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Bush was prepared to paint US spy planes in United Nations colours


the truth don't care
...in order that Saddam Hussein would be tricked into shooting them down. So now we know what the phrase 'initiated by an Iraqi Casus Belli' in the last Downing Street Memo was about.

Also hard confirmation that war was decided and agreed upon by both Bush and Blair, everything else being a charade.

From today's Guardian:

Blair-Bush deal before Iraq war revealed in secret memo

Richard Norton-Taylor
Friday February 3, 2006

Tony Blair told President George Bush that he was "solidly" behind US plans to invade Iraq before he sought advice about the invasion's legality and despite the absence of a second UN resolution, according to a new account of the build-up to the war published today.

A memo of a two-hour meeting between the two leaders at the White House on January 31 2003 - nearly two months before the invasion - reveals that Mr Bush made it clear the US intended to invade whether or not there was a second UN resolution and even if UN inspectors found no evidence of a banned Iraqi weapons programme.

The diplomatic strategy had to be arranged around the military planning", the president told Mr Blair. The prime minister is said to have raised no objection. He is quoted as saying he was "solidly with the president and ready to do whatever it took to disarm Saddam".
The disclosures come in a new edition of Lawless World, by Phillipe Sands, a QC and professor of international law at University College, London. Professor Sands last year exposed the doubts shared by Foreign Office lawyers about the legality of the invasion in disclosures which eventually forced the prime minister to publish the full legal advice given to him by the attorney general, Lord Goldsmith.

The memo seen by Prof Sands reveals:

· Mr Bush told Mr Blair that the US was so worried about the failure to find hard evidence against Saddam that it thought of "flying U2 reconnaissance aircraft planes with fighter cover over Iraq, painted in UN colours". Mr Bush added: "If Saddam fired on them, he would be in breach [of UN resolutions]".
rest of article
The idea of painting US Airforce planes in UN colours may have been one of Bush's "brighter" notions, but I think it would have soon been pointed out to him that a problem would be the immediate denial of involvment by Kofi Annan.
This is a pretty mint revelation. The fact that our cuntrag of a PM was in the background nodding like the craven tool he is only makes it more iconic.
Lock&Light said:
The idea of painting US Airforce planes in UN colours may have been one of Bush's "brighter" notions, but I think it would have soon been pointed out to him that a problem would be the immediate denial of involvment by Kofi Annan.
Firstly, it's very unlikely to have been Bush's idea himself. Secondly, they must have had that problem covered.
Jazzz said:
Firstly, it's very unlikely to have been Bush's idea himself. Secondly, they must have had that problem covered.

I've no idea who's idea it was, but they sure as hell didn't have that problem covered. They didn't carry out the 'plan', you may have noticed.
Because whatever happens, we must not let the Tories/Democrats back in!!!

Lock&Light - The important thing here is the attitude. It was probably an idea that was brought up and quickly dismissed, but the fact that they were willing to even contemplate such a plan says a lot.
Phillipe Sands: 'Lawless World'

I recommend reading the whole Lawless World book. It's really good and easy to read tho it deals with complex legal issues sometimes.
Drawn to this thread from a question I asked on pae 14 of the Conspiraloons thread.

Somewhat to my surprise** ;) the claim is credible and properly sourced.

**NOT surprise that Bush/Blair would plan such a thing, more for .... other reasons ;)

Jazzz -- cheers for this.
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