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Greatest Guitar Solo ever


Well-Known Member
For the record, it would have to be the solo in 'Paranoid Android' by Radiohead.

But others have occasionally disagreed. :p

Just for a Laugh :)

And how would you rate it?
This thread has come up before some years ago, and my answer is the same - Eddie Van Halen on Michael Jackson's "Beat It".

Sure, there'll be lots of scornful opinions, but EVH was on top of his octave twisting game on that record.
I rate Knopfler as well but it would have to be between Julian Bream and Segovia. I heard Segovia live many years ago. Then there is always Hendrix.
I really like the guitar solo on the Smashing Pumpkins' version of 'Landslide', but its in a different vein from the ones above.
Joey Santiago on 'Hey' by the pixies, most singers can't put that much expression into a handful of notes never mind guitarists.

Either that or Mick Ronson on Bowie's 'Hang on to Yourself' :cool:
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