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Has Shayler Lost the Plot?

A reminder (from the New Statesman)

Then things really go off the rails. I ask Shayler if it's true he has become a "no planer" - that is, someone who believes that no planes at all were involved in the 9/11 atrocity.
... "Oh, fuck it, I'm just going to say this," he tells her. "Yes, I believe no planes were involved in 9/11." But we all saw with our own eyes the two planes crash into the WTC.
"The only explanation is that they were missiles surrounded by holograms made to look like planes," he says. "Watch the footage frame by frame and you will see a cigar-shaped missile hitting the World Trade Center." He must notice that my jaw has dropped. "I know it sounds weird, but this is what I believe."
100% nutter!
In the old days, whistleblowers had car accidents or fell out of high windows.

Nowadays, they go quietly insane.

I suppose that could be considered progress.
hipipol said:
I know cos a man I know, disguised as a rogue CIA Dog_Robot told me all about it yesterday in the park. (It was hard to decypher its woofs as Morse at first, but I stuck with it)

The BBC's "Heaven and Earth Show" certainly has lost the plot. They just had both Shayler and that USAian theologist David Griffin guy on the show talking about the catastrophic failure of the various WTC structures.

But guess what? Our faith-based brethren saw no need to have any reality-based demolition experts on hand to counter the studied ignorance and misinformation handed out by the religiously deluded.
Jazzz said:
Why? Just out of interest, what's so bizarre about holograms?
A plane-sized flying hologram fooling the entire world? Vanishing planes? Disappearing pilots? Vamoosing passengers? Perfectly mimiced deeply personal calls?

Get a grip on fucking reality before it's too late mate.
er, I think Jazzz is asking a general question about holograms- he's already stated his opinion on what the planes were- drones, not holograms.

I respect shayler, but it does seem an odd opinion for him to form. the NS article is just a hit piece; there's a conspiracy 'set' now is there? what bollocks.

I personally think that shayler is wrong that missiles surrounded by holograms (if that is in fact what he believes, and not just made up by the journalist) crashed into the towers. however, that doesn't automatically make him wrong about everything. or indeed, 'bonkers'.

was Euan Blair poisoned? I don't know, don't know the details... but it would seem to be in line with the general MO of some of the intelligence services... especially given the subsequent farrago with ministers resigning... as a means to force Blair out of government some time before he planned to go...
editor said:
A plane-sized flying hologram fooling the entire world? Vanishing planes? Disappearing pilots? Vamoosing passengers? Perfectly mimiced deeply personal calls?
no-one in this thread has made any of the above claims, ed. David Shayler made the first claim, and no-one here has agreed with the opinion. you are creating a straw man argument.
snouty warthog said:
no-one in this thread has made any of the above claims, ed. David Shayler made the first claim, and no-one here has agreed with the opinion. you are creating a straw man argument.
Err, the thread title is, " Has Shayler Lost the Plot?"

Shayler says that holograms hit the WTC.

I'd strongly suggest that anyone who believes that holograms hit the WTC has indeed lost the plot. It is an extraordinarily bizarre suggestion.

And I believe that makes my post absolutely on topic, thanks.
snouty warthog said:
I personally think that shayler is wrong that missiles surrounded by holograms (if that is in fact what he believes, and not just made up by the journalist) crashed into the towers. however, that doesn't automatically make him wrong about everything. or indeed, 'bonkers'.
Tell me how these world-fooling, expert deceiving "missiles surrounded by holograms made to look like planes" work then please.

With some recent examples of their use.

Because if they don't actually exist and Shayler believes in things that don't exist....well, I'm sure you can work it out from there.
MC5 said:
An agenda perhaps, rather than your suggestion of a bizarre mental condition?
To be honest, someone suggesting that we've all been decieved because the towers were in fact hit by some bizarre new sci-fi technology can only be described as something of a nutter in my book.
editor said:
Tell me how these world-fooling, expert deceiving "missiles surrounded by holograms made to look like planes" work then please.
well, first you get a big owl to sit in the cockpit, and he creates a laser beam with his eyes. then a big lizard refracts this beam with his crown chakra, and creates a force-field that looks just like a plane...

Ed, I didn't say I believed in the existence of any 'hologram plane'. so therefore I can't explain how it works. shayler's yr man for that. hologram planes may or may not be possible, however, I don't believe any holograms were used on 911. planted explosives, yes. holograms, no.

no-one in this thread has agreed with shayler's theory. some here have, somewhat hysterically in my perception, taken this as evidence of a total lack of sanity, whereas others have calmly said 'oh. I think he's wrong about that'... or 'oh- he's working to an MI5 disinfo brief to discredit those who would question the official story of 911'
snouty warthog said:
no-one in this thread has agreed with shayler's theory. some here have, somewhat hysterically in my perception, taken this as evidence of a total lack of sanity, whereas others have calmly said 'oh. I think he's wrong about that'...
I don't think he's insane.

I do think his "missiles surrounded by holograms" theory is bonkers though.

But I don't trust him, neither nor do I take anything he says at face value.
After all, he worked for the MI5.
editor said:
I don't think he's insane.

I do think his "missiles surrounded by holograms" theory is bonkers though.

But I don't trust him, neither nor do I take anything he says at face value.
After all, he worked for the MI5.
Shayler is not asking for anyone to 'trust' him.

What I am trying to ascertain is what it is particularly about the hologram suggestion (as opposed to other MIHOP strategies) that you feel is impossible and crazy. Or are you just going, blah blah holograms, blah nutjob (wave hands) ?
Jazzz said:
What I am trying to ascertain is what it is particularly about the hologram suggestion (as opposed to other MIHOP strategies) that you feel is impossible and crazy. Or are you just going, blah blah holograms, blah nutjob (wave hands) ?
Could you give me some working examples of these mysterious and massive "missiles surrounded by holograms" that were not only fully operational in 2001, but were so advanced that they would be able to fool every single person that saw them?
Jazzz said:
So you are saying BTL that it is technologically infeasible to pull off?
Are you saying that there is? If so i'm booking the holodeck for a couple of hours with a certain Cylon flight leuitennant...
Bob_the_lost said:
Are you saying that there is? If so i'm booking the holodeck for a couple of hours with a certain Cylon flight leuitennant...
Well, I don't know BtL. But unlike editor, I don't go around assuming that the $trillion US military can't have some very fancy stuff up it's sleeve that we don't know about.

And, having done a little bit of surfing on this, it seems extraordinary what is already in the public domain. Check out www.zebraimaging.com

Zebra Imaging makes digitally-mastered, actively-animated, true-color, full-parallax holographic images. These holographic images are available in full color, or in monochrome (green). Zebra’s holographic images can be scaled to any size, large or small. By tiling together multiple tiles, it is possible to create full sized cars, city maps, humans, and machinery. All you have to do is supply the digital data set--Zebra will do the rest.


You've never seen anything quite like it.

Zebra’s holographic images represent a dramatic leap forward in the science and art of three-dimensional imaging. Based on ground-breaking technologies developed over the course of fifteen years by world renown scientists, "Zebras" are today the most advanced, most unique, and, we believe, the most wildly dazzling 3D visualization tools in the world.

Is it real, or a Zebra holographic image?

Zebras are digitally-mastered, actively-animated, true-color, full-parallax holographic images of unlimited size. That means any object--real or imagined--can be the subject of a Zebra holographic image. Each can contain some motion or feature multiple images. Colors are sharp, vibrant and distortionless from every angle. The three-dimensional effect is visible as the viewer looks from side to side or up and down, with viewing angles of over 100 degrees. And, holographic images can be just as big as your ideas.

When you've seen a Zebra, you'll know.

""It's so real you might try to touch the image - but when you do, you come up with a handful of air."
Automotive Industries Magazine

"Zebra's methodology is light years ahead of traditional holography ...nothing short of revolutionary
Your brain isn't quite sure what to make of the whole thing."
Austin Chronicle

"an illusion as grand as any of Harry Houdini's"
Laser Focus World
Jazzz said:
Well, I don't know BtL. But unlike editor, I don't go around assuming that the $trillion US military can't have some very fancy stuff up it's sleeve that we don't know about.
So we're back to your 'no facts or proof needed' comic book super-technology fantasies again, just like your ridiculous claims about the "instant personality and voice mimic" super-tools 'they' supposedly had.

But why let a complete absence of any proof of the technology even existing stop you dreaming up another fantastic sci-fi story, eh?
Jazzz said:
And, having done a little bit of surfing on this, it seems extraordinary what is already in the public domain. Check out www.zebraimaging.com
You stupid, stupid man:

Vertical display holographic images are designed to be mounted on the wall and are illuminated at a 45 degree angle. Horizontal display holographic images are designed to be viewed on a flat surface parallel with the floor, such as a table. They are illuminated from above by a light or a projector perpendicular to the holographic image.
I must have missed the flying giant table lamp above the planes, then.
more on zebraimaging

Here's an interesting page on their site: - my bold
The government sector is an important focus area for Zebra Imaging. Zebra technology provides significant new capabilities for defense, intelligence and homeland security.

Because of the sensitive nature of this work, we are limiting our descriptions to a list of applications; these include:

* Mapping the “common operating picture”
* Battle-space visualization
* Mission/rescue/evasion/logistics planning
* Intelligence and reconnaissance
* Homeland defense planning
* Anti-urban terrorism prevention planning
* Simulation of terrorist activity
* Line-of-site analysis for sniper activity
* Evacuation and recovery planning
* Damage assessment and damage estimation
editor said:
So we're back to your 'no facts or proof needed' comic book super-technology fantasies again, just like your ridiculous claims about the "instant personality and voice mimic" super-tools 'they' supposedly had.

But why let a complete absence of any proof of the technology even existing stop you dreaming up another fantastic sci-fi story, eh?
What the fuck are you on about? YOU are the one who is dismissing the idea as 'bonkers'. I haven't claimed it's proved, in fact I haven't even said I believe it occurred - I've said I believe something else :rolleyes:
editor said:
Good grief. This is truly desperate stuff.
I think you are the one who is a bit surprised to find out that huge, animated hologramics of terrific quality and unlimited size are available for commercial use let alone secret military use.

And here's something from a US military manual

5.6 Airborne Holographic Projector

Brief Description

The holographic projector displays a three-dimensional visual image in a desired location, removed from the display generator. The projector can be used for psychological operations and strategic perception management. It is also useful for optical deception and cloaking, providing a momentary distraction when engaging an unsophisticated adversary.


Is Shayler really so barking? I don't think so.
The truthers need to answer this. Pre-9/11 GWB was an old school right-wing isolationist. domestically, he still is in some respects with his Steel Tarifs etc.

So why would he want to fly planes into America's biggest & most important buildings and turn into a Trotskyist neo-liberal hell bent on WWIII?
editor said:
I don't think he's insane.

I do think his "missiles surrounded by holograms" theory is bonkers though.
see, when you calm down a bit, ed, you'll find we are in agreement...

I wouldn't exactly say this theory is 'bonkers', but I think he's wrong on this occasion. I don't doubt that the military may have this kind of holograph technology, but I doubt very much it was used on 911.
But I don't trust him, neither nor do I take anything he says at face value.
After all, he worked for the MI5.
I don't take what anyone says at face value. everyone's got some kind of agenda, and no-one's in possession of the full facts. anyone who claims to be is instantly suspect. also, I think various people may be working for someone, or have been 'bought'. at least shayler is 'out'... although of course, that could be a double bluff. I doubt it somehow.
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