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9/11 media happenings

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fela fan said:
I don't even know what the protec report is mate. I don't care. I retain an interest in 911, but in my opinion the climate is wrong at the moment for any attempts to investigate the lunatics who made so many mistakes leading up to the day and on the day itself, and to hold them responsible.

911 i'm afraid is symptomatic of the way the hegemony is allowed to continue its rampant path to destroying so much of the world's humanity and natural world. When people really want to take care of each other and their planet, then the likes of 911 will be properly investigated by impartial and independent people.

Until then, rule by deception and self-delusion will continue.
So, you want the truth, but can't be arsed to read a document that has been referred to and linked to for the last few 10s of pages. One that completely refutes the idea of a controlled demolition. But you still want to be taken seriously?
MikeMcc said:
So, you want the truth, but can't be arsed to read a document that has been referred to and linked to for the last few 10s of pages. One that completely refutes the idea of a controlled demolition. But you still want to be taken seriously?

No mike, i don't care if i'm taken seriously or not. I don't care what anybody thinks about me, coz there's nowt i can do about it, and nowt i wanna do about it.

I'm unsure about the controlled demolition. While it seems to me there was one, i find it very difficult to imagine how it was all set up, and done so without anybody noticing.

And y'see, from my position, which i've mentioned a few times down the years, i don't really believe anything or anybody (except science) outside of my own experiences. I've seen how 'experts' get it wrong, i've seen how people lie according to the agenda they're on. I've seen the machinations of politicians and those in power, protecting their power.

So any report that says categorically it was this or that, or wasn't this or wasn't that, well that's all it says. It doesn't mean that it's the truth. I'm sceptical of all versions of 911, and until stuff goes to the court none of us will ever know.

But the likes of you and many others here seem to have taken the position that it was not lihop or mihop, seem to somehow categorically know it wasn't an inside job, and seem to have plenty of evidence that it wasn't. YOU ALL SEEM TO KNOW. I don't know. But up to you mate, if that protec report categorically says it wasn't a CD on the towers, then you just go ahead and believe it. And if you think i'm a nutjob, then you just go ahead and think that man.

Who the fuck cares? It's only life mate.
editor said:
Then what the fuck are you doing in a debate about it?

I'm not in a debate about any protec report. This thread is about 911. It was about the media happenings of 911, but i think we can say that that stopped one or two pages back...
fela fan said:
I'm not in a debate about any protec report. This thread is about 911. It was about the media happenings of 911, but i think we can say that that stopped one or two pages back...
More like one or two page in! That's part of the reason why the Protec report has taken on a life of it's own, it has become such a major document because it is so conclusive.
MikeMcc said:
More like one or two page in! That's part of the reason why the Protec report has taken on a life of it's own, it has become such a major document because it is so conclusive.

Yeah i know, i was dealing in the opposite of exaggeration whatever that is!

You've actually made me curious to maybe read this report, because of your words 'so conclusive'.

If you have the time and inclination mike, perhaps you can tell this sceptic of experts and conclusiveness what makes you accept its findings as being fact?

Also, if you know where it is, a link to the report? At over a hundred pages it'll be a bit of a search to find it...
beesonthewhatnow said:
Just google "protec report 9/11"

Okay, just done that. I'm sorry if this is repeated stuff on this thread (but then at over 100 pages this might not be the first time!), but if i've got the right thing, then i cannot for the life of me equate this report with mike's words that it

"completely refutes the idea of a controlled demolition"


"is so conclusive."

I read this, not all of it, but after establishing to my mind that the authors have signposted some kind of agenda in writing it, i stopped. They seemed at great pains to bolster both their own integrity, and to display objectivity. If one has integrity and objectivity, it is not necessary to spend time establishing it.

This report is an example of why i find it difficult to trust anything out there that has not been proven by science.

http://www.implosionworld.com/Article-WTC STUDY 8-06 w clarif as of 9-8-06 .pdf

Incidentally, just who is, or what is implosionworld??
fela fan said:
Okay, just done that. I'm sorry if this is repeated stuff on this thread (but then at over 100 pages this might not be the first time!), but if i've got the right thing, then i cannot for the life of me equate this report with mike's words that it

"completely refutes the idea of a controlled demolition"


"is so conclusive."

I read this, not all of it, but after establishing to my mind that the authors have signposted some kind of agenda in writing it, i stopped. They seemed at great pains to bolster both their own integrity, and to display objectivity. If one has integrity and objectivity, it is not necessary to spend time establishing it.

This report is an example of why i find it difficult to trust anything out there that has not been proven by science.

http://www.implosionworld.com/Article-WTC STUDY 8-06 w clarif as of 9-8-06 .pdf

Incidentally, just who is, or what is implosionworld??
Given that they are posting about such a contentious subject with all of the theories that have been published I would say that was absolutely essential for them to give the information to those who aren't in the industry to show the credentials that they have.

It's a pity you didn't bother to read the asssertions that were made in the document.

Implosionworld appears to be an industry news webpage where different companies can post up the work they are doing, news stories, etc. It's a trade site in the same way that Drives & Controls is for the industry that I am in.
I did go on to reading a few of their assertions, and that to me is exactly what they were, 'assertions'. I'd like to ask you though how you can read assertions and then take this to be conclusive evidence that they are talking factually and truthfully. Assertions = conclusive evidence??

The industry i'm in is language, and i'm sorry mike, but before they even get to their assertions the language they've used makes it all look so very dodgy.

Incidentally, even if not you personally, many have cautioned against taking stuff from the internet and producing it as evidence for one's position.

I'd take that protec report with a tiny pinch of salt.
fela fan said:
No mike, i don't care if i'm taken seriously or not. I don't care what anybody thinks about me, coz there's nowt i can do about it, and nowt i wanna do about it.

I'm unsure about the controlled demolition. While it seems to me there was one, i find it very difficult to imagine how it was all set up, and done so without anybody noticing.

So You're unsure it's a controlled demolition you just cannot be arsed reading a report by a Control Demolition company into the events of 911.

Are you high or just retarded?
fela fan said:
I'd take that protec report with a tiny pinch of salt.
But you stated you didn't bother to read it! Did you read it or not?

Jazzz said:
okay, I'll do the first three, unless you choose otherwise. But you may have to wait until tomorrow
Been a few days now
Loki said:
But you stated you didn't bother to read it! Did you read it or not?

Now now loki, you're not reading very closely! I said i 'did go on to reading....'.

And when i did come to reading it some of what they said i felt seemed reasonable to me as a layman. But no more than reasonable, and nothing at all to do with being conclusive.
Loki said:
Yoohoo, you said you gave up reading it, right here

Loki, sorry, i'm beginning to get a memory that english is not your first language? I'm only saying that because 'i did go on to...' means that having not done something i then indicate that i then did do that something.

I recall with great clarity that post of mine, and the fact that after it i then went back to the article when i had a bit more time. My curiosity had been piqued by mike.
fela fan said:
Loki, sorry, i'm beginning to get a memory that english is not your first language?
pls explain if my understanding of this sentence is wrong:

fela said:
I read this, not all of it, but after establishing to my mind that the authors have signposted some kind of agenda in writing it, i stopped

So have you read it all?
Loki said:
pls explain if my understanding of this sentence is wrong:

So have you read it all?

I read the preamble. Then several hours after saying that i'd not read any more of it, i returned to answer mike because by that time i'd read a lot of the actual assertions in the article. I made that clear to mike by saying that i "did go on to reading...", which i did several hours before that post, and subsequent to the post you keep on quoting.

If you can't be arsed mate, don't start it all off! My language is perfectly clear, and i'm here to continue this with you until you ignore me or accept that you've not read things properly. All in the interests of not being mistaken you understand!
8den said:
So You're unsure it's a controlled demolition you just cannot be arsed reading a report by a Control Demolition company into the events of 911.

Are you high or just retarded?
To be fair Protec aren't a CD company. They are structural vibration specialists who record details of a wide range of demolitions so that they can advise construction and demolition firms.
MikeMcc said:
To be fair Protec aren't a CD company. They are structural vibration specialists who record details of a wide range of demolitions so that they can advise construction and demolition firms.

I know I've read the report, and just fired off yet another frustrated response, in a "Oh FFS" mindset.

I'm fed of FF making announcements about his worldview without presenting a shred of evidence to support why this is his worldview.
8den said:
I'm fed of FF making announcements about his worldview without presenting a shred of evidence to support why this is his worldview.

But FF has mirrors, you see. He don't need no steenking "evidence", still less any of that effete European "intersubjectivity". Like the conspiranoids, he has revelation.

* Goes off to look up definitions of "psychosis" *
laptop said:
* Goes off to look up definitions of "psychosis" *
Ah now! That's where you're going wrong, don't you see!

You are going to look up the appropriate defintion. What you should be doing is making one up which perfectly fits your needs ... :p
Does anyone object if I change this thread to read: "9/11 conspiracy discussion*" seeing as that's what it's almost entirely made up of.

(*"discussion" being a rather generous description of what's been happening here. )
editor said:
Does anyone object if I change this thread to read: "9/11 conspiracy discussion*" seeing as that's what it's almost entirely made up of.

(*"discussion" being a rather generous description of what's been happening here. )

Is 911 conspiracy bollocks too contraversial?

And yes laptop seeing as FF is offended by my use of facts and logic he cannot respond to me, mirrors offend him. Unless they are those fun house mirrors that distort things. He's down with those.
8den said:
Is 911 conspiracy bollocks too contraversial?

And yes laptop seeing as FF is offended by my use of facts and logic he cannot respond to me, mirrors offend him. Unless they are those fun house mirrors that distort things. He's down with those.

Oi stalker, i told you to stop bothering me. I told you i'd not be engaging in any debate with you, yet you continue to stalk no doubt praying for some kind of reaction from me: well you have one now, enjoy it, it's gonna be yer only one. You're a serial offender, and need to do some growing up. I'll give you a few years yet before you can behave properly.

Now, stop stalking people, you internet creep.
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