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The 7/7 Report

kingmaker said:
I can't see a paper like the Guardian carrying this unless there is something in it.

Yes... I think its news to people that fruit-of-the-loons, barmy-as-a-hatbox people like Prole, Jazz and etc can come out with these theories, and still function quite well as in everyday life.

If I made up the stories they do I'd be a gibbering wreck, cacking in my pants...! :rolleyes: :D
Ed The thread on this article was locked I see, how comes? Is there some kind of censorship going on on U75 when it comes to matters of what really happened on July 7th?

Enough already. Thread closed. If any new threads crop up repeating the exact same fact-free fantasies with no supporting evidence, they'll be closed/binned too.
At least the Guardian were willing to put facts such as actual train times into the public domain. Are these issues no longer acceptable for discussion?
Prole said:
Ed The thread on this article was locked I see, how comes? Is there some kind of censorship going on on U75 when it comes to matters of what really happened on July 7th?


At least the Guardian were willing to put facts such as actual train times into the public domain. Are these issues no longer acceptable for discussion?

Editor said:
Enough already. Thread closed. If any new threads crop up repeating the exact same fact-free fantasies with no supporting evidence, they'll be closed/binned too.

News just in: Prole in not able to read shocker...!
Prole said:
I can't say that he or any of these men were suicide bombers."

Ho-hum. Four people, seen wearing back-packs, coming from what is later to be found to be a explosives factory in Leeds. Each of them have dna remains/personal items very close to bombs on underground. And they can't be located anywhere, even by family & love ones.

Prole... Beliving they weren't sucide bombers makes you either (a) barmy as hatcake or (b) very, very stupid.

Which is it...? :confused:

And you'r trolling the same tired shit thats been round this board umpteen time before you dull little trolling fruitcake.
Prole said:
Ed The thread on this article was locked I see, how comes? Is there some kind of censorship going on on U75 when it comes to matters of what really happened on July 7th?
How many fucking times do you want to keep on repeating the same thing over and over and over again, parrot boy?


Have you produced any new credible evidence? Have you added anything new to the debate? Have you offered any vital new information that shines new light on events?

No, of course not. It's just the same endlessly recycled, regurgitated fact-free fruitcakery coming around for what feels like the millioneth time.

So shut the fuck up.
btw Badger Kitten was disingenuous in claiming that it was the scheduled train times rather than the actual times that trains ran that day, that were being quoted by me in this article.

There should be no need for these kinds of tactics if what we are being told is the truth. what could be simpler than one year later actually knowing which train these men are alleged to have taken from Luton. If something doesn't make sense it's usually because it's nonsense.
Police have also kept back details of what the bombers were wearing in order to be sure that witness statements taken from people who may have seen them on the Thameslink train can be corroborated.

Why release the Luton image then? No sense = nonsense.

Which Thameslink train? No sense = nonsense.

"Train timetables rarely bear any relation to real life," says North dismissively
Actual train times not timetables. No sense = nonsense.

The truth cannot be dismisssed so lightly. The truth adds up. it makes sense.

Khans car was bugged-- possibly by Special Branch

this quote stood out to me

However, Patrick Mercer, the Tory spokesman on homeland security, said: “If this is true, it is yet another indication that the authorities suspected that Khan was up to his neck in terrorist activity. This underlies why we need an independent inquiry.”

Homeland security?

Seems that some people wish to use an Independent inquiry to promote E-Solutions. They harp on about border security [which is odd as the bombers, who were also killed in what are known to have been suicide attacks, were UK citizens and the explosives used are said to be 'home' built.] using ID Cards -- what a suprise but in the same stroke, removing national boundaries for intelligence communications across the EU (which is continuing even with the rejection of the constitution).

So, as some poster mentioned yesterday, there are venture capitalists working with/shaping government agenda who are willing to use an Independant investigation to promote I.T solutions.

Just like the 7/7 report focussed almost completely upon 'communications' and 'response', a Independent Investigation is looking likely to be directed into profitable and failing government policy directions.

Check out this Conference --- 4th July --
the exhibitors
the sponsors
the five reasons to attend;

* Hear the Government's plans on securing the UK and fighting the new breed of crime and terrorism
* Find out what your organisation must do to remain secure against current and future threats
* Discover how technology can assist in the struggle
* Learn how to establish effective leadership in the event of an emergency
* Attend a series of highly focused seminars dealing with different aspects of the homeland security agenda

So, in closing, I scream at them;

Shame on you, you fucking parasites.
Prole said:
btw Badger Kitten was disingenuous in claiming that it was the scheduled train times rather than the actual times that trains ran that day, that were being quoted by me in this article.

There should be no need for these kinds of tactics if what we are being told is the truth. what could be simpler than one year later actually knowing which train these men are alleged to have taken from Luton.

Go on then. Tell the loved one of people who were killed that they can't of been killed because the train wasn't actually their. Go on then. Tell people who lost their legs and were maimed horribly that they are acually ok and should stop whinging because obviously they weren't on a train that was blown up.

Prole said:
If something doesn't make sense it's usually because it's nonsense.

The first thing you've said that I agree with. Now apply it your own gibberings.
Prole said:
Why release the Luton image then? No sense = nonsense.

Which Thameslink train? No sense = nonsense.

Actual train times not timetables. No sense = nonsense.

Prole = no sense = nonsense = please take your deranged dribbinglings else where...!
Oh and if anyone is thinking of protesting that Conference, dont bother you will be arrested as the venue is within the 'no free speech zone' around parliament.
zArk said:
Oh and if anyone is thinking of protesting that Conference, dont bother you will be arrested as the venue is within the 'no free speech zone' around parliament.
When was the last time you protested at Parliament, truth warrior?
editor said:
When was the last time you protested at Parliament, truth warrior?

oh, ffs.

I thought that was a good pick up and post.

I was guessing that was what you were alluring to when you asked me a few pages back whether people were happy about my ramblings on 7/7. The icelolly incident.
Big business and the government are using the attack for their own benefit.

additional -- i would be intrigued in going yet the £695 +vat for entry as a private sector delegate is a bit steep.
jæd said:
Go on then. Tell the loved one of people who were killed that they can't of been killed because the train wasn't actually their. Go on then. Tell people who lost their legs and were maimed horribly that they are acually ok and should stop whinging because obviously they weren't on a train that was blown up.
A case needs to be made backed up with hard evidence that the 4 accused were responsible. I haven't seen that case made yet. When the evidence is released that proves this was the case then yes I will believe it. Truth and justice are not served for those who died, were horribly maimed, injured and traumatised that day by the threadbare version the public have so far been given. It may satisfy you, but sorry, I need more proof before I could come to this conclusion. If the questionable evidence we have been privy to so far is all you need, then that's your choice.

The first thing you've said that I agree with. Now apply it your own gibberings.
Well at least that's one more than I've ever agreed with you on.
Prole said:
It may satisfy you, but sorry, I need more proof before I could come to this conclusion.

Personally, I would think you would need a bullet in the head before you saw sense... :rolleyes:

And I bet Prole sees this as an attempt on her life from Government operated M15 plant...
Prole said:
Truth and justice are not served for those who died, were horribly maimed, injured and traumatised that day by the threadbare version the public have so far been given.

I thought they were "horribly maimed, injured and traumatised" and killed by explosives carried by suicide bombers. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
pk said:
She was there. You were not.

Get over it, you fucking idiot.
She wasn't even aware that her carriage had been bombed at the time, I've read her reports here.

The MPS still say the first set of double doors on their website, mind you they also say the third carriage of the Aldgate train and that the blast blew a hole through a tunnel wall at Edgware Rd onto a train on an adjoining platform. All facts we are now told are wrong, despite the MPS recapping these 'facts' a week later.

Amazing, but then don't worry, who cares about facts.
jæd said:
Personally, I would think you would need a bullet in the head before you saw sense... :rolleyes:

And I bet Prole sees this as an attempt on her life from Government operated M15 plant...
Just one bullet? I thought the modus operandum was at least 7.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mohandas Gandhi
Prole said:
She wasn't even aware that her carriage had been bombed at the time, I've read her reports here.

The MPS still say the first set of double doors on their website, mind you they also say the third carriage of the Aldgate train and that the blast blew a hole through a tunnel wall at Edgware Rd onto a train on an adjoining platform. All facts we are now told are wrong, despite the MPS recapping these 'facts' a week later.

Amazing, but then don't worry, who cares about facts.

Do you have Asperger's Syndrome?
Prole said:
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mohandas Gandhi
So does that apply to the local nutter in the street too?

You've got some fucking gall twisting Ghandi's words to suit your twisted agenda
Prole said:
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mohandas Gandhi

First you laugh at survivors of terror attacks, then you call them liars, then you get laughed at, then you get hospitalised with any luck...
editor said:
So does that apply to the local nutter in the street too?

You've got some fucking gall twisting Ghandi's words to suit your twisted agenda
I apply it to the truth. And I can quote anyone I like thanks Ed. Your views on what my agenda is (interestingly, truth and justice, hardly 'twisted' methinks) are not required.
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