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Conspiracy theory of the Year

Which conspiracy theory is best?

  • WTC packed with bombs

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • Pentagon strike

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Remote control planes

    Votes: 16 30.2%
  • Impersonated loved ones

    Votes: 2 3.8%
  • Huntley's mind control

    Votes: 23 43.4%
  • Arsenal vs Man United deliberately coincided with Stop The War Demo

    Votes: 10 18.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

white rabbit

Less than zero
Okay, time to get your foil hats adjusted and carefully look outside for black helicopters.

With a mixed bag of nutty spinners of fantastic and elaborate explanations for perplexing events. Which dubious explanation tickled your fancy most this year?

Twin Towers were packed with explosives. Unbelievable as this may look at first glance. This what seriously proposed for a while. Structural engineers were summoned, the integrity of the “official version” called into question and a detonation seemed a clear winner for these zany questioners of authority.

The Pentagon was hit by a cruise missile. Witnesses claimed to have seen the plane hit the building but what about the pristine lawn? Much head scratching over this conundrum.

Naturally, we can't ignore the remote controlled planes which had onlookers gasp at the audacity of the very idea. It seems there may have been no hijackers as a technological solution was advanced. Undaunted by cries that the complexity this required was unnecessary, this held true for quite some time. Surely a top tip for conspiracy theory of 2003!

There are the impersonators on the telephones disguising themselves as terrified loved ones. Cold-blooded and callous to some, simple logic to others. You decide.

The Soham murders provided some chewy material to be ruminated over towards the end of the year. At first it was feared the case would never come to court. Then we wondered whether Huntley would take take the stand. Curiously, as he described his version of events hypnotism and mind control were suggested. This unlikely explanation could well steal the prize just for the sheer tenacity of its sponsor.

So, over to you. Which conspiricy theory is best?
Gotta be the Huntley - bless Dr Jazzz for his persistence and his cheerfully flimsy 'proofs' (ie, police dog PROVES Huntley is innocent).
Surely the '"Saddam sons weren't killed" claim must earn a mention (backed up by Joe Vialls' chatty-but-strangely-untraceable expert posting on untraceable boards).

Shall I add it to the poll?

And what about the 'holographic planes' that hit the WTC - or the famous "video footage" that proved something or another about 9/11?

Fuck, I could be here all week recalling the madcap bonkers theories that have been posted here!
the one i posted abotu the dykes of damascus taking over the world with their dildo of domination...

oh hang on thats true...;)

oh and the jews taking over the world and that - even if someone did take over the world why the hell would they want to do it?
Originally posted by editor
Surely the '"Saddam sons weren't killed" claim must earn a mention (backed up by Joe Vialls' chatty-but-strangely-untraceable expert posting on untraceable boards).

Shall I add it to the poll?

And what about the 'holographic planes' that hit the WTC - or the famous "video footage" that proved something or another about 9/11?

Fuck, I could be here all week recalling the madcap bonkers theories that have been posted here!
I knew I'd miss stuff! :rolleyes: :)
Conspiracy theory of the year?

Well, the one the most people seemed to fall for was that pile of horseshit about Saddam Hussein being somehow mixed up with Al Queda and Bin Laden and being responsible for the attack on the World Trade Centre and whatever else they're going to try and pin on him...
Originally posted by editor
Surely the '"Saddam sons weren't killed" claim must earn a mention (backed up by Joe Vialls' chatty-but-strangely-untraceable expert posting on untraceable boards).

Shall I add it to the poll?

Yes, why not? Because you posted yourself that 'it is up to the US to prove their claim (that the sons were Uday and Qusay) and I await the DNA test results with interest'

... if I remember your words correctly. You rightly regarded the DNA test as crucial. Of course, the DNA test results (already late by the time of your post) never materialised. I wonder why? Could it be because.... I was right, and the notoriously honest US military was pulling a fast one?
I liked the 'Was the Arsenal vs Man United match deliberately planned to coincide with the Stop The War Demo?' one.

The biggest conspiracy has to be whoever managed to get large numbers of otherwise sane people to think sprouts are not only edible, but actually taste nice! What crazed, illuminati-induced insanity is this?! :eek: :confused:

My favourite (for complete hatstandness akin to creationism) is one that's only been mentioned in passing rather than having had a bandwidth busting 200 page argument.

It's that germ theory is incorrect and the real truth was written down by one of pasteur's contemporaries Bechamp.

actually thinking about that - it's not really a conspiracy theory, unless it's the evil brotherhood of scientists keeping the rest of us in the dark.:D :confused:
Originally posted by NVP
I liked the 'Was the Arsenal vs Man United match deliberately planned to coincide with the Stop The War Demo?' one.


Why thank you. :D I was wondering if anyone remembered that effort!

I'd like to mention the murder of Dr. Kelly too, was that up there?

My personal favourite conspiracy story has to be the (utterly bonkers) 'Osama' conspiracy theory of 9-11, in which some cavemen armed with boxcutters wreak havoc on the USA...
Originally posted by DrJazzz
I'd like to mention the murder of Dr. Kelly too, was that up there?
Sorry, DrJ: after your fucking ludicrous "police dog proves Huntley's innocence" statement, I'm afraid your credibility is currently at rock bottom.

Not one - repeat NOT ONE - of the trillion-odd bonkers theories that you've posted here have been substantiated in any way whatsoever.

I've no idea why you desperately need to find non existent conspiracies at every turn, but - as others have already pointed out - by gullibly swallowing every piece of horseshit spewed out by the likes of Vialls and declaring them as fact, you only hinder those seeking the truth.
I nominate the looneytunes Chemtrails Con Theories that turn up on the boards.

Stupid, easiliy disprovable and a lot of fun to be had baiting the turquoise shellsuit types. :D

I also nominate the really wacky consopiricy theory put about by the pbmen that the Seppoes are winning the war in Iraq.
Originally posted by editor
Sorry, DrJ: after your fucking ludicrous "police dog proves Huntley's innocence" statement, I'm afraid your credibility is currently at rock bottom.

Not one - repeat NOT ONE - of the trillion-odd bonkers theories that you've posted here have been substantiated in any way whatsoever.

I've no idea why you desperately need to find non existent conspiracies at every turn, but - as others have already pointed out - by gullibly swallowing every piece of horseshit spewed out by the likes of Vialls and declaring them as fact, you only hinder those seeking the truth.

Oh we are full of Christmas spirit... do cheer up old chap!

Seeing as the supposed Hussein sons DNA match never turned up, I consider that one entirely substantiated, done and dusted. As for 9-11, I remember a certain poster regularly saying 'if this is true why hasn't a single politician/widow complained'... well since then, a senior British politician publicly raised the issue of the military standdown, and now one 9-11 widow is not just asserting Bush's complicity - she's charging him with the murder of her husband (turning down a million-dollar offer of hush money compensation in so doing).
Originally posted by DrJazzz
Oh we are full of Christmas spirit... do cheer up old chap!
Have you got any more fascinating stories about untrained police pooches 'proving' the innocence of mass murdering child killers recently, DrJ?

Your paranoid, 'retired expert'-fabricating pal Vialls seems to have gone unusually quiet about the Soham verdict, hasn't he?

Perhaps he's surfing some more of those invisible and untraceable bulletin boards that you believe exist just because he told you so?
Originally posted by DrJazzz
Seeing as the supposed Hussein sons DNA match never turned up, I consider that one entirely substantiated, done and dusted.
Well we know your standard of evidence you like to uphold, Dr. J. You can consider it anything you like, btw. Meanwhile, back on Earth it's more usual to wait for something a bit more tangible before leaping to a conclusion.

I'm sorry I forgot to include this dastardly plot in the poll. I have to admit, I never really followed the thread so it slipped my mind when it came to it. I shouldn't worry though, your ideas about Huntley seem to be riding high. :)
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