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Immigration. Is it time for the right, to REALLY piss off the left?

TonkaToy said:
And what happens when you find out they are muslims born in the UK?

I agree with deportation but ONLY for foreigners who don't have UK citizenship. Once a naturalised UK citizen, always a UK citizen is best for community relations.

Also, I'm not up for discriminating against muslims as prospective immigrants. That won't help anyone.

I am , if the muslim community cannot keep thier young radicals under control, then they dont deservr to be here, as for deporting british born muslims-that dont hold water because theier parents/grandparents were not born here and so, we can deport.

after all, even if they are born here, by wanting to kill innocent people
and blow up train stations etc that says to me they do not like Britain
and what it stands for.
pbowie said:
I am , if the muslim community cannot keep thier young radicals under control, then they dont deservr to be here, as for deporting british born muslims-that dont hold water because theier parents/grandparents were not born here and so, we can deport.

after all, even if they are born here, by wanting to kill innocent people
and blow up train stations etc that says to me they do not like Britain
and what it stands for.

How would a UK citizen appeal if he or she is really innocent of the crime, when they have been deported to a different country?

Also, no country can be forced to take them if they was never born in that country.

You haven't thought out your position at all.
pbowie said:
I am , if the muslim community cannot keep thier young radicals under control, then they dont deservr to be here, as for deporting british born muslims-that dont hold water because theier parents/grandparents were not born here and so, we can deport.

after all, even if they are born here, by wanting to kill innocent people
and blow up train stations etc that says to me they do not like Britain
and what it stands for.

Troll alert anyone?
Sniff sniff . . . got £50 in my pocket and I'll give you odds . . .

TonkaToy said:
I doubt anyone understands that last post of yours. Read it back to yourself.
Each senetence individually, does seem to make sense :p

I'm less sure about it all taken together, mind.
pbowie said:
I am , if the muslim community cannot keep thier young radicals under control, then they dont deservr to be here, as for deporting british born muslims-that dont hold water because theier parents/grandparents were not born here and so, we can deport.

after all, even if they are born here, by wanting to kill innocent people
and blow up train stations etc that says to me they do not like Britain
and what it stands for.

sort out that mess.
A Dashing Blade said:
Troll alert anyone?
Sniff sniff . . . got £50 in my pocket and I'll give you odds . . .


Probably but a young one it seems, his post reads like a 12 yr old struggling to put a thought together...
Kid_Eternity said:
his post reads like a 12 yr old struggling to put a thought together...

I think you over-estimate the literacy of the average fascist troll.

TonkaToy had to be one of their élite :)
Hey Tonka Toy Have you been reading the stats about eastern european immigration that seem to have been cropping up in all the papers (even 'shock' the Guardian) this week then, or is it people from 'other' countries that your talking about?

I always thought that there were more of us leaving these here 'desirable' isles than those who are coming in anyway :confused:

I'm sure someone will post stats about it. I can't be arsed really...

What am i doing in P&P anyway :confused: I always thought it was full of scary lefty anarchists that always had a better arguement than me...

It looks a lot more scary now. When did the right wing arrive?

*gets coat, leaves P&P for another 6 months*
laptop said:
I think you over-estimate the literacy of the average fascist troll.

TonkaToy had to be one of their élite :)

Oh do me a fucking favour! His views are miles apart from mine. Anyway, you're just trying to push my buttons. :D
pbowie said:
I am , if the muslim community cannot keep thier young radicals under control, then they dont deservr to be here, as for deporting british born muslims-that dont hold water because theier parents/grandparents were not born here and so, we can deport.

after all, even if they are born here, by wanting to kill innocent people
and blow up train stations etc that says to me they do not like Britain
and what it stands for.
Somebody's probably down for a little deportation soon.
pbowie said:
I have to say , again, it wont be liked, that indian people have assimilated and become british and are good citizens but the Pakistanis have not.

sorry, but thats how I feel.

There is a serious point here. I know many people that think this way and there may well be some truth in it.
If a large group of people that are strange in the way they dress or act and seem to avoid normal aspect of life in their chosen country then it is quite possible that the majority population will mistrust or even dislike them.
It may well be a lack of understanding but it leads to the same thing and that is dislike based on racial reasons only.
We have seen this can work both ways with the small number of suicide bombers that have come from this community.
Perhaps it's time we had more intrigation. Separate faith schools need to be an extra on the lines of sunday schools and all children must mix in a combined education system. It would take a generation to change but we could have kids who understand and know each other.
They grew up to be adults with that same understanding and so reduce tensions.
We need to dump all the PC shit and just get on with all being equal. You can change opinions but you must do it with understanding not with laws.

<gets ready to be told I'm a racist bigot again but the fuckin idiot lefties who want to pander to those who want separation on racial or religious lines>
Lisarocket said:
Hey Tonka Toy Have you been reading the stats about eastern european immigration that seem to have been cropping up in all the papers (even 'shock' the Guardian) this week then, or is it people from 'other' countries that your talking about?

I always thought that there were more of us leaving these here 'desirable' isles than those who are coming in anyway :confused:

I'm sure someone will post stats about it. I can't be arsed really...

What am i doing in P&P anyway :confused: I always thought it was full of scary lefty anarchists that always had a better arguement than me...

It looks a lot more scary now. When did the right wing arrive?

*gets coat, leaves P&P for another 6 months*

The only reason why these isles are not 'desirable' any more to the natives, is because we are over taxed.

The government is loving it. Those who really mind being taxed so highly leave, while new blood arrives that is well chuffed at their new found "wealth".

Mass immigration is not doing us any favours.
pbowie said:
I am , if the muslim community cannot keep thier young radicals under control, then they dont deservr to be here, as for deporting british born muslims-that dont hold water because theier parents/grandparents were not born here and so, we can deport.

after all, even if they are born here, by wanting to kill innocent people
and blow up train stations etc that says to me they do not like Britain
and what it stands for.
There's a lot of ill-conceived nonsense behind this post.

First: "belonging". You're measuring this, at least in part, by descent. How far do you go back? My great grandfather was the first of his line to be born in Scotland; his father was born in Ireland. Does that mean I should be repatriated? Because, let me tell you now, I'm not very happy with this government, this country, or indeed the entity "Britain". Or what it stands for.

If "belonging" is not conferred by birth, and ancestral birthplaces can be taken into account, how far back does that go? The Anglo Saxons were incomers, for example. Even the Celts arrived here from other shores.

Secondly, you are, by association, giving responsibility for suicide bombing to the non violent Muslim majority. Bombing innocent people in trains is beyond detestation, but you seem to imply that there is either widespread sympathy or understanding amongst British Muslims for these acts. I do not think that is the case, and I have not personally come across it.

Let me give you an example of a detested activity that exists in communities: paedophilia. Do you blame the whole community, or does the individual take responsibility? You seem to spread responsibility where the community is not your own. Or are you willing to accept responsibility for paedophiles who belong to the white majority community?
pbowie said:
I am , if the muslim community cannot keep thier young radicals under control, then they dont deservr to be here, as for deporting british born muslims-that dont hold water because theier parents/grandparents were not born here and so, we can deport.

after all, even if they are born here, by wanting to kill innocent people
and blow up train stations etc that says to me they do not like Britain
and what it stands for.
I'm not aware that the white working class community has been particularly adept at keeping the young toerags in their community in line recently and stopping them from terrorising whole communities the length and bredth of this country.

by your logic we should presumably deport the entire white working class community, or should we just limit it to those who wear rockport, tracksuit bottoms and spend all day asking random strangers for a tab?

problem is that I hear Australia has quite a tough immigration policy these days;)
I think there are to many people coming to this country . We should have selective immigration were we only accept people who can fill skills shortages . Then a total rework of the benefit system in this country get all the lazy parasites doing something usefull and earn there hand out . Same with people on sickness benefit there are jobs they can do . And single mothers should be given help to learn new skills and free child care if they do not accept this no more benefits , girls will soon start thinking before they get pregnant . We are to soft in this country time to get tough it will never happen though the rot has set in it is to late to save .
Pawn said:
I think there are to many people coming to this country . We should have selective immigration were we only accept people who can fill skills shortages . Then a total rework of the benefit system in this country get all the lazy parasites doing something usefull and earn there hand out . Same with people on sickness benefit there are jobs they can do . And single mothers should be given help to learn new skills and free child care if they do not accept this no more benefits , girls will soon start thinking before they get pregnant . We are to soft in this country time to get tough it will never happen though the rot has set in it is to late to save .

I hope you're not serious and my Microsoft 'irony detector' is on the blink. Why do we have the right to cherry pick immigrants? People should be allowed to travel or move anywhere they like irrespective of national borders. I agree with re-working the benefits system as benefits are woefully inadeqaute for people. Forcing the sick and lone parents to work is indeed barbaric. Why 'single mothers'? take it your male!
Why dont we have the right to cherry pick ? Dont you think the people who allready live here should have a say in what happens ?

If you had a referendum on immigration you Know what the response would be . A big fat no . We can not cope with the numbers that want to come here simple maths .
no it takes two , but the girl is the one left with the problem if she falls pregnant , so she should have the common sense to say no , not with out protection . It todays society its to easy to act with out thinking of the consequences .
Pawn said:
the girl is the one left with the problem if she falls pregnant , so she should have the common sense to say no , not with out protection
I'm tempted to point this post out to a few of the women who post on here. But I'll save you the embarrassment. Let me just say that if you don't know what's wrong with what you've just said, then there's probably little hope for you in so many ways.
Point away , Any sensible hard working tax payer can see the sense in what i am saying . Its a shame there are some many people who think it is ok for the state to look after them . I am all for help when the case is genuine , But all to often we ( we = the tax paying working class ) are let down by a out of date benefit system that is open to abuse from lazy cunts .
Pawn said:
Point away , Any sensible hard working tax payer can see the sense in what i am saying . Its a shame there are some many people who think it is ok for the state to look after them . I am all for help when the case is genuine , But all to often we ( we = the tax paying working class ) are let down by a out of date benefit system that is open to abuse from lazy cunts .
Yeah. You're right actually. The sluts. They should get themselves on the pill so those poor lads don't have to worry about condoms.
Pawn said:
, Any sensible hard working tax payer can see the sense in what i am saying . .

Presumably anyone who disagrees is a stupid, work-shy, parasite on society?
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