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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

Radio 1 newsbeat either yesterday or Sat had a soundbite from a police person defending 'kettling' (hate that fucking word now I know where it came from - thanks to the member here who posted that) as necessary to deal with crowds pushing/causing a disturbance:mad:
Great piece by Monbiot today:
....The police behave like this, despite the opprobium of left and right, because they know they will get away with it. They know that the government won’t rein them in; that the Independent Police Complaints Commission eats out of their hands; that the sternest sanction an officer can expect for beating or killing a passer-by is some extended gardening leave. They know that in a few days’ time the rightwing press will revert to publishing stories about the anarchist baby-eaters seeking to turn Britain into a bloodbath.

But something else has changed in this country: the resolution of the protesters. Despite repeated assaults, they appear to become better organised and less afraid. That, so soon after Operation Glencoe, 114 people were prepared to risk arrest and another beating testifies to the resilience of this movement. These people know that protest is not a threat to democracy but its cornerstone. They know that the issues they contest outweigh any harm they may suffer. They know that getting beaten up is a sign that state has lost the argument.

The rightwing press has briefly turned against the police, but normal service will soon resume. Read this on the train into Sheffield this morning, well worth the read allso go to link given more on Police Violance here:
That article manages to misspell 'Murdered' in the title and more or less repeats the unproven allegation that Tomlinson was 'murdered.'
Strange that he doesn't feel the need to reference this lie:

Interestingly, they also appeared to allow a group of genuine rioters to break into a branch of RBS. This too is a familiar pattern: the police beat up peaceful protesters and stand by when vandals create some easy headlines for the tabloids.

(or pair of lies, one - that the police stood by while it happened, two - that breaking a window is rioting)
Strange that he doesn't feel the need to reference this lie:

Interestingly, they also appeared to allow a group of genuine rioters to break into a branch of RBS. This too is a familiar pattern: the police beat up peaceful protesters and stand by when vandals create some easy headlines for the tabloids.

(or pair of lies, one - that the police stood by while it happened, two - that breaking a window is rioting)
I really don't agree with that at all. The 'naked' RBS building was left oddly unguarded for some considerable time, and if an entire gang of photographers can be all lined up ready for the photo op of the windows being smashed, why weren't the police there?
The 'naked' RBS building was left oddly unguarded for some considerable time, and if an entire gang of photographers can be all lined up ready for the photo op of the windows being smashed, why weren't the police there?
The photographers ended up lined up like that because all the other people moved back away from the smashing glass, the police weren't there because the crowd had forced them to retreat.

This immediate revisionism is as bizarre coming from you as when the police do it.
The photographers ended up lined up like that because all the other people moved back away from the smashing glass, the police weren't there because the crowd had forced them to retreat.

This immediate revisionism is as bizarre coming from you as when the police do it.

you seriously think so???
The photographers ended up lined up like that because all the other people moved back away from the smashing glass, the police weren't there because the crowd had forced them to retreat.

This immediate revisionism is as bizarre coming from you as when the police do it.
People said at the time that it was strange that the RBS building hadn't been boarded up and that no police were there to protect it.

I can't be arsed to argue the toss with you or deal with your rather strange 'revisionist' claim, but you'll find ample examples of people saying just this at the time, both on these boards and on countless other sites.
I suspect that the RBS thing will always be a bone (lol) of contention. Both the police and anarchists will always claim it was entirely genuine, and a sizeable number of people will always think it looked decidedly set up.
Paul McKeever, chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales, said: "These attacks on the police must end.

"What signal does it send to officers who volunteer to take on these high stress roles that they will be publicly castigated if they do?"


The police are being attacked because they physically attacked people on a demonstration...

Well, we'd best stop in case any officers get the wrong impression and think they might not get away with breaking the law then eh?

With any luck, all the fun will be gone for the bullies and they'll stop volunteering.
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's liberals wanking on about how peaceful they were at a protest. Maybe if you weren't so fucking "peaceful" all the time, you wouldn't end up being battered by the cops so much.
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's liberals wanking on about how peaceful they were at a protest. Maybe if you weren't so fucking "peaceful" all the time, you wouldn't end up being battered by the cops so much.

But I distinctly remember not getting battered by the cops at quite a few cannabis demonstrations.
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's liberals wanking on about how peaceful they were at a protest. Maybe if you weren't so fucking "peaceful" all the time, you wouldn't end up being battered by the cops so much.
Were you there socking it to The Man, smashing pigdog heads, dislodging teeth and stamping on the heads of the cops then?
If there's one thing I can't stand, it's liberals wanking on about how peaceful they were at a protest. Maybe if you weren't so fucking "peaceful" all the time, you wouldn't end up being battered by the cops so much.

I'm just not so sure that violent protesters armed with sticks are likely to overthrown a militarised state...
Were you there socking it to The Man, smashing pigdog heads, dislodging teeth and stamping on the heads of the cops then?
I wasn't suggesting that anybody do anything of the kind, I just think that proportionate, organised self-defence in the face of police violence (dearrests, breaking police lines, hitting them back when they hit you) would prevent a lot of injuries and arrests at demonstrations.

And no, I wasn't at the G20 protests, because I thought they'd be a total waste of time, energy and annual leave.
Hitting back at the police would decrease injuries and arrests?! No sorry, run that by me one more time...
And no, I wasn't at the G20 protests, because I thought they'd be a total waste of time, energy and annual leave.
Do you still think that considering what's happened afterwards?

I'm really glad to have gone and seen events first hand. Oh, and happy to have been "fucking" peaceful too.
Hitting back at the police would decrease injuries and arrests?! No sorry, run that by me one more time...
It's not exactly complicated, if you hit back, use your greater numbers to your advantage and focus on not letting the cops get hold of individuals for long enough to arrest or seriously hurt them, you can reduce the number of people being arrested or hurt.

Take the 2006 Labour Party conference demo, the police tried to arrest people in the anarchist block, we wouldn't let them, none of us were arrested.
I wasn't suggesting that anybody do anything of the kind, I just think that proportionate, organised self-defence in the face of police violence (dearrests, breaking police lines, hitting them back when they hit you) would prevent a lot of injuries and arrests at demonstrations.


good luck with that!
Do you still think that considering what's happened afterwards?
A few headlines that nobody will remember in a few months time? Do me a favour.

I'm really glad to have gone and seen events first hand.
It gets boring very quickly, IME.

Oh, and happy to have been "fucking" peaceful too.
If somebody attacks you, do you curl up in a ball and wait for them to stop kicking? Or do you fight back?
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