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Iranian President suggests 9/11 foul play and cover up

Hasn't stopped him talking an awful lot of sense in his letter to Bushy.

This isn't "Ahmedinejad has spoken, so hear your sermon, ignorami". You have to work it out for yourself.

The signficance is that 9/11 truth is now global politics. A middle-eastern president has stated publicly that he isn't buying it.
Yossarian said:
The conspiracists must be fucking desperate if they're willing to hail Ahmedinejad as some kind of visionary truth-seeker.
Who are you talking about in this comment?

I think we should be told :p
Jazzz said:
A middle-eastern president has stated publicly that he isn't buying it.
The same middle-eastern president has stated publicly that he's not 'buying' the Holocaust either, so do you agree with that too?

And if not, why not?

I mean he's either the fantastic truth seeker you seem keen to portray him as, or he's a bullshitter.

Which is it is?
What I like about these threads is the way they're like a really bad long-running soap opera. You can just tune in at any time and pick it up straightaway....
Yossarian said:
The conspiracists must be fucking desperate if they're willing to hail Ahmedinejad as some kind of visionary truth-seeker.
Jonti said:
Who are you talking about in this comment?

I think we should be told :p
Yossarian said:
To pick at example completely at random, you seem pretty taken with him.

Are you saying that I am a conspiracist who hails Ahmedinejad as some kind of visionary truth-seeker?
I don't know if you're a conspiracist or not, but you certainly seem impressed with the sayings of Chairman Ahmedinajad!
editor said:
The same middle-eastern president has stated publicly that he's not 'buying' the Holocaust either, so do you agree with that too?

And if not, why not?

I mean he's either the fantastic truth seeker you seem keen to portray him as, or he's a bullshitter.

Which is it is?

I'll tell you which it is editor. When the 9/11 truth movement started, it was just guys on the internet, like me.

Of course you said "if the official story isn't true, how come no politicians are expressing doubts?".

Then we had Andreas Von Buelow and Michael Meacher.

Then, you insisted "if the official story isn't true, how come none of the victim's families are expressing doubts?".

Then we had Ellen Mariani.

Then, you insisted "if the collapse of the world trade centre can only be explained by demolition, how come no scientists are saying so?"

Then, we had Professor Steve Jones

Then, you insisted "if the official story isn't true, how come no Arab Presidents are expressing doubts? Wouldn't they have something to say about it?"

Now we have Ahmedinajad.

Yossarian said:
I don't know if you're a conspiracist or not, but you certainly seem impressed with the sayings of Chairman Ahmedinajad!
So you are not saying I am a conspiracist* -- just that I seem impressed with the sayings of Chairman Ahmedinajad. Which sayings are these please? I'd appreciate it if you quoted them directly.

*backpeddled very quickly, didn't you :p
Jazzz said:
Then, you insisted "if the collapse of the world trade centre can only be explained by demolition, how come no scientists are saying so?"

Then, we had Professor Steve Jones
Not that Steve "so dodgy that he was distanced from his own university" Jones again?


Funny how you choose to ignore all the other scientists and experts in the entire world in preference to this one (discredited) individual, isn't it? Why is that, Jazzz?

Oh, and any further links to laughable lunatic sites like prisonplanet will mark the instant end of a thread.

But back to the Holocaust. Do you believe his claims on that or not? And if not, why not?
A simple answer will do,
Jonti said:
So you are not saying I am a conspiracist* -- just that I seem impressed with the sayings of Chairman Ahmedinajad. Which sayings are these please? I'd appreciate it if you quoted them directly.

*backpeddled very quickly, didn't you :p

You quoted them yourself earlier on this thread. And if you don't want to be taken for a conspiracist, maybe you shouldn't defend Ahmedinajad on a thread about his talk of 9/11 conspiracies.
Yossarian said:
You quoted them yourself earlier on this thread. And if you don't want to be taken for a conspiracist, maybe you shouldn't defend Ahmedinajad on a thread about his talk of 9/11 conspiracies.
Thanks for the advice. But why don't you just quote the exact words of Ahmedinajad that you are talking about, and my comments?

That's not too much to ask, is it? :D
Jazzz said:
I'll tell you which it is editor. When the 9/11 truth movement started, it was just guys on the internet, like me.

Of course you said "if the official story isn't true, how come no politicians are expressing doubts?".

Then we had Andreas Von Buelow and Michael Meacher.

Then, you insisted "if the official story isn't true, how come none of the victim's families are expressing doubts?".

Then we had Ellen Mariani.

Then, you insisted "if the collapse of the world trade centre can only be explained by demolition, how come no scientists are saying so?"

Then, we had Professor Steve Jones

Then, you insisted "if the official story isn't true, how come no Arab Presidents are expressing doubts? Wouldn't they have something to say about it?"

Now we have Ahmedinajad.


Nice expose of the editor here jazzz. Step by step. The most weaseling twisting eel on these threads.
Jonti said:
No, I am having trouble believing you can substantiate your slur.

Well, can you? :p

Having re-read your posts on this thread, I remain convinced that you're a conspiracist and that you like most of what Ahmedinejad's got to say.
Yossarian said:
OK then...

President: Real holocaust to be sought in Palestine, Iraq

Tehran, Feb 11, IRNA

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Saturday that the real holocaust should be sought in Palestine, where the blood of the oppressed nation is shed every day and Iraq, where the defenseless Muslim people are killed daily. Stressing that these crimes mark western liberalism, he noted that the Zionists are about to be annihilated and that the era of occupation of Palestine is over. The chief executive added that meanwhile, the destruction of colonial and Zionist culture is quite obvious. Turning to the fact that Zionism has lost its philosophical foundations, he called on the Western states to resume worshiping God Almighty rather than selling the glory of enlightenment to the disgrace of being subject to the Zionists. In another part of his speech, he referred to the recent Palestinian election as an example of the will and determination of Muslim nations and called upon the Zionist occupiers not to hinder the Palestinians' path to solve the issue, adding that the referendum in Palestine will serve as a guideline to them. Stressing that the Zionists are panicked by the Palestinians presence on the scene and democracy, Ahmadinejad called on the Zionists to respect the people's rights to determine their own fate rather than being stubborn in countering the Palestinians. "Some western governments, in particular the US, approve of the sacrilege on the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), while denial of the `Myth of Holocaust', based on which the Zionists have been exerting pressure upon other countries for the past 60 years and kill the innocent Palestinians, is considered as a crime.

Are you joking? Is that it??

I suggest you read it again, and try a less interpretive reading this time.
Jazzz said:
Then, you insisted "if the official story isn't true, how come no Arab Presidents are expressing doubts? Wouldn't they have something to say about it?"

Now we have Ahmedinajad.

FFS, Jazzz. Can you never get anything right. Ahmedinjad is NOT an Arab President.

He does have political ulterior motives however, as you also should know.
Yossarian said:
Having re-read your posts on this thread, I remain convinced that you're a conspiracist and that you like most of what Ahmedinejad's got to say.

Well, everything i've read so far i think makes him a voice worth listening to.

I wonder again why bush rejected his letter so quickly and so completely.

Must be to do with the number of truths exposed by this iranian president.

Persia used to be a fount of wisdom. It can't be all gone. And in fact this president, based on the words you've provided, seems to continue the noble tradition of persia.

Wisdom, truth, and questions.

Whereas the US, and the UK, are into destruction and lies and spin and bullshit.
fela fan said:
Nice expose of the editor here jazzz. Step by step. The most weaseling twisting eel on these threads.
Keep up the unprovoked personal abuse and you'll be looking for a new board to post up your endless arrogant bullshit up on, maaaaan.
editor said:
Keep up the unprovoked personal abuse and you'll be looking for a new board to post up your endless arrogant bullshit up on, maaaaan.

I receive masses of unprovoked abuse from you all the time. You abuse me to fuck. You think nothing of calling me some kind of cunt.

Including nuggets like "You stupid, ignorant fuckwit."

Never mind the rest of them.

If you can't take it, surely you should not dish it out? Are you going australian all of a sudden?
editor said:
You mean like his 'truth' about the 'myth of the Holocaust,' yes?

Please provide some kind of link or proof for this. Yossarian is having a few problems in doing so, maybe you can help him...
fela fan said:
Persia used to be a fount of wisdom. It can't be all gone. And in fact this president, based on the words you've provided, seems to continue the noble tradition of persia.

"Some European countries insist on saying that during World War II, Hitler burned millions of Jews and put them in concentration camps," Ahmadinejad said. "Any historian, commentator or scientist who doubts that is taken to prison or gets condemned. Although we don't accept this claim, if we suppose it is true, if the Europeans are honest they should give some of their provinces in Europe—like in Germany, Austria or other countries—to the Zionists and the Zionists can establish their state in Europe. You offer part of Europe and we will support it." - Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, 8 December 2005.

A fount of wisdom? Is he fuck. You should be more careful about who's arse you think the sun is shining out of...
Yossarian said:
Having re-read your posts on this thread, I remain convinced that you're a conspiracist and that you like most of what Ahmedinejad's got to say.
But you cannot explicitly substatiate your slur by quoting my words, concerning any particular statement of Mr Ahmedinejad. That's right, isn't it?

That makes you ... well, what word would you use for someone who makes public slurs that they cannot substantiate?

Just asking :cool:
fela fan said:
Please provide some kind of link or proof for this. Yossarian is having a few problems in doing so, maybe you can help him...
Have you lost the ability to research anything?

No wonder you keep posting up such clueless bullshit.

Read and learn, dimwit:

Holocaust comments spark outrage
Ahmadinejad's remarks echo other recent statements

International condemnation has greeted comments by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that the Nazi Holocaust was "a myth".
Mr Ahmadinejad said he did not believe six million Jews had died at the hands of the Nazis last century.
Jonti said:
But you cannot explicitly substatiate your slur by quoting my words, concerning any particular statement of Mr Ahmedinejad. That's right, isn't it?

That makes you ... well, what word would you use for someone who makes public slurs that they cannot substantiate?

Just asking :cool:

A slur? It's a personal opinion, and one I'm sticking to. Who else but conspiraloons links to hour-long videos about 9/11?
Donna Ferentes said:
Is Professor Steve Jones the scientist who's no more an expert on the field of structural engineering than my cat?
The very same, I believe.

But that - and the fact that his own university distanced themselves from his shoddy research at a rate of knots - apparently makes him The Man To Be Listened To Above All Others in the crazy world of the conspiraloon.
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