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G20: Getting to the truth- the death of Ian Tomlinson RIP

"Dr Cary's opinion is that the cause of death was abdominal haemorrhage. The cause of the haemorrhage remains to be ascertained.

"Dr Cary accepts that there is evidence of coronary atherosclerosis but states that in his opinion its nature and extent is unlikely to have contributed to the cause of death."

The statement concluded that both the opinions remained provisional and subject to further investigations and tests.

"The IPCC has confirmed a Metropolitan police officer has been interviewed under caution for the offence of manslaughter in relation to the death."


My apologies to you open sauce. The story is now that both PMs results are 'provisional', so i didn't expect them to 'act' so swiftly.
srs post: just watched that vid: wtf? first they drag some guy away who doesn't appear to be doing anything, then shaggy gets attacked by the dog. again, don't quite know what he'd been doing, but the response of the dog handler doesn't seem very proportionate regardless!
That's another example of fucking police brutality. That guy set upon by the dog was just standing there and was given no verbal instruction to leave, and the attack on the other guy seemed equally unprovoked.

Those cops look out of control.
Little by little the police lies are coming unstuck.

G20 may well prove to one of the most important events in protest and policing in the UK.


The police have become careless and after years of cover ups believed they were untouchable.

Well done all those brave people who weren't afraid to take footage and photos and those who gave witness statements. And of course those that actually wend on the march itself.

I truly commend all of you.

*takes off hat*
It's no way near to being over yet, but i doff my cap to all that had the courage to pursue justice in relation to poor mr Tomlinson. Many of us that were either there or who have followed the case have not been baffled by the various lies and for once it seems to me that the police themselves have been backed into a corner.

01/04/09 might just be a significant day in the developement of democracy in this country.
srs post: just watched : wtf? first they drag some guy away who doesn't appear to be doing anything, then shaggy gets attacked by the dog. again, don't quite know what he'd been doing, but the response of the dog handler doesn't seem very proportionate regardless!
Let's look back in time a little, earlier ... earlier ... earlier:

The BBC ticker is saying the 2nd post mortem has changed cause of death. Waiting for the story to say what to.
A new post mortem says Ian Tomlinson died from an abdominal haemorrhage not a heart attack after contact with police during the G20 protests.

The statement from the City of London Coroners Court overturns the initial assessment that the newspaper seller died of natural causes.

So it was a cover-up, no surprises there. Beeb
Dr Freddy Patel was the original pathologist (the police's favourite for covering up suspicious deaths in custody):

Although Dr Patel is a fully accredited pathologist he is not a member of the Forensic Pathology Service, a group of specialist pathologists who normally investigate suspicious deaths in the Greater London area. Dr Patel does however have quite a lot of experience in dealing with deaths in police custody. In 1999 he carried out the autopsy on Roger Sylvester who died in St Anne's Hospital, Haringey after being violently restrained by eight police officers. Mr Sylvester's death was again put down to natural causes by way of heart attack and the police were cleared of any responsibility for his death. Following the coroners inquest Dr Patel was formally reprimanded by the General Medical Council (GMC) for giving false and misleading information about the case to the press.

A new post mortem says Ian Tomlinson died from an abdominal haemorrhage not a heart attack after contact with police during the G20 protests.

The statement from the City of London Coroners Court overturns the initial assessment that the newspaper seller died of natural causes.

So it was a cover-up, no surprises there. Beeb

Or two differing opinions, both of which are provisional at this stage.

Talk about jumping to conclusions...
See my post in the other thread. The coroner concerned, Freddy Patel, has a history of finding suspicious deaths in police custody as heart attacks....
Yes, i remember reading that he has been responsible for some pretty dodgy behaviour in at least 2 separate incidents.
Just out of interest, if the bloke that did the pushing is on manslaughter charges what about the police who were surrounding him and did nothing to stop him, and nothing to help the bloke?

I'm not hot on the law but wouldn't they be accessories or something?
It will be interesting to see the full post mortem.
Didn't the first one also state that there were no signs of cuts and bruising? Yet photographs before his death seem to show marks on his face... I would've thought hitting the floor without breaking your fall would've left it's mark too :hmm:

Doesn't look like they're gonna get away with it as easy this time.
It will be interesting to see the full post mortem.
Didn't the first one also state that there were no signs of cuts and bruising? Yet photographs before his death seem to show marks on his face... I would've thought hitting the floor without breaking your fall would've left it's mark too :hmm:

Doesn't look like they're gonna get away with it as easy this time.

I bet they do.
In today’s Independent, dearest Janet Street-Porter has an article called ‘Tomlinson was no saint, but he deserved better’, which looking at the content, could just have easily been titled ‘Tomlinson was a worthless working class alcoholic, but at least he wasn’t an anarchist’.

Maybe he also deserves to not have his private battle with alcoholism spashed across the media too, Janet. After all, he's not the one who should be on trial here. He's the unarmed man who was murdered by an armed cop. And those are the only details that matter.
I agree, as does the author of this blog piece that you plagarised.
wouldn't they be accessories or something?
I'm not a lawyer, but I'd think if it was a Saturday night fracas and a bloke dies, then, yes, they may well be charged as accessories. (Whether the PF would wear it, and whether they'd be convicted would depend on evidence amongst other things, obviously).

As an aside, is there any correlation between alcoholism and stomach haemorrhages?
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