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Possible 'false-flag' terror as prelude to World Cup 5th-6th June

When euthanasia finally become obligatory, I'm sure that they will use Jazzz as an example of why it has become necessary.
Lock&Light said:
When euthanasia finally become obligatory, I'm sure that they will use Jazzz as an example of why it has become necessary.


Didn't you use to be a nice person?

Jazzz is an extraordinarily persistent, crap-spewing eccentric. He might even be mad. But I can't see how anyone would want him killed for his faults.
laptop said:
More proof that you just don't understand responsibility or any concept of telling the truth.

On the face of it, evidence of soliciting donations while claiming to be a charity is evidence of fraud. The Charities Commission may have grounds to prosecute on this or other grounds. Deleting the evidence on which the allegation is based makes it worse.
I hope to god that editor no longer trusts you on the subject of legal matters and how to conduct oneself. I wouldn't an inch.
JHE said:
Jazzz is an extraordinarily persistent, crap-spewing eccentric. He might even be mad. But I can't see how anyone would want him killed for his faults.

But seeing as Jazzz's scare-mongering claims are becoming more erratic, more laughably fantastic and more persistent, they are beginning to cause unacceptable amounts of disruption here - particularly if he's inviting loon jobs from elsewhere to get involved.
JHE said:
:Didn't you use to be a nice person?

There are those who don't think so. ;)

In fact, it should have been obvious that I was being ironic. If I had been right, I'm sure Jazzz would have have been the first to draw our attention to the conspiracy to silence him.
Lock&Light said:
When euthanasia finally become obligatory, I'm sure that they will use Jazzz as an example of why it has become necessary.
I fear the same, Lock&Light, why do you think I'm fighting it?

e2a: right on cue... touche :p
editor said:
particularly if he's inviting loon jobs from elsewhere to get involved.
I have specifically avoided inviting 9/11 sceptics onto urban75 and I don't think it would do either party any good. You do not have to fear James Stewart posting here, closing words in his email was that he was too busy for this nonsense.
Great stuff laptop! Why not take it to the police? Along with your evidence that he was using his website for non-charitable purposes (otherwise he could use the term legally I guess, though I wouldn't approve). Then maybe you could go down the road to check that all the cars have the correct tax? You could take photos of any that are out of date. Hurrah!
Of course, this financialoutrage person - the one who according to jazzz'z apologia was merely caught out putting a statement on his website without caring whether it was true or not - is the one and only source for the alleged email from Thameslink about certain trains from Luton on a certain day 11 months ago.

So at best he's an unreliable source.

If he knowingly made a false statement (for purposes of fraudulent financial gain or otherwise), worse than unreliable.

I believe it's a specific offence to say that a body is a charity when it is not, but I'm not prepared to read the whole of the Charities Act 1993 right now, let alone work out whether there's other legislation in force.

I rely here on editor's research showing that there is no such charity. I'd rarely be so forthright about alleged offences, but, given that research, if in this case if yer man wants to sue, I propose that the defence of truth and justification would prevail. Editor's call.
laptop said:
Of course, this financialoutrage person - the one who according to jazzz'z apologia was merely caught out putting a statement on his website without caring whether it was true or not - is the one and only source for the alleged email from Thameslink about certain trains from Luton on a certain day 11 months ago.
Oh dear. :oops:
TAE said:
Oh dear indeed!

I didn't realise the Home of the Talking Terrier and the Patron of the Makey Uppey Charity was the sole source of this 7/7 timetable letter.

Another great Jazzz source!
I've edited the relevant posts in the 7/7 report thread and pointed them at this page.
Jazzz said:
You do not have to fear James Stewart posting here, closing words in his email was that he was too busy for this nonsense.
'Nonsense' like being caught out on fraudulant charity claims and 'nonsense' like being caught out trying to deceive people on Usenet, yes?

And then you post up scaremongering warnings based on the dodgy claims of this clown!

Remind me again why you believe his claim to have been offered a £50,000 bribe, please. In fact, perhaps you might explain how your opening post reflects what the (claimed) phone transcript actually said. It could have been a pissed mate taking the piss for all the evidence you've produced.

So why believe him?
Jazzz said:
Laugh away guys, just hope this isn't going to happen. Big Ben is loaded with symbolism for these chaps.
You hope Big Ben does not get repaired?
TAE said:
You hope Big Ben does not get repaired?
Think of the symbolism!!!!

Look! It's already been predicted in a film! Aiiiieeeeeeeee!!!!

I don't want anyone to be alarmed and doubtless I'll be flamed like crazy for this but I am posting in the sincere hope that it will help stop it happening. Let's hope it doesn't.

You've been flamed (sounds like a tv programe), but , if absolutely nothing untoward happens on those days it will have been worth it. Internet forums will have thwarted Islamoterror once again.

By the way, did you tell the police?
Jo/Joe said:
By the way, did you tell the police?
Well, that would be the sane and responsible way to deal with a credible threat to the general population.

But if something dreadful happens and Jazzz didn't report his (cough, splutter) intelligence to the appropriate authorities, then some may say he would have to take some of the responsibility for not stopping the carnage.
Jazzz said:
Laugh away guys, just hope this isn't going to happen.

I'd have thought you'd have learnt after your bollocks about a mini-nuke in Parliament. Are you really so desperate for a life, for the need to know, to be special, to be above the rest of the "sheeple" that you continue to make a laughing stock of yourself in public? You're a nice guy, you're a talented muscian, you've got friends. Why the obsession with this crap? Its obsessive and delusional.
Jazzz said:
I have specifically avoided inviting 9/11 sceptics onto urban75 and I don't think it would do either party any good. You do not have to fear James Stewart posting here, closing words in his email was that he was too busy for this nonsense.

Of course - David "fucking loony cunt anti-semitic shit former goalkeeper" Icke being here is entirely your fault, Jazzzbot.

As for your continued presence here... that isn't my fault, for sure...
TAE said:
I've edited the relevant posts in the 7/7 report thread and pointed them at this page.

Excellent. Let's do this - anyone purporting to be a charity yet linking to Joe "Kill The Jews!" Vialls and similar bollocks deserves prosecution.
pk said:
Of course - David "fucking loony cunt anti-semitic shit former goalkeeper" Icke being here is entirely your fault, Jazzzbot.

As for your continued presence here... that isn't my fault, for sure...
He's not is he?

*lists possilbilites*

nah, bigfish would be crap in goal.
It's not David Icke, I emailed his wife to check and she assured me it wasn't him.

Perhaps editor could check the IP addresses to find out the culprit for that one? :p
Jazzz said:
Perhaps editor could check the IP addresses to find out the culprit for that one?
Perhaps the editor has better things to do than chase around potential fruitloops.

PS Did you inform the police about this "possible false flag" operation and if not, why not?
editor said:
Perhaps the editor has better things to do than chase around potential fruitloops.
But I suggest it is no 'potential fruitloop' but rather a poster already here.

Seeing as pk is making a feature of this alternate login and claiming it is the real David Icke, could you check please, I would appreciate it.
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