There is no knowledge, only the suggestion thereof.
The "of" is what people imagine to be knowledge, which in fact is only a self- suggestion, hence doesn't exist outside the mind of the individual.
Knowledge is not an illusion because somewhere it resides, out of reach for the human mind. That is the only problem.
Knowledge is an eternal absolute, a beginning and endmark, unchangeable.
That is why it is out of reach for the human mind and hence should be treated as non-existent.
There is no truth possible without knowledge, let alone an "obvious" truth. Would it be obvious everyone would know it.
Belief can't equate " to know" in no matter which sense. They are quite the opposite of eachother.
Belief is not knowledge and can't be knowledge or there would not be the requirement for belief to exist. And since knowledge doesn't exist, only the suggestion thereof, belief is all there is.
Would I have knowledge, I wouldn't need experience (which induces belief) nor belief.
That doesn't exclude that neverthless suggestions of knowledge or aspects thereof can be of use or can be and are used.
People don't need the word "knowledge" to imagine possessment of what it is supposed to mean to those who do use it . Even people who don't know the word "knowledge" will live under the delusion of having what is understood by using it. They believe to have knowledge.
There is no knowledge needed for being a thinking thing... You "are" as often as you think you are.