I suppose the main point of this news, from the sceptic camp, is that if 31,000 American scientists disagree with the theory of global warming, then the there can't be a scientific "consensus" about the truth of anthropogenic global warming. (AGW) So boo to you, you global warming scare-mongers, put that in your chimney and smoke it.
This claim is utter nonsense, it is beneath any intelligent person's dignity to bother to reply to it, and just goes to show how supremely stupid climate warming deniers are. But, here we go again, let's examine their claim in a bit more detail. First, how many "scientists" are there in the US? In other words, how many people with science degrees live and work in the US? If you look this up on Google you find the answer here.
Google answers brings up figures from the "Department of Professional Employees" and this is the quote: "Reflecting the importance of advanced technologies to an expanding global economy, employment in science and engineering dramatically increased during the second half of the twentieth century. According to government sources, the number of scientists increased from 150,000 to 2,685,000 between 1950 and 2001" In other words, whilst 31,000 scientists sounds impressive, that number is just 1.15% of the total number of scientists in the US. If one can make a (broad) assumption that anyone who didn't sign this petition (which has been circulating for ten years) doesn't agree with it, this means that 98.85% of scientists in the US support the theory of AGW, or at least support it enough or are neutral enough not to be bothered to sign the petition.
My dictionary states that "consensus" means broad or widespread agreement. If 98.85% is not a consensus, I would appreciate global warming sceptics explaining exactly what they mean by the word consensus. Or alternatively, you could say that only 31,000 scientist in the US bothering to sign this petition over ten years is adequate and irrefutable proof that there is indeed, as everyone knows, a massive scientific consensus about AGW.