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Conspiraloons – why...?

siarc said:
just in case it wasn't TOTALLY FUCKING OBVIOUS, all my posts in this thread until now were parodic in nature and the product of having too much time on my hands whilst struck down with food poisoning. sorry to anyone who got lost on google searching for my invented citations.
Apology not necessary: as usual, when I start googling, I found lots of other unrelated stuff, and it all put me off doing my university assignment for a couple of enjoyable hours...

Everybody wins! :)
pembrokestephen said:
Apology not necessary: as usual, when I start googling, I found lots of other unrelated stuff, and it all put me off doing my university assignment for a couple of enjoyable hours...

Everybody wins! :)

You googled the citations :eek: :D :D :D
siarc said:
just in case it wasn't TOTALLY FUCKING OBVIOUS, all my posts in this thread until now were parodic in nature and the product of having too much time on my hands whilst struck down with food poisoning. sorry to anyone who got lost on google searching for my invented citations.

i think i can understand a little more about why people are drawn to this nonsense though; it's quite refreshing to have no obligations to even the most elementary levels of reason and restraint. it's like being a child again, free to throw shit around and kick over sandcastles and write long, incoherent fantastical tales about everything and nothing, and you're never, ever wrong.

maybe a psychologist (a real one) could ask if conspiracy theorists are just undergoing a prolonged regressive episode. i don't think many of them are actually lunatics, though i hope the more insiduous anti-semitic vindinctive ones would fuck and off and die.

Well, of course you would say that wouldn't you?

siarc said:
just in case it wasn't TOTALLY FUCKING OBVIOUS, all my posts in this thread until now were parodic in nature and the product of having too much time on my hands whilst struck down with food poisoning. sorry to anyone who got lost on google searching for my invented citations.

i think i can understand a little more about why people are drawn to this nonsense though; it's quite refreshing to have no obligations to even the most elementary levels of reason and restraint. it's like being a child again, free to throw shit around and kick over sandcastles and write long, incoherent fantastical tales about everything and nothing, and you're never, ever wrong.

maybe a psychologist (a real one) could ask if conspiracy theorists are just undergoing a prolonged regressive episode. i don't think many of them are actually lunatics, though i hope the more insiduous anti-semitic vindinctive ones would fuck and off and die.

hey its ok :) you gave mea good laugh ...
Derian said:

brilliant! Politicians, corporate big whigs and socialites prancing around in the woods conducting ceremonies such as;

the cremation of care (begone dull care)
worshipping an icon (molac the owl)
performance in mock human sacrifices

its a hoot. Its a laugh. I mean the most powerful men of the most powerful military in the world, dancing around a stone owl and taking part in human sacrifices that pre-date Jesus by a couple of thousand years. Great! Showing that 'care' and conscience have no place in the world and that they can do anything in business free from silly little things such as 'morals' and 'ethics'.

Great! Wheres my invite? oh oh oh wait, you dont get one cause you arent in the club. You have to prove yourself first. Exploit a few thousand workers, commit criminal negliance and then you can join the club.

GOD BLESS AMERICA! The most powerful nation on the planet, run by owl worshippers.

Now this interview cracks me up

"weaving spiders come not here"
Azrael23 said:
Our leaders are dark occultists you can`t deny that.

You think it impossible that they might know things about the nature of reality that are not propagated to the masses?

(checks profile - I knew it!)
Why is it these fuckers are all barely out of their teens and think they've found out the secret of the universe?
Psychologically I could say they've finally moved from their parents sphere of influence and this is a manifestation of anti-authority or anti-parents that is necessary to get out of the nest. This is then interpolated out to all authority.
'Our leaders are so unfair!', 'and they're evil!', 'Satan exists and he's the Prime minister'. It's stubborness manifest.
Not such a leap to David Icke's delusional outlook...

You'll feel better in 10 years lads.

Let's say you're right, about everything. What fucking difference does it make?, what fucking difference are you going to make banging on about high ranking occultists and lizards? It's the same old rehashed Christian bollocks about not taking responsibility for yourself and blaming the Devil or 'them' for everything wrong with society. Get a grip, in fact take your hand off your cock and go and do something useful.

Exactly what information is denied to you anyway? You live on the same planet as the rest of us, all avenues of exploration of reality are available to you, but no 'the powers that be' are keeping the 'good stuff' to themselves. :rolleyes:

You spanner.
BootyLove said:
Exactly what information is denied to you anyway? You live on the same planet as the rest of us, all avenues of exploration of reality are available to you, but no 'the powers that be' are keeping the 'good stuff' to themselves. :rolleyes:

I think you should check out Michael Tsarion.


2 video presentations. Extremely interesting stuff when you ask "Exactly what information is denied to you anyway?"

If you think David Icke stretches the boundaries of reality, Michael Tsarion will blow that bubble apart.
zArk said:
I think you should check out Michael Tsarion.


2 video presentations. Extremely interesting stuff when you ask "Exactly what information is denied to you anyway?"

If you think David Icke stretches the boundaries of reality, Michael Tsarion will blow that bubble apart.

No I won't. And if you've found it all on the internet it's hardly denied to you is it. Twonk.
I don't think David Icke stretches anything other than his wallet, which is mightily stretched, and everyone's credulity. I don't need another loonspud introduced to me.

Now grow up

'Credulity is the man's weakness, but the child's strength.'
Charles Lamb
BootyLove said:
No I won't. And if you've found it all on the internet it's hardly denied to you is it. Twonk.
I don't think David Icke stretches anything other than his wallet, which is mightily stretched, and everyone's credulity. I don't need another loonspud introduced to me.

ok, fair enough.

Loonspud? --- frightening conclusion of someone you havent even researched. Your loss.

I must then question your depth of knowledge and position of grandeur ;)
siarc said:
just in case it wasn't TOTALLY FUCKING OBVIOUS, all my posts in this thread until now were parodic in nature and the product of having too much time on my hands whilst struck down with food poisoning. sorry to anyone who got lost on google searching for my invented citations.

i think i can understand a little more about why people are drawn to this nonsense though; it's quite refreshing to have no obligations to even the most elementary levels of reason and restraint. it's like being a child again, free to throw shit around and kick over sandcastles and write long, incoherent fantastical tales about everything and nothing, and you're never, ever wrong.

maybe a psychologist (a real one) could ask if conspiracy theorists are just undergoing a prolonged regressive episode. i don't think many of them are actually lunatics, though i hope the more insiduous anti-semitic vindinctive ones would fuck and off and die.

A long and successful career as a troll :eek: awaits you siarc, you had me completely fooled I don't mind confessing ... and usually I can spot em these days :(

Suspect your tricks may have worked on others as well though ;) :p
William of Walworth said:
The only reason I didn't, was because I was too lazy :p ... but I thought siarc's pretentious pseudo-intellectual bollocks was serious!! :eek:

<dons dunce's cap> :oops:

Same old, same old conspiracy content in different clothing. But to be fair, I've been caught out by one of siarc's trolls before - also culminating in the soon to be immortalised 'just in case it wasn't TOTALLY FUCKING OBVIOUS ...' or words to that effect :D
Azrael23 said:
WTF are guys on about, I`m posting pictures of bohemian grove.

I have nothing to do with that site, Azazel is a daemon you numb nutted twonk. Azrael is an angel. Sound similar but are very different.

Also the guy whose site that is, seems to be based in the US....am I? :rolleyes:

Pretty fucking good detectives eh?

I dont think many people are seriously accusing you of being fash .

Its the logical implications of your views, or the views which you have choosen to adopt, which are the problem.

you believe that the world is controlled by a small number of "banking families", right.

you say that they are a criminal few which are "attacking our race as a whole".

this would logically imply that people from such a "family" are not human, and that they want to destroy "the human race".


you obviously have not thought this out to its conclusion.

and the conclusion is that these who control banking and the media, are not really human and are a danger to the world.

now, you need to think about the implications of such a view.

because according to this view, us, the human race, the good people, could never be capable of such things as they are apparently doing.

our "rulers" could never come from a normal family, they must be part of a separate species - and that means that no human being can ever be bad.

and it follows therefore, that all humans are good and that there are these creatures in the world responsible for all acts of evil.

and that therefore, "they" are less worthy of life than normal humans.

and they pose an unacceptable risk to mankind, since they are dominating the world and "controlling" the masses.

this unacceptable risk must be prevented, essentially, as it is a battle between good and evil, between the peaceful humans who don't want war, and the evil lizard-creatures who are sadistic, worship demons, and are manipulating us.


now, what is the conclusion which we can draw from that?

how can we deal with this fifth column, with the people who are threatening us, if their sole purpose in life is to enjoy inflicting pain and dominating others? is there a way in which we can deal with them peacefully, if they are causing all this suffering

there isn't is there?

now, do you understand why people are so unwilling to listen to what you think and even quite angry about it?
i tend to prefer it when people post their own opinions, not just take their views from someone who could be anyone ...
frogwoman said:
i tend to prefer it when people post their own opinions, not just take their views from someone who could be anyone ...

Conspiraloons are very open minded though. So openminded that their own brains tend to have fallen out, leaving plenty of space to be filled by whatever fruitloop is babbling away about made up bollocks on some bonkers website ... :p :D

(frogwoman : Excellent explanation of the logical implications of Azrael's apparant views, btw ... ;) )
my opinion ---

this planet was visited by aliens tens of thousands of years ago. There was an alien nuclear war, the remanents of the those aliens genetically created human beings. The missing link. --- these things can be proven and are being built upon by mainstream scientific knowledge. Michael Tsarion gives excellent expose's of this.
The secret societies at the higher levels are holding this knowledge, these occult societies (occult means secret) include the catholic church, monarchies, upper levels of government.

there is sooo much more i could rattle off as my opinions but i agree with Azrael that the the banking industry is involved. It is a control valve for the upper elite. The banking industry is a corporation, therefore no1 can actually own the bank. It is a self-perpetuating system that controls the public and allows freedom to those on the otherside of the system.
It isnt the be-all-end-all but it is integral.

666 the mark of the beast has always intrigued me. Where is the reference to 666? someone said it was marked on gold coins by a Roman Emporer who was called the beast. others have said it is a translation of genetic code and that we humans have the mark of the beast ingrained in our dna.

The civilisations of the past created cities and statues that defy belief, including our technology and building skills.

Who Controls the Past Now, Controls the Future, Who controls the Present Now, Controls the Past..

Zark yesterday.
zArk said:
ok, fair enough.

Loonspud? --- frightening conclusion of someone you havent even researched. Your loss.

I must then question your depth of knowledge and position of grandeur ;)

ah you see - I'm talking for myself and only myself mate. Whereas you think you know some secret shit that no-one else does. You're very welcome to question me, you may be surprised.

Yep I've made a value judgement on that guy - life is too short... The website design is enough for me to know just where that fellow will be coming from. And the title of the 'video'. Lets just call it 'Evil usage of God stuff by the evil media' shall we?

*yawns - breaks jaw*
zArk said:
my opinion ---

this planet was visited by aliens tens of thousands of years ago. There was an alien nuclear war, the remanents of the those aliens genetically created human beings. The missing link. --- these things can be proven and are being built upon by mainstream scientific knowledge. Michael Tsarion gives excellent expose's of this.
The secret societies at the higher levels are holding this knowledge, these occult societies (occult means secret) include the catholic church, monarchies, upper levels of government.

there is sooo much more i could rattle off as my opinions but i agree with Azrael that the the banking industry is involved. It is a control valve for the upper elite. The banking industry is a corporation, therefore no1 can actually own the bank. It is a self-perpetuating system that controls the public and allows freedom to those on the otherside of the system.
It isnt the be-all-end-all but it is integral.

666 the mark of the beast has always intrigued me. Where is the reference to 666? someone said it was marked on gold coins by a Roman Emporer who was called the beast. others have said it is a translation of genetic code and that we humans have the mark of the beast ingrained in our dna.

The civilisations of the past created cities and statues that defy belief, including our technology and building skills.

Who Controls the Past Now, Controls the Future, Who controls the Present Now, Controls the Past..

FUCK! I wish I'd seen this before replying to your previous notsoloony post...

EVIDENCE! not OPINIONS gleaned from wacky books mate, stop believing the shite that cleverer people than you keep fooling you with...
You know nothing about the past, so you're being controlled with this shit.

We evolved - get used to it, god, aliens, genetic modifying demons were not involved.

You should investigate the Scientologists, they're right up your street.

Ffucks sake.
zArk said:
my opinion ---

this planet was visited by aliens tens of thousands of years ago. There was an alien nuclear war, the remanents of the those aliens genetically created human beings.

then how do you explain monkeys and other animals existing on this earth that have almost identical dna to our own. did the aliens genetically create them too. did the aliens create all life and the process of evolution as well?

The missing link. --- these things can be proven and are being built upon by mainstream scientific knowledge.

What knowledge?

Michael Tsarion gives excellent expose's of this.
The secret societies at the higher levels are holding this knowledge, these occult societies (occult means secret) include the catholic church, monarchies, upper levels of government.

great another one who took the da vinci code seriously ...

there is sooo much more i could rattle off as my opinions but i agree with Azrael that the the banking industry is involved. It is a control valve for the upper elite. The banking industry is a corporation, therefore no1 can actually own the bank.

umm yes they can ... corporations are owned by their SHAREHOLDERS and for plc's, that includes the public (the public with money to buy)

It is a self-perpetuating system that controls the public and allows freedom to those on the otherside of the system.
It isnt the be-all-end-all but it is integral.


666 the mark of the beast has always intrigued me. Where is the reference to 666? someone said it was marked on gold coins by a Roman Emporer who was called the beast. others have said it is a translation of genetic code and that we humans have the mark of the beast ingrained in our dna.

it's an esoteric number that has some significance in judaism since the numbers stand for a hebrew word (i cant remember what, there are a few people who know quite a bit about gematria) and it was adopted by christianity to mean the mark of the devil

dont think it's got anything to do with genetic codes though

The civilisations of the past created cities and statues that defy belief, including our technology and building skills.

they only defy belief if you think that we have truly progressed in the last ten thousand years ...

Who Controls the Past Now, Controls the Future, Who controls the Present Now, Controls the Past..

so zark, i think we should be told then, who does control the past the present and the future?
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