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Israel, Gaza and the propaganda war

...and the decision to run this is, er, interesting. I wonder what the new owner, the well-known Mr Murdoch, will have to say?
That was what I'm thinking, while it was an opinion piece rather than an editorial, it's interesting that it was run at all. Even more so given the NYTs piece as well. Perhaps the present offensive isn't going down too well back in the US. This may (hopefully) be significant given the reaction to the Highway 80 massacre in GW1. The public reaction against the images of the attacks precipitated the end of the conflict
that was what I'mthinking, while it was an opinion pice rather than an editorial, it's interesting that it was run at all. EEven more so given the NYTs piece as well. Perhaps the present offensive isn't going down too well back in the US.

Given it's the WSJ, it could, however, be sound investment advice: "Don't take a punt on an IL company whose chief executive could be on trial in the Hague from 2011-2015 inclusive. It may, however, be worth taking an outside-odds punt on the NIS hitting 20 to the EUR around US inauguration day." :)
They may have a point. The BBC isn't overtly pro Hamas as in the way Galloway's employer Press TV are but there seems to be a bias against Israel in BBC reports. Its not just that its biased against Israel it seems to take as gospel information from either Hamas or Hamas cheerleaders without any qualifying statement that the info is coming from a Hamas official or shill.

"Bias against Israel"? Are you having a bubble? :D
Zachor's refusal to engage in discussion about anything that is less than flattering to Israel's claimed stance suggests that s/hes a propaganda-merchant rather than someone interested in the actual truth of the matter.
Interesting article from Adi Ophir on ZNet.
t is not this assault that has turned Gaza into a human pen. The closure started during the 1991 Gulf war, released somewhat during the Oslo years, tightened forcefully when the second Intifada started in October 2000, and then, after the disengagement in August 2005, turned into a full fledge military siege. Without employing much power, simply by closing the Strip, preventing the movement of people and commodities, restricting the flow of gas and electricity, letting the already collapsing sewage system collapse, Israel has turned the Strip into a zone of emergency. Seasonal outbursts of direct military violence that recur at least once a year since 2002 ("Operation Defensive Shield") multiply victims but do not change the basic structure of Israeli domination. In the zone of emergency the entire population has lost -- in the eyes of the Israeli sovereign -- its political status, and has become a mixture of terrorists, suspects, and clients of humanitarian aid. As such Gaza is a laboratory of catastrophization. The present assault is not a war of one army against another, neither a war of a regular army against a guerilla organization, and not even or not simply a war of a regular army against an armed militia. Notwithstanding intentions and justifications, the scope of destruction and the number of civilian casualties are first and foremost a temporary change in the mode of catastrophization: airplane bombs are added to the closure, artillery shells go hand in hand with the cutoff of electricity and the destruction of the sewage system. Catastrophization and not the infliction of a large scale disaster, because the humanitarian corridor is always open. Israel will not let a true humanitarian catastrophe happen in Gaza. There are no final solutions in this conflict, and there won't be one here as well. Israel governs Gaza by an ongoing measured and calculated catastrophization that becomes more brutal, deadly and shameless with each wave of violence. More is yet to come.
Zachor's refusal to engage in discussion about anything that is less than flattering to Israel's claimed stance suggests that s/hes a propaganda-merchant rather than someone interested in the actual truth of the matter.

It might also suggest that Zachor is a chickenshit chickenhawk.
Own goal:

Israel disqualifies Arab parties

The Central Election Committee (CEC)voted overwhelmingly to ban the United Arab List-Ta'al (UAL-Ta'al) and Balad, accusing them of supporting terrorism.

"This racist government want us out of the Knesset during the war on Gaza," Mr Tibi told the BBC's Fouad Abu-ghosh.

"They are accusing us of supporting the terror while they are killing children in Gaza," he added.
Canadian (CBC) news piece on some video footage from a while back that's only just come to light:
"The Video idfnadesk Doesn't Want You to See"
Own goal:

The 30-member panel voted 26-3 with one abstention to disqualify Balad, and voted 21-3 with eight abstentions to disqualify UAL-Ta'al.

The committee is composed of representatives from Israel's major political parties.

The measure was proposed by the National Union and Israel Beiteinu, two ultra-nationalist parties.

Great. :rolleyes:
The Simon Mayo show on Radio 5 yesterday gave a large part of the program over to an american israeli judge who has released a book.

He talked a lot about the suffering of his people. Unless I missed it, the current situation was not commented upon.
There is propaganda and there is also silencing other voices.

Interesting that the media building in Gaza which houses several media outlets including Reuters has been either shelled or bombed today according to the Canada News Wire:


It does seem like the US in their first year or two in Iraq and the Israelis today are working from very similar doctrines, particularly regarding the 'information war' doesn't it?
Perhaps we should have whip round to but some black stetsons for the IDF

The yanks may just spot who the baddies are if they are dressed in a way they can actually follow
You are joking, aren't you?

Shin Bet and Aman have (like Britain's MI5) access to US sigint and real time satellite data. They have just as much chance of intercepting and interdicting the guilty parties as the British state's military and intelligence apparatus did of doing the same with Irish republican ASUs.
The sad fact is that the Qassam attacks provide a cheap (in terms of Israeli lives) excuse for the state of Israel to invade the Gaza strip, so there's no percentage in interception.

Whilst the dumbass palestinian freedom fighters of whatever group or persuasion keep using violence it ALLOWS Israel to 'retaliate'.

Didn't a certain Indian GENTLEMAN ( and I use that word completly accurately in context to his actions) defeat the largest Empire ever seen?
And how did he do it???


It is not rocket science , sorry for the analogy lol, but stop giving Israel any cause to retaliate and see what happens.
Perhaps if Hamas ,Hezbollah ,Iran et all, 'sat on their hands' for a change change might come about?
Yeah, but Ghandi was able to do what he did precisely because the British govt of the time were (mostly) not a bunch of psychotic mass murdering bastards.
Whilst the dumbass palestinian freedom fighters of whatever group or persuasion keep using violence it ALLOWS Israel to 'retaliate'.
Both sides can suggest that THE OTHER side stop. It takes balls to be the first to stop as it does not always work.
BBC News said:
Israel and the US have signed a deal to halt the smuggling of arms into Gaza - a key Israeli demand.

I'm starting to wonder if a Kosovo type action is in the making - intervene on behalf of one side in a situation which demands action. Except in this case the intervention would be on behalf of the dominant force.
Yeah, but Ghandi was able to do what he did precisely because the British govt of the time were (mostly) not a bunch of psychotic mass murdering bastards.

Sorry?? check up on your history sonshine.

In every conflict involving the Empire ovewhelming force was used against 'the enemy'
Whilst the dumbass palestinian freedom fighters of whatever group or persuasion keep using violence it ALLOWS Israel to 'retaliate'.

Didn't a certain Indian GENTLEMAN ( and I use that word completly accurately in context to his actions) defeat the largest Empire ever seen?
And how did he do it???


It is not rocket science , sorry for the analogy lol, but stop giving Israel any cause to retaliate and see what happens.
Perhaps if Hamas ,Hezbollah ,Iran et all, 'sat on their hands' for a change change might come about?

No i think you'll find there was a lot of violence and disorder in India.

The idea that Gandhi and non-violence were the reason the British left is a myth.
Didn't a certain Indian GENTLEMAN ( and I use that word completly accurately in context to his actions) defeat the largest Empire ever seen?

And how did he do it???

No, he didn't.

Gandhi called off each of his campaigns of purely non-violent civil disobedience whenever he felt they were getting out of his control, or became violent, his last major one ended in 1931.

The 'Quit India' campaign in 1942 used the slogan 'do or die', and included attacks on anything seen as a symbol of British authority, such as courts, police stations (from which arms were looted), power lines, railway lines, post offices, telephone lines, revenue offices, were sabotaged, set on fire or occupied.

Over 250 railway stations, 500 post offices and 150 police stations were damaged or destroyed in the first week alone. There were also bombings in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Bombay.

"I always thought that I would have to wait till the country was ready for a non-violent struggle. But my attitude has undergone a change. I feel that if I continue to wait I might have to wait till doomsday. [...] today we have to go a step further. We have to take the risk of violence to shake off the great calamity of slavery. [...] The people do not have my ahimsa. And therefore I have to take a risk, if I cannot curb their violence. I cannot remain inactive. I will certainly launch a non-violent movement. But if people do not understand it and there is violence, how can I stop it? I will prefer anarchy to the present system of administration because this ordered anarchy is worse than real anarchy. I am sure that the anarchy created by our efforts to mitigate this dangerous anarchy will be less dangerous. The violence exerted then would be just a trifle compared to the existing violence."
- Gandhi, 28th May 1942.

It is not rocket science , sorry for the analogy lol, but stop giving Israel any cause to retaliate and see what happens.
"Shut up and die" is not a reasonable position now, any more than it was when Gandhi said it about the Jews.
The other day some Israeli spokesperson said Israel had nearly reached their ''end goal'' in Gaza. Has anyone asked what this end goal was?
Maybe they meant to say "own goal"?

I think it could be that they want to weaken the Hamas infrastructure to the point that even when this invasion is over Hamas won't be capable of upholding their end of the deal, without Fatah or some third agent. No idea if that's actually viable on the ground.
UK press 'biased towards Israel'

The Israeli ambassador has received 2,000 per cent more media coverage than his Palestinian counterpart by the British media, according to a new report.

According to an Arab Media Watch (AMW) survey, from the time Israeli ambassador Ron Prosor took up his post at the end of 2007 until the end of 2008, there have been 40 items (news articles, commentaries, editorials and letters) either by him, quoting him or mentioning him in British national newspapers.

In contrast, during the same period, Ambassador Hassassian of Palestine has been mentioned only twice in the UK national press - both times in the Guardian, quoted in two articles by Middle East editor Ian Black.

"The non-reportage of Mr Hassassian is particularly regrettable because he is a voice of Palestinian moderation, peace and constructive dialogue," said London-based human rights campaigner Peter Thatchell.

"By denying him coverage, the press is handing a propaganda victory to Israel and Hamas and allowing the hawks on both sides to dominate the public debate."
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