes elsewhere.

I wonder, is anyone going to be involved in sabotage?
And do what? Start a canpaign of harrassment against copywriters and art directors? Stand in Golden Square waving placards?
Same here as well.

Go Tories! Give us our freedoms back.

They can't be worse than this bunch of fuckers.

I doubt they will scrap the NIR in the mid term. Biometric databasing is a goal of the elite, the tories will swing onside sooner or later. Dont trust them, dont hope for them to hep. Resist the menace yourself.
And do what? Start a canpaign of harrassment against copywriters and art directors? Stand in Golden Square waving placards?

hey! i know what! lets just wave placards in a designated protest area after notifying the police and be boxed in accordingly. Thats why schemes lik eID cards get thru and evil bastards always win as even the self appointed radicals are far to polite to actually ever do anything about anything except moan

back when people were protesting against anti-apartie did they not boycot things?

you lot make the ALA and FFOJ look like some sort of deadly radical political terrorists still dont let me spoil your selfish little ' oooo were helpessss ooo we dont know what to do oooo' debate

i think i you should list your reasons why targeting satchi and feffii is such a crazy idea apart from the fatc i came up with it as opposed to the ayverage regular urbanite who can post and do what they want obviously ? :rolleyes:

In the end all you will do and most urbnaites will do is say- oh thats such a bad thing ! cripes! what shall we do? i know start a thread ...
I doubt they will scrap the NIR in the mid term. Biometric databasing is a goal of the elite, the tories will swing onside sooner or later. Dont trust them, dont hope for them to hep. Resist the menace yourself.

I am not sure about this.

I have heard that the tories have made some clear statements on this. If they come out with election pledges on it then I think they are bound to do something (ban it) about it.

You say, taffboy, that we should do something about it ourselves well I am sorry but to my mind no2id have done little to date. I even recall that some news readers could not properly pronounce "no to id" and said "n o to id" such is there lack of penetration in the minds of public and media.

Just what are no2id actually going to do, or are they actually doing? apart from hogging an excellent name that should be on everybodies lips but for some reason is not!
I bet anything the Tories will bring it in too. It's not Nu Lab who want the ID Card, it's assorted pressure-groups - esp in the The City. There's also no coincidence in it being brought in here the same as other schemes elsewhere.

I doubt they will scrap the NIR in the mid term. Biometric databasing is a goal of the elite, the tories will swing onside sooner or later. Dont trust them, dont hope for them to hep. Resist the menace yourself.

I have heard that the tories have made some clear statements on this. If they come out with election pledges on it then I think they are bound to do something (ban it) about it.

Conservatives formally pledge to cancel ID card scheme (Feb 5 2007)

Conservatives would scrap ID cards scheme (Jun 29 2005)

Both by David Davis. These are both available among with a lot of other anti ID stuff on the offical conservative website http://www.conservatives.com
hey! i know what! lets just wave placards in a designated protest area after notifying the police and be boxed in accordingly. Thats why schemes lik eID cards get thru and evil bastards always win as even the self appointed radicals are far to polite to actually ever do anything about anything except moan

back when people were protesting against anti-apartie did they not boycot things?

you lot make the ALA and FFOJ look like some sort of deadly radical political terrorists still dont let me spoil your selfish little ' oooo were helpessss ooo we dont know what to do oooo' debate

i think i you should list your reasons why targeting satchi and feffii is such a crazy idea apart from the fatc i came up with it as opposed to the ayverage regular urbanite who can post and do what they want obviously ? :rolleyes:

In the end all you will do and most urbnaites will do is say- oh thats such a bad thing ! cripes! what shall we do? i know start a thread ...

Dude, why didn't you just say boycott their clients?

UK Client campaigns 2004-08.

Besides, I'm still undecided on the issue.
Labour really are cunts aren't they? I mean, I can't believe even the BBC doesn't call them that these days. It should be how they are referred to on the Ten O'clock News every night. "Today the Labour Party, popularly referred to as the Party of Cunts, announced a new policy to target disabled people and pensioners..."

I reckon the only way this can be stopped is a campaign of mass civil disobedience. Unfortunately I don't think people care enough. They are also not used to any kind of political organising any more and I think would find it too alien to get involved in it, even if they moan a bit about the ID cards.

So, ID cards here we come :(
Conservatives formally pledge to cancel ID card scheme (Feb 5 2007)

Conservatives would scrap ID cards scheme (Jun 29 2005)

Both by David Davis. These are both available among with a lot of other anti ID stuff on the offical conservative website http://www.conservatives.com

The Conservatives are pledged to scrap the ID card. Lesson number 1 in this topic is that the problem isnt so much the card as the register. Find me a specific tory pledge to scrap the register and I might be more amenable to your arguement. Even if such a pledge is made, they can resort to the standard thing of going back on their word.

Once more: Dont trust 'em.
I am not sure about this.

You say, taffboy, that we should do something about it ourselves well I am sorry but to my mind no2id have done little to date. I even recall that some news readers could not properly pronounce "no to id" and said "n o to id" such is there lack of penetration in the minds of public and media.

There is certainly not enough anti ID activism. Period. No2ID can only be the sum of its parts and has a fairly good and growing "brand" and awareness nationally (often quoted in civil liberties stories). But at local level it is small groups, many members have little campaigning experience.

Defy ID are totally off the radar. Lets hope they are getting it together beneath that radar.

It is no good saying "they dont do anything" and slagging off other people for not doing enough. Get out and do something yourself. It doesnt have to be No2ID, though they have good materials.

The least you can do is get some leaflets together and leave them in places, meetings arent rocket science to organise. There are to be 69 processing centres, each will need to be a focus of action.

How many of our freedoms would be absent if people like Ghandi or MLK had sat around saying "oh, no one seems to be doing anything"?

ON journos: many havent really studied the issues, they are either lazy or anything too critical of the loving state can be easily edited out. Any "anti" case will usually only be tagged on to greater focus on state propaganda. All this is standard and obvious controlled establishment media stuff.
It really is appalling. It's enough to make you want to go into the garage and start knocking up some IEDs.

What's worse is that I signed up to blast the forum, and part of the entrance procedure is to answer a questionairre in which one of the questions is: "On this scale, to what extent do you agree or disagree with ID cards -

Strongly Agree

... etc"

Funnily enough, I haven't been sent my confirmation e-mail yet. And it's been 2 days.
More likely it will simply become impossible to do anything without one. No ID card = no bank account, no alocohol purchase, no library ticket, no credit/debit card ... on and on. No anything without a sodding ID card.

This is probably the model the Tories will endorse. I'm sorry, but I just don't trust them on the 'no ID cards' thing.

I can see them introducing them maybe by the back door, though.

(First thing will be clearly, no state benefits without one)
This is probably the model the Tories will endorse. I'm sorry, but I just don't trust them on the 'no ID cards' thing.

I can see them introducing them maybe by the back door, though.

(First thing will be clearly, no state benefits without one)

My worry is the tories will indeed make a big production of dropping the card, only for the database - and then the entire scheme - to be re-launched under a different label barely months on. Probably under a "environmental" flag of convenience - remember Milliband's briefly-mooted "carbon ration card"?

This obsession with the ID scheme is clearly being driven by someone (or more), somewhere.
This obsession with the ID scheme is clearly being driven by someone (or more), somewhere.

there is, as always, an EU dimension behind it...


In 2004 a Regulation on EU passports required the taking of fingerprints (biometrics) from
all applying for one. Again there was a time-lag in the implementation at national level.
But from 2009 onwards millions of people across the EU will have to attend special centres
to be interviewed (to prove who they are) then compulsorily finger-printed.

The finger-printing of everyone applying for a visa to visit the EU from third countries is
already underway and fingerprinting of resident third country nationals has been agreed.
Discussions are underway on extending the taking of fingerprints for national ID cards as
these are used for travel within the Schengen area.

It is sobering to note that the mass surveillance of all telecommunications and mass
fingerprinting of all are two proposals that have not been proposed in the USA –
thus the EU is set to become the most surveilled place in the world.
At least during the (original) Cold War there was a notionally Democratic bloc - looks like this time round there'll just be several totalitarian ones.

What a fucking era. :(:mad:
I bet anything the Tories will bring it in too. It's not Nu Lab who want the ID Card, it's assorted pressure-groups - esp in the The City. There's also no coincidence in it being brought in here the same as other schemes elsewhere.

I wonder, is anyone going to be involved in sabotage?

You could be right....it was the Tory scum who tried to pass ID cards for football fans.....and didn't Gordon Brown once say HE was against ID cards when Blair was in power....the old joke about politicians lying when their lips move seems to spring to mind
I am not sure about this.

Just what are no2id actually going to do, or are they actually doing? apart from hogging an excellent name that should be on everybodies lips but for some reason is not!

Well there are plenty of people working hard to do all they can. They need more people to help with the campaign so get in touch with your local group. Or if you prefer direct action then setup a Defy ID group and target and enrolment centre. It's easy to be critical but what have you done?
Well there are plenty of people working hard to do all they can. They need more people to help with the campaign so get in touch with your local group. Or if you prefer direct action then setup a Defy ID group and target and enrolment centre. It's easy to be critical but what have you done?

You will find this forum is full of critics who don't do anything constructive- even when i put a thread up asking what THEIR views were, they couldn't even answer!
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