yes it was a rant. Blaming the state of the planets ecology on overpopulation is a fundamental mistake and is a larger attack on the global working class than anything else. Overpopulation is a problem for sure, but to position this as one of the main causes of this crises really means that you then need to take responsibility for the 'solutions'. Do you have any idea how population demographics works? have a look at Iain Boals article 'Feast and Famine' on how overpopulation has historically been used against w/class
Yes i have read this, and would agree in context but not as a whole, i feel part of the problem and why we are here is overpopulation and at long last a dialog on this of which i welcome and i will make every effort to be educated and read other points of view (i accept some of premise of the lie that is climate change) but i do not feel it is climate change just mother earth acting to the problems we as humans have created by our actions, that is working class middle class and so forth.
4thwrite Your claim that Climate Change is a lie, just seems odd. It puts you in the camp of the oil companies and their tame academics - its an ideological line used to justify the continuation of unregulated free markets and overproduction. I'll admit that the opposite argument - that climate change is real and happens because of human activity - can be used by those who want to greenwash their products and sell us different stuff (but keep selling). However its not an anti-working class message at all. For every middle class moralist who says its happening because the working classes can now afford Easyjet, there's many more recognising that the rich have always consumed more and still do so. That was definitely the case at last year's climate camp. The argument that Climate Change is real might well be taken up by all kinds of loons and liberals, but is essentially a left/radical argument - and in many guises merges into an anti-capitalist critique. The rich make their money out of capitalism as a mode of production - and are also priveliged as consumers.
Green wash is a good means of explanation on the lie of climate change, all i feel that is going on here is just that, here in the uk work has become less of how they control the masses, lesure has become the social control and to ease the burden of the over consumption we are told if go green all will be well.
No i feel if we begin to grow our own, start to manufacture on a local basis what we need (as said) we start to precess of local democracy as in trade unions at work, as in collectives when we grow our own, we simply remove the power from government and become our dictatorship of the proletariat (karl mark) this for me is socialism in action. This can only lead to real social change, asking the big company's in the form of green wash is simply giving them power of of every day lives.
We need to take that back, and i feel that direct action against the workers of coal fired plants is not going to win over the working class just move them further from social change and into the far right, it has happened and is happening.