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Official Big Brother thread

I *heart* Davina, bless her. She looks lovely :cool:

I'm excited! It better be good this time :mad:

*pours more wine*
Get some wine and she'll be OK honest. Wine goggles are mandatory when watching this.:)

I think 3 bottles of wine, ie semi-comatose-might make her bearable yes. We all have our pet hates, she just happens to be one of mine. The absolutely victory of aesthetics over fucntion, modern TV's victory of style over content.
She is a vacuous loathsome talent free zone famous for..... errrr..... well being famous.

Ello :)
I don't agree I have liked her since Gods Gift. :) I do think she isn;t quite as fabulously entertaining as she used to be but...I just can't stop liking her.
Ello :)
I don't agree I have liked her since Gods Gift. :) I do think she isn;t quite as fabulously entertaining as she used to be but...I just can't stop liking her.

I doubt our difference of opinion over her will matter much in reality. I just don't share your opinion, no biggie. I just well, am not too fond, I don't know if I got that across. :D
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