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So why does Israel do what it does?

People quite rightly are quick to attack israel for its attacks on gaza or hamas .. but while we mostly agree that the israeli state is extreme nationalist quasi fascist i do not think many really wish to understand why this has arisen ..

why did the community minded land loving groups of zionists fleeing from anti semitism and later the holocaust ended up like this?

this understanding IS crucial as until you understand WHY Israel acts like this, they will not stop ..

what do i think? that anti semitism continues throughout the world, individually ( and we even see it on here ) and in govts, e.g. Iran and that until jewish people wherever they live feel they are secure wherever they live they will support and bankroll israel

zionism and and hamas are the same thing .. ultra nationalist reactions to racism and fascism .. they will only go away IF there is an alternative .. Israel thinks they can defeat hamas .. they can not .. and hamas thinks they can defeat israel .. they can not

but also fundamentally though while america thinks it can rule the world they will use israel to encourage nationalism and racism rather than unity

to stop this sad cycle we must do what we can to change society where we live in the hope that one day that will change the forces that currently drive these two peoples at each other

Israel cannot defeat Hamas? They can pound Gaza flat, and with a bit of luck, that is what they will do.

Rockets falling on Beersheba today, hardly the ' primitive' weapons that the deluded on these boards have claimed.

I have hopes that Israel will finally settle this this time.
If the Sudanese government had killed 300 people over the past week would there be this fuss. Would anyone actualy give a shit.

Some lives are worth a great deal more than others too many on this forum. :)

It is only Jewish lives that are worth nothing on this forum, Arab lives are sacrosanct.
Israel cannot defeat Hamas? They can pound Gaza flat, and with a bit of luck, that is what they will do.

Another genocidal fascist. Life on earth would be improved by at least 10% if somebody pounded your house flat with you inside it. Somebody give me a fighter jet and Sasaferrato's address and consider it done!
Option a) presupposes that HAMAS are responsible for the attacks. This thread contains ample evidence that other parties were also responsible.
Option b) is disingenuous, as you don't go into why HAMAS "refused both options" (obviously, doing so wouldn't favour your line of argument).

It's more simplistic still to suppose that anyone on this thread besides a couple have cranks have "lauded" HAMAS in any way at all, let alone as "revolutionaries" or "liberators".

Whether they're "murderers" or not, they're the legally-elected government of the Gaza strip, just as the murderers of IRGUN and the Stern gang were part of the legally-elected government of the state of Israel.

Fine. Gaza is free to elect the murdering scum of Hamas, who are then free to attack Israel. This has happened. Israel has responded. Where is your problem?
I disagree. Black African lives are also of no real concern to our heros round here. You can kill a couple of million of them (as in the great war of Africa [Congo]) and urban is most nonplussed.

There has barely been a year of my life where there has not been conflict of some sort in Africa. No one seems to care terribly much.
Yawn - the old tactics of South Afrikkka's apologists: "Look over there, it's much worse! Hands off plucky little South Africa!"
Israel cannot defeat Hamas? They can pound Gaza flat, and with a bit of luck, that is what they will do.

Rockets falling on Beersheba today, hardly the ' primitive' weapons that the deluded on these boards have claimed.

I have hopes that Israel will finally settle this this time.

Very reluctantly I have to agree with you. Hamas can be beaten and then maybe hopefully the Palestinians will be better off. VP said that I accused him of being a Hamas apologist, that I was not doing I was making a general comment on the British Left's position. I also agree that its naive to talk down the weaponary of the Hamas terrorists. Beersheba is much further away than either of the other targets for Hamas rockets. Hope Beersheba is OK I'm supposed to be visiting there at the end of May.

I personally don't want to see Gaza flattened but I do want to see those such as Hamas who want to stand in the path of a negotiated settlement dealt with.

And it does seem like much of the attitudes on here do undervalue Jewish lives when compared to Palestinian lives. That is equaly as wrong as the opposite view IMO. I don't want civilians on either side to be killed but this cannot be avoided in a battle against Hamas a terrorist group that cares nothing for the people it is supposed to be responsible for in Gaza.
I disagree. Black African lives are also of no real concern to our heros round here. You can kill a couple of million of them (as in the great war of Africa [Congo]) and urban is most nonplussed.

That I also agree with. The disgusting attitude of some posters of 'leave Mugabe alone he is an elected African leader' is testament to that.
That I also agree with. The disgusting attitude of some posters of 'leave Mugabe alone he is an elected African leader' is testament to that.

Lying little cunt. Why not try and address Spion and Bernie Gunther's points on the previous page? Is it cos your a lying little cunt (who supports mass murder)?
Lying little cunt. Why not try and address Spion and Bernie Gunther's points on the previous page? Is it cos your a lying little cunt (who supports mass murder)?

I'll go back to them when I'm fucking ready. You agressive little arselicker of Hamas and other terrorist scum.
Very reluctantly I have to agree with you. Hamas can be beaten and then maybe hopefully the Palestinians will be better off. VP said that I accused him of being a Hamas apologist, that I was not doing I was making a general comment on the British Left's position. I also agree that its naive to talk down the weaponary of the Hamas terrorists. Beersheba is much further away than either of the other targets for Hamas rockets. Hope Beersheba is OK I'm supposed to be visiting there at the end of May.

I personally don't want to see Gaza flattened but I do want to see those such as Hamas who want to stand in the path of a negotiated settlement dealt with.

And it does seem like much of the attitudes on here do undervalue Jewish lives when compared to Palestinian lives. That is equaly as wrong as the opposite view IMO. I don't want civilians on either side to be killed but this cannot be avoided in a battle against Hamas a terrorist group that cares nothing for the people it is supposed to be responsible for in Gaza.

Indeed. You wont get much support for that view on here though, they are mainly hard left and pro Arab.

Hamas can do no wrong, and Israel are brutal thugs.

It is anti-Semitism of the nastiest sort.

There is no surprise that the loudest condemnation is coming from Britain and France, two countries where anti-Semitism is on the increase.
Indeed. You wont get much support for that view on here though, they are mainly hard left and pro Arab.

Hamas can do no wrong, and Israel are brutal thugs.

It is anti-Semitism of the nastiest sort.

There is no surprise that the loudest condemnation is coming from Britain and France, two countries where anti-Semitism is on the increase.

you are SO full of shit.

I'm not hard left, I'm certainly not pro Hamas by any means. It is possible to condemn Israel without supporting Hamas you know.
i.e when you've invented some more lies.

Go on then, find one quote that shows I'm an "arselicker of Hamas" - wouldn't want to look like a lying little cunt would you?

How about all your posts on this thread where you are showing yourself as not in favour of justified attacks on Hamas. Plus your general 'student grant' faux revolutionary fuckwit attitudes to Israel.
How about all your posts on this thread where you are showing yourself as not in favour of justified attacks on Hamas. Plus your general 'student grant' faux revolutionary fuckwit attitudes to Israel.

So not being in favour of Israel committing war crimes and killings hundreds of people is being an "arselicker of Hamas" in Zachor world. Well there you have it - what a fucking bellend.

You've failed to come up with the goods again Zachor - the story of your life.
I personally don't want to see Gaza flattened but I do want to see those such as Hamas who want to stand in the path of a negotiated settlement dealt with.
You're a brazen liar. Hamas has sought negotiations and a ceasefire, as attested to by the head of Shin Bet.

What kind of person are you that can lie so much?
Einstein's letter to the NYT regarding Menachem Begin's new political party, which eventually gave rise to Likud and took power a couple of decades later with predictable consequences.

Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine.

The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States. Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome his visit. It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughout the world, if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin's political record and perspectives, could add their names and support to the movement he represents.<snip: including account of Deir Yassin massacre>

The discrepancies between the bold claims now being made by Begin and his party, and their record of past performance in Palestine bear the imprint of no ordinary political party. This is the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a "Leader State" is the goal.

In the light of the foregoing considerations, it is imperative that the truth about Mr. Begin and his movement be made known in this country. It is all the more tragic that the top leadership of American Zionism has refused to campaign against Begin's efforts, or even to expose to its own constituents the dangers to Israel from support to Begin.

The undersigned therefore take this means of publicly presenting a few salient facts concerning Begin and his party; and of urging all concerned not to support this latest manifestation of fascism.
You're a brazen liar. Hamas has sought negotiations and a ceasefire, as attested to by the head of Shin Bet.

What kind of person are you that can lie so much?

Hmmm... I wonder if a kicking has anything to do with their sudden desire for peace.

Who broke the existing truce? Was it Israel? No. That's right, it was Hamas.

Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.
Just out of interest Sass, since the Quassam rockets being used are pretty similar to the provos home-made rockets, and about as effective, would you have considered it reasonable and desireable to bomb West Belfast flat?
Just out of interest Sass, since the Quassam rockets being used are pretty similar to the provos home-made rockets, and about as effective, would you have considered it reasonable and desireable to bomb West Belfast flat?

Nope. Our government sold out to the filth. They now, Protestant and Catholic, sit in government. It would make you vomit.

Edited to add:

A 38 mile range belies your assertion the they are ineffective.
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