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Alex jones podcast

Got the podcast on.

High-velocity squids they're talking about . . .

Plus some guy called Troy wants to fix the radiator but is probably scamming.

Very odd.
Thing is from post 84 I have not been linking to thatDoc, i have been linking to Olbermann reports. One time I couldn't find the link on You Tube so I linked to where the report was contained in that documentary.

I will se if if I can find it else where, but that doc, seems beside the point now to my posts from 84 on.

I take your point about calling for a new investigation. No i've no idea, and getting a satisfactory one would be unlikely.
One thing I would say is in relation to 911 commission co-chairman, Lee Hamiltons comments.

He has said that that there are lots of questions unanswered, because they where given little time or money to do the investigation. He said it felt as if they where being set up to fail. I think they where only given a year, and 3 million dollars which he said was not enough time or money. The investigation into Clinton's affair was given about 64 million dollars.

So I do not think there where any problems with the personal on the last commission, just that they where not given enough time, money and possibly co-operation.

A new commission could take the last report as its starting point, be given indefinate time and money (within reason), and learn lessons about how to get access to information, co-operation and look at points for further investigation or unanswered questions.

As to who should sit on the commission, I'm not sure the last lot would want to do it again, but they found, the people last time, so perhaps it should not be a problem there.
Here are some beams from the WTC rubble. There was no reason for cleanup crews to do this kind of cut unless they wanted the beam to come down on their heads.
That kind of cut is made with a linear shaped charge, and it is used in demolitions, it makes the top part slide over the bottom part and the building falls :




Mystery solved.
The only way to find out the truth is to find some clean up people and ask them about those beams
paimei01 said:
...There was no reason for cleanup crews to do this kind of cut unless they wanted the beam to come down on their heads. ...

Oh so this guy is doing it all wrong acording to you.

paimei01 said:
There was no reason for cleanup crews to do this kind of cut unless they wanted the beam to come down on their heads.
Mystery solved.
The only way to find out the truth is to find some clean up people and ask them about those beams

Yep. Those clean-up crews were definitely involved somehow.

That is of course, the same clean-up crews whom have possibly been exposed to both mental and long-term health problems due to their humanitarian compulsion to help out in an unimaginable tragedy.


You despisable little twat.
Who said the clean up crew were involved ? I want to ask them if they did cut those beams or they found them that way.
paimei01 said:
Who said the clean up crew were involved ? I want to ask them if they did cut those beams or they found them that way.

Do you not think one of them went "gee how weird these beams look like they were cut. How strange! Anyone fancy another bud?"
paimei01 said:
Who said the clean up crew were involved ? I want to ask them if they did cut those beams or they found them that way.
You mean did they cut them in the way that I showed one ACTUALLY doing so? whats the betting the cutter he is using is also a thermic/al lance?
Do those cuts look like demolition cuts ?
The only way to find out is to ask the cleanup crew.
MikeMcc yes I started a new thread
paimei01 said:
Do those cuts look like demolition cuts ?

You know the difference between demolition cuts, and the cuts made by clean up and rescue teams?

The only way to find out is to ask the cleanup crew.
MikeMcc yes I started a new thread

paimei01 said:
I want to ask them if they did cut those beams or they found them that way.

Oh, I'm sure many of them will be delighted to have an idiot like you ask them inane questions about a time in their life they'd probably rather forget whilst they're coughing and weezing their guts up.

You're such a brave little truth-seeking hero aren't you? :rolleyes:
In my country the minister for foreign affairs had to resign because he failed to tell the public in time when some journalists were taken hostage in Iraq, they were rescued , but he still lost his post just for not telling in time.

In Japan the minister of transportation resigned because a few trains were a few minutes late. No dead people, but he resigned.

9/11 was not the first time planes went of the course. There are written manuals with instructions for what to do in that case.
If the reason for 9/11 was incompetence tell me who was fired ?
3000 dead and not 1 incompetent fired ?

I would see like something very normal for some army guy being fired for organizing too many exercise missions and leaving America defenseless, easy prey for any arab with a passenger plane
Just fired, not killed not in prison, just "go wash the floors, you are no longer a general"
1 resignation is all I want . Something like "sorry I was stupid, I resign" from the army or from the flight controllers.
Nobody was fired for incompetence, the terrorist were so skilled that the US army was no match
Coincidence (for confusion) : some exercises taking place on 9/11 were about hijacked planes that were to be crashed into buildings.
"We did not know" does not work
I say again, you haven't got a fucking clue. What sort of ignorant prat thinks the army have anything to do with aircraft going off course?
This kind of an "ignorant prat" :
The U.S. Capitol was evacuated last evening after a small plane flying at a rapid clip entered Washington's restricted airspace and prompted a scramble by federal officials to launch fighter jets and other aircraft to intercept the plane

the Learjet was shadowed by Air Force and Air National Guard jet fighters, whose pilots reported that the aircraft's windows were frosted over, suggesting that it had lost pressurization
This one is from 1999
Air force != Army

Those links state air force and air national guard, (reserve air force) not the bloody army you twasock.

Even with linguistic errors taken into account you're an idiot.
That is all you have to say ? You diverted the discussion from my question about why was nobody fired.
The document revoked the default standing orders to shoot down errant or hijacked aircraft and instructed them instead to stand down until they were given orders by the President, Vice President or Secretary of Defense.
Rumsfeld put a third party in between the ATC and the Air Defense Controller responsible for scrambling interceptors —the Pentagon.
This one is from June 2001

A little "I am sorry I did not do my job" would be very normal
That'd be a : "Oh yes, you're right Bob_The_Lost, i got confused" then? I don't want you to abase yourself, hell, i don't even ask for your resignation for your cockup, but an admission of error would be nice.

If you want me to rip into the other things you get horrifically wrong then you've got to be kidding. There is no motivation to correct you if you're only going to start throwing a tantrum.
What facts do I get wrong ? I cannot get it all wrong - you agree that 9/11 happened ?
Look what the russians did 20 years ago, when a german student flew a little plane into soviet airspace and landed in the Red Square :

The Soviet Reaction. The CPSU Politburo attributed the
occurrence to "intolerable unconcern and indecision" as well as
"negligence, a lack of organization . . , a lack of due
vigilance and discipline, and major dereliction of duty" on the
part of those responsible for defending Soviet airspace.[2] With
these damning words, on May 30 the Politburo dismissed Chief
Marshal of Aviation Aleksandr Koldunov as Commander-In-Chief of
the Air Defense Forces and Deputy Minister of Defense.

According to the document from the post above : Rumsfeld or Cheney or someone at the Pentagon should have been the one to give the orders to intercept - because the procedure was changed right on time in July 2001, the interceptors needed approval from the Pentagon it was not a default procedure as in 1999
Also there were so many exercises, some of them involving hijacked planes and buildings hit by them, that America was "defenseless"
But nobody was told "you did not do your job" or "you were stupid to send all the jets away" and nobody resigned.
Because they did their job and allowed 9/11 to happen
The document you link to is interesting Paimai. As has been discussed on previous pages, there is clearly a need for a new 911 investigation, a ‘part 2’ if you like, where the commission would be given the time and money needed to do full a full investigation, and answer as many points as possible satisfactorily.

I have shown how the 911 commission has been frustrated, set up to fail according to comitee Co-chairman Lee Hamilton. Also we have seen the major decision errors, with the Bush administration actively persuing a policy in its first months in office that could well have led to disaster (see this ).

We have repeated ignored warnings at the very top level (albeit with hindsight.
To add insult to injury we seemingly have this government using the terror threat to scare and distract the media every time revelations of its negligence, incompetence, lies etc. come into the news.
(MSNBC news report at 1;32 of this collection of reports. I do not endorse the film 'The Ultimate Con' linked to! So please, do not start derailing me, talking about how I am linking to CT films, I am telling you about a specific news report which I unfortunately could not find elsewhere :mad: )

Now you raise this particular document which appears to be interesting, particularly because of its timing (July 2001) and subject – Decisions for dealing with hi-jacked aircraft to be overseen by Sec. of Def. Rumsfeld.
As we know from the commission report, Dick Cheney was in fact in top level control of the airforce operations on the morning of 911, specifically at NORAD.

Page A-2, section C, for example states that the deployment of aircraft in a hi-jacking emergency must be first authorized by Sec.of Def. Rumsfeld.

Why where Cheney and Rumsfeld so concerned with this? it seems they where concerned enough about the threat of Hijacking in June 2001.
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