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Strange goings on in Birmingham...


the truth don't care
from Dr. Mohammed Naseem.

In January of 2005, an Irishman and a Spaniard booked into the Waqar Hotel in Birmingham, to rent a twin room. The Spaniard informed the hotel proprietor that he was working for a US company located in Spain, and that it would be sending him rent checques on a bimonthly basis. Over the following six-months the room was rented, and three of the cheques duly arrives; however, the proprietor Mr Barki noticed that the two tenants were never there. Then, on 12 July they suddenly turned up and took away 9 heavy bags, which they would not allow anyone else to carry.

Here we note that Tuesday 12th July was the date when police claimed to have found a bath full of ‘several kilos’ of explosives in a Leeds house, owned by Mahmood el-Nashar (who had recently completed his PhD at Leeds biochemistry Department), a tenuous link thereby being made to the ‘Leeds bombers.’ The day before, on the 11th of July, central Birmingham (the Broad Street area) was sealed off by the police due to a ‘credible’ terror alert – and some ‘controlled explosions’ were set off by the police.

At last, on 17 July the hotel proprietor decided to take a look inside the room. In it he found:
* 2 black bags containing a large amount of British currency;
* a ‘Bin Laden’ tape;
* ‘Al Qaeda’ manuals on “How to make bombs” and “ How to blow up an air-liner”; and
* a knife with bloodstains on it, in one of the bags.
The proprietor called the police, and two or three local uniformed officers soon arrived. When they saw the room and its contents they became excited and called colleagues, saying “We’ve found a Bin Laden cell here!”. Mr Barki also called his good friend Mr Appas Malik, reporter of the local Daily Jang, a Pakistani newspaper, and told him his extraordinary news.

A short while later, non-uniformed officers (who did not identify themselves) arrived on the scene. They rebuked the others for having phoned their colleagues, and turned them out of the hotel. Having inspected the room, they then went down into the hotel-lobby, evicted everyone from the hotel, including the staff and the manager, and confiscated the film from the CCTV cameras. They then asked the hotel proprietor to sign a blank sheet of paper. He strongly objected to doing any such thing, but eventually he complied. They instructed him not to talk to anyone outside, from then on.

The story was reported in the Daily Jang, as well as being aired on the British Pakistani TV channel ‘GEO’ (which has the same proprietership as the Jang). On that same day, the 17th, Mr Malik told the story to Dr Naseem, the sage Cleric of the Birmingam Mosque (www.centralmosque.org.uk/ . For his view on the events of 7/7, in the August issue of his Mosque newsletter ‘Dawn’, see: www.julyseventh.co.uk/response.html ) Dr Naseem then endeavoured to obtain confirmation of this story from the hotel owner – who, initially, would not speak. The Deputy Chief constable of Birmingham was visiting the Mosque, and, in response to Dr Naseem’s queries about this incident, he declared that he had never heard about it - however, he assured Dr N. that the Area Superintendent of the B’ham police would call him to clarify the matter: this never happened. Dr N. had a forthcoming appointment to visit the Chief Constable of Birmingham, by way of liasing and maintaining community relations: so, worried about the safety of the hotel owner, Dr Naseem questioned him about the incident - and gained the impression that he genuinely didn’t know anything at all about it.

Four weeks after the event, the hotel proprietor Mr Barki was finally prepared talk to Dr N. about it. The story then told was identical to that which Dr Naseem had heard earlier from his journalist friend. Dr Naseem has recently related it to a group of us members of the London 9/11 Sceptics movement – and we’re telling it here! Br Barki’s hotel business has slumped since the incident, even though officially nothing has happened, being totally unreported in the local or national press (except for the Daily Jang). The B’ham town Council had helped supply the hotel with lodgers, but this seems to have dried up. Left unresolved is the question of the tracking down the two persons who rented the room, which would surely have been quite easy: no-seems inclined to do this.

Is there a sinister programme by the British government of maintaining the atmosphere of terror and fanning the flames of suspicion against Muslims? Could the inflammatory materials discovered in the hotel bedroom have been planted there deliberately in order to fabricate yet another ‘terror-scare’ involving Muslims?

source - 9-11.co.uk
The same Mohammed Naseem who earlier claimd that the London suicide bombings were the work of Mossad working with the British government i presume?
He hasn't even got the name of the hotel correct: it's the Waqar Brentwood Hotel.
They then asked the hotel proprietor to sign a blank sheet of paper. He strongly objected to doing any such thing, but eventually he complied. They instructed him not to talk to anyone outside, from then on.
Right. That's really believable.
editor said:
He hasn't even got the name of the hotel correct: it's the Waqar Brentwood Hotel.
What, so it's incorrect to call the Hilton Park Lane the Hilton?

Really :D

Straws, editor.
butchersapron said:
The same Mohammed Naseem who earlier claimd that the London suicide bombings were the work of Mossad working with the British government i presume?
The Chairman of Birmingham Central Mosque has questioned the blaming of muslims for the attacks, as you can see from the link provided. I don't believe he has specifically accused anyone else, have you got a link for your assertion butchersapron?
Jazzz said:
What, so it's incorrect to call the Hilton Park Lane the Hilton?
Why is it, do you think, that every single person who's bothered to respond to your latest yarn thinks that the story is load of bollocks?

Is it because we are all CIA agents or something?

Or is it because we're just poor gullible fools unable to see the real story, unlike the 9/11-obsessed "truth seekers" who - without the need for solid, peer reviewed evidence or credible facts - simply know the truth?
Naseem is a leading figure in the Islamic Party of Britain which has certainly indicated, if not come out and said it directly, that it thinks Western governments are responsible for the July bombs, and informed Mossad. This article on their site, for instance, is full of "Qui (sic) Bono?" stuff; it's obvious what they mean.

Naseem himself I can't find having made public statements blaming the government for the bombs but he certainly maintains that it wasn't Muslims.

(Also a big RESPECT donor, incidentally.)
editor said:
Why is it, do you think, that every single person who's bothered to respond to your latest yarn thinks that the story is load of bollocks?

Is it because we are all CIA agents or something?

Or is it because we're just poor gullible fools unable to see the real story, unlike the 9/11-obsessed "truth seekers" who - without the need for solid, peer reviewed evidence or credible facts - simply know the truth?
I take it you now accept that the hotel was not incorrectly named. :rolleyes:

What goes on in your head is your business, not mine. I do not ask others to believe something purely on the basis that I do. Perhaps they might accord me the same favour. I am not the one dismissing something out of hand here.

I also note butchersapron has not been able to back up his earlier comment.
Maybe that's because FM has done it already. In fact you may have noticed that Mohammed Naseem's Party website also includes writings by the notorious fascist, homophobic and anti-semitic conspiracy loon Alexander Baron (The Organised Homosexual Movement: Its Methods And Its Goals), amongst other writings in the same vein which doesn't really go any distance towards making me believe that he too doesn't swallow all this crap. Well done, you've picked yet another arsehole.
Jazzz said:
I take it you now accept that the hotel was not incorrectly named.
I take it you now accept that you've posted up yet another clueless slab'o'conspirocock for the terminally gullible?
Nowhere in the article FM links to does it say 'Mossad did it', nor 'British Government did it' butcherapron, which is what you said.
Jazzz said:
Nowhere in the article FM links to does it say 'Mossad did it', nor 'British Government did it' butcherapron, which is what you said.
I don't suppose the concept of actually researching the facts your fucking self ever crossed your mind, no?
Dr Mohammed Naseem is a leading figure in the Respect Coalition. He is its single largest donor, providing nearly 50% of the funds reported to the Electoral Commission. He was a Respect candidate for Parliament in the general election. The organisation he leads, the Islamic Party of Britain, is today saying that the attacks were a provocation, staged by the police, the Blair government, or the Mossad -- or all of them together.
According to the IPB, islamists were not responsible for the London bombings - “the Jews” did it, through Mossad working in tandem with the Blair government.
editor said:
I take it you now accept that you've posted up yet another clueless slab'o'conspirocock for the terminally gullible?
no, not at all, and it is a shame you have to resort to such rudeness. Your jumping to the conclusion that a respected community leader is making up this whole story belies that your opinions are based on majority view and not evidence. By your logic anything extraordinary cannot appear on urban75 before the rest of the media.

I feel this story may well be true. There is of course a similar precedent in the Phillipines with the Michael Meiring affair.
Jazzz said:
Nowhere in the article FM links to does it say 'Mossad did it', nor 'British Government did it' butcherapron, which is what you said.

It suggests two things very clearly:

a) That mossad had prior knowledge of the bombs and so were able to warn the Israeli Embassy and Netanyahu before the actual explosions.

"Then there is the timing and method of the blasts. First the various explosions were spread out over more than an hour, until people began to ask why, seeing that the Israeli intelligence service Mossad had been able to warn Netanyahu (who was conveniently on location) not to leave his hotel"


b) that the British Government was in some way involved as these attacks were precisely what they needed politically at that time.

"London needed a real terror attack in order to numb people sufficiently for the government to push through legislation that they had not been able to push through even before their electoral fiasco."

Surely such a thorough investigator as you can manage to read between the lines here, or simply just put two and two togther as the article so clearly and so often invites you to do? Here's another inviting tid-bit:

"What is more, in a multi-million people city like London there are inevitably people who see things they were not meant to see, like station closures before the event, for example, or the shooting of alleged perpetrators by police in Canary Wharf which was hushed up very quickly. As the saying goes: you can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can never fool all of the people all of the time."

Whatever can they be suggesting?
editor said:
I don't suppose the concept of actually researching the facts your fucking self ever crossed your mind, no?
I believe in going on what people themselves say when asked about what they themselves have said. That's why I asked butcherapron to back up his comment. He didn't do so and neither have you. It is not up to me to do it for either of you. :rolleyes:
Jazzz said:
Your jumping to the conclusion that a respected community leader is making up this whole story belies that your opinions are based on majority view and not evidence.
Why don't you produce some hard evidence instead of posting up laughably vague and highly improbable fact-untroubled yarns that read like the start of a bad joke.

What proof have you that his claims are true?

Anything? Anything at all?
Jazzz said:
I believe in going on what people themselves say when asked about what they themselves have said.
As has been proved many, many, many times, you'll believe in anything - and I mean anything - if you detect an exciting whiff of conspiraloonery about it.

It's a shame you don't realise how ridiculous it makes you look to everyone else, because you're a nice bloke in real life..
The story is not 'laughably vague' - it's highly detailed. It is not necessary for posters to travel hundreds of miles with their magnifying glasses before passing on reports. But tell you what, come Monday I'll call up the hotel to try to obtain a denial of the story - after all if it's not true they would want to deny it, surely? :rolleyes:

Again, it is a shame you are so needlessly resorting to personal attack. It says a lot about you.
Jazzz said:
That's why I asked butcherapron to back up his comment. He didn't do so and neither have you.
Here. Choke on this:


Under British law, political parties are required to inform the public of the names of their major donors. A visit to the Electoral Commission website reveals that most of the money donated to Respect came from one man, Dr Mohammed Naseem. Dr Naseem was a Respect candidate in Birmingham at the last general election; he is also a leading figure in the Islamic Party of Britain, a group whose website makes for some very interesting reading. According to the IPB, Islamists were not responsible for the London bombings. “The Jews” did it, through Mossad working in tandem with the Blair government.
Jazzz said:
The story is not 'laughably vague' - it's highly detailed. It is not necessary for posters to travel hundreds of miles with their magnifying glasses before passing on reports.
Out of curiosity, why would you choose to believe something as vague and as improbable as this:

A short while later, non-uniformed officers (who did not identify themselves) arrived on the scene. They rebuked the others for having phoned their colleagues, and turned them out of the hotel. Having inspected the room, they then went down into the hotel-lobby, evicted everyone from the hotel, including the staff and the manager, and confiscated the film from the CCTV cameras. They then asked the hotel proprietor to sign a blank sheet of paper. He strongly objected to doing any such thing, but eventually he complied. They instructed him not to talk to anyone outside, from then on.
Jazzz said:
But tell you what, come Monday I'll call up the hotel to try to obtain a denial of the story - after all if it's not true they would want to deny it, surely?
Wow! Research? That'll be a first for you (I haven't forgotten the "9/11 PLANES DID NOT EXIST" embarrassment, amongst others.)

Oh and it's not rudeness from me, it's sheer exasperation.
And what I said is true. A lot of people do think your 9/11 obsession here is utterly ridiculous. That's why less and less people bother to respond to your bonker claims.
editor - however many articles you post up saying that Naseem has accused 'The Jews' or Mossad as being responsible, it counts for absolutely zilch unless you can find a source of him actually saying that. He certainly wouldn't use the term 'The Jews' - that would be racist, which is why he is being alluded to have said that. Do you not believe that falsely accusing others of racism is as bad as racism itself? :rolleyes:
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