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Rhubarb is here big time


Active Member
I shit you not folks but I must have at least a binbag full of rhubarb that's ready to be cropped, and more shortly after this is.
I,m gonna knock some rhubarb Jam and wine up again this year cos it was fuckin lovely and I got well sozzled on a numba of occasions with the wine:p .

Ive just been having a mooch about ont tinternet and found this recipe for strawberry rhubarb mead, it looks like the sorta thing that would be really tasty, and blow yer socks off to boot

Strawberry Rhubarb Mead
1 gallon water
3 lbs. honey
4 cups chopped rhubarb
1 qt. strawberrys
2 packets of ale/beer yeast

for details on how to make this mead

Post you Rhubarb ideas here:)
Rhubarb and stem ginger ice cream. :cool:
(mix a large carton of double cream with a large carton of natural yog. Stir in some cooled stewed rhubarb and a some chopped stem ginger and sugar to taste. (I like it pretty sharp rather than sweet) Freeze in a tupperware container, stirring it vigorously after half an hour and every 30 mins till it gets hard, to break up ice crystals.
Your bones are going to hate you in later life - rhubarb is not kniwn as "the thief of calcium" for nothing. :p
pogofish said:
Your bones are going to hate you in later life - rhubarb is not kniwn as "the thief of calcium" for nothing. :p
so rhubarb inhibit calcium absorption / leach calcium from yer bones? why does it do this? (while you are typing your reply i'll be looking for answeres on wikipedia / google but do let us know anyway)

Rhubarb is high in calcium. Unfortunately, the calcium is in the form of calcium oxalate, which blocks absorption of calcium not only from the ingested rhubarb itself, but also from any other food eaten at the same time.
Cooking converts the oxalic acid into an inorganic crystalline form which can build up into kidney stones. Those who tend to develop kidney stones with oxalate content should avoid rhubarb.
I adore rhubarb, and although I can grow it in my pots it never really grows properly :(

NH - can Ihave some of yours please?
oxalic acid is only in the leaf of the Rhubarb and since the leaf is poison and we dont eat it anyway I dont think Rhubarb is actually that bad for you
No NH, Oxalic is right through the rhubarb. However, it only concentrates an immediately dangerous dose in the leaf, so the stems remain edible. The Oxalate however is the more pressing but cumulative problem. Occasionally, fine but if you have a lot & eat it regularly, expect problems long-term. :(
pogofish said:
No NH, Oxalic is right through the rhubarb. However, it only concentrates an immediately dangerous dose in the leaf, so the stems remain edible. The Oxalate however is the more pressing but cumulative problem. Occasionally, fine but if you have a lot & eat it regularly, expect problems long-term. :(

I thought the levels in the stem were really low, like not worth bothering about?
I wonder what making wine with Rhubarb does to the Oxalic, you any idea Pogo?:)
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