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spring-peeper said:
This was pointed out to you by one of your countrymen, but "apparently" the poster was nieve and don't understand how it will be done and that y'all are powerless to stop them.

You should pack an overnight case just in case "they" show up this evening....

*sound track of Dr. Who plays in background*

btw - I remember debating with peebs about gun control. He said that it was important to have the guns because people can't trust the police or the government. hmmm - maybe he was right.

They`ve been training to confiscate guns with foreign NATO troops for the past 8 years. Running drills.

The camp contracts are already on the bidding table. FEMA already has a list of current sites designated as FEMA camps. Look it up.

Your right they can`t take over a nation so well armed. Which is exactly why Bush is acting like some kind of democrat on steroids by trying to introduce new gun laws. Seriously the democrats should love Bush, Record federal spending...
spring-peeper said:
You should pack an overnight case just in case "they" show up this evening....

Don't worry about me. I have my bug-out kit, a year supply of dehydrated food, my Beijing Radio, a generator, some candles, a couple of radiation detectors, a chem suit and gas masks and a few canisters of thermite. I'm good for the apocolypse. :)
Yuwipi Woman said:
Don't worry about me. I have my bug-out kit, a year supply of dehydrated food, my Beijing Radio, a generator, some candles, a couple of radiation detectors, a chem suit and gas masks and a few canisters of thermite. I'm good for the apocolypse. :)


re-reads list - you missed water purification tablets and chocolate bars.

I seem to remember reading about a portable water purification system being advertised. It was when there was fear that the "bad people" were going to drop chemicals into the water table.
Why is it when someone says something another person does not agree with we can no longer respect there opinions, research them, question them, with respect and walk away and ponder them?

Instead we attack the messenger, call them names / label them as racist's Conspiraloons / mentally ill /weird /stupid / irrational????

I was once told if you dont agree with what your teacher teaches, then for your own education go away and research it. As not listeneing to the lesson is a lesson lost which may save your life. ;)
thought said:
Why is it when someone says something another person does not agree with we can no longer respect there opinions, research them, question them, with respect and walk away and ponder them?

Instead we attack the messenger, call them names / label them as racist's Conspiraloons / mentally ill /weird /stupid / irrational????

I was once told if you dont agree with what your teacher teaches, then for your own education go away and research it. As not listeneing to the lesson is a lesson lost which may save your life. ;)

I take it from the above that you think that the theories of conspiracists, and the contradictions of their sceptics, are equally valid to each other then??

Objective -- NOT!
thought said:
go away and research it

But the very core of the problem is the abuse of the word "research" by conspiraloons.

Proper "research" means a whole raft of critical practices, especially including scepticism towards one's current provisionally-held theory.

The practice of science, in which a theory is an hypothesis which many people have tried very hard to show to be false - without, so far, succeeding - this is a hardcore example of this definition of research. But the principle of true, universal scepticism and of actively seeking counter-evidence applies to history just as much as to physics.

When I first came across conspiraloons they were people who wandered around with carrier bags full of photocopies, sometimes to be found in a malodorous corner of a public library where they were seeking to photocopy more material that, in their deluded belief-system, confirmed their notion, which they would insist on mis-labelling a "theory".

They would call this activity [whiny voice]my reesearch[/whine]. The technology has changed but the misappropriation of the term has not.
William of Walworth said:
I take it from the above that you think that the theories of conspiracists, and the contradictions of their sceptics, are equally valid to each other then??

Objective -- NOT!

No that is not what i am saying.

What i am asking is why dont we actually respect / listen to each others points anymore, without shouting or disrespect? both online, and face to face. I assume you do know that useing capitals in forums is called shouting?
thought said:
No that is not what i am saying.

What i am asking is why dont we actually respect / listen to each others points anymore, without shouting or disrespect? both online, and face to face. I assume you do know that useing capitals in forums is called shouting?

laptop said:
When I first came across conspiraloons they were people who wandered around with carrier bags full of photocopies, sometimes to be found in a malodorous corner of a public library where they were seeking to photocopy more material that, in their deluded belief-system, confirmed their notion, which they would insist on mis-labelling a "theory".

They would call this activity [whiny voice]my reesearch[/whine]. The technology has changed but the misappropriation of the term has not.

surely the people who are like that, the photocopy people, are a minority of people who question, disbelieve and do not trust the governments and politicians of the world regardless of what party they belong to.

i don't trust the government. i don't really trust authority.

funny though. when joe bloggs tells me something or i read it. i often take what i am told as being true, why would they lie to me. but if i read something or am told something by the governement or an official body, i am more inclined to disbelieve them and wonder what they are up to.

perhaps, on reflection, i need to start photocopying stuff :(
thought said:
No that is not what i am saying.

What i am asking is why dont we actually respect / listen to each others points anymore, without shouting or disrespect? both online, and face to face. I assume you do know that useing capitals in forums is called shouting?

I`ve raised this point a million and one times....Debate is one thing, you know where you address points and sources....
But what we witness is usually plain old verbal abuse :D
Mungy said:
surely the people who are like that, the photocopy people, are a minority of people who question, disbelieve and do not trust the governments and politicians of the world regardless of what party they belong to.

i don't trust the government. i don't really trust authority.

funny though. when joe bloggs tells me something or i read it. i often take what i am told as being true, why would they lie to me. but if i read something or am told something by the governement or an official body, i am more inclined to disbelieve them and wonder what they are up to.

perhaps, on reflection, i need to start photocopying stuff :(

Your admirable scepticism towards government/officially-sanctioned information seems (??) to have led you into being under-sceptical about 'alternative versions' -- just because Joe Bloggs is questioning the government version, does NOT axiomatically mean that his alternative take on an event is necessarily valid either.

And -- can I shock you here? :p -- it's perfectly possible for a 'lone researcher' to be even more deluded than those who take government propoganda on trust.

Apply scepticism to both sides.
Mungy said:
surely the people who are like that, the photocopy people, are a minority of people who question, disbelieve and do not trust the governments and politicians of the world regardless of what party they belong to.

But those with a Prophetic Mission to make converts to their so-called "theory" are almost always carrier-bag people.

Those are the ones that make the noise.

Mungy said:
when joe bloggs tells me something or i read it. i often take what i am told as being true, why would they lie to me?

The need to seek converts is at least as effective as the traditionally-recognised corrupting influences of money and staying in government.

Especially when what they want to convert you to is irrational and not something you could decide on yourself through proper research - see religion.

I suspect that many have enough self-awareness to realise that their "theories" are a bit bonkers and they need converts to bolster their self-image as sane people.

Others just want to be prophetic heroes - the only one who's right and to achieve that it positively helps if the "theory" is more bonkers than anyone else's.

But don't take my word for it :D
oh yeah. i do question what joe bloggs says eventually. i just take it on face value at first. its only when i have sat and, not so much as thought about it, but just left it alone until i get a response from myself that i start to wonder what they are on about.

i read stuff on here, peoples opinions and the like. now sometimes straight away, perhaps from personal experience, i will think that what i am reading isn't right for me. and other times it will be days before what i have read "rings true" and i either do something about it or not.

the one thing i don't like on urban or anywhere else is the abuse that flies around. i am crap at debating and arguing, i get tied up in my own stuff and take too long to understand what other are saying, so i very rarely get into debate. the name calling, the attacking the messenger rather than the message, the focussing on the weak part of an argument all spoil threads.

why can't we all pool what information we have and work out just what is going on without the name calling and the abuse.

i don't like the way conspiraloon is used either. i assume the loon part is referring to lunatic. sure maybe some people are mentally ill, but it is not for us unqualified people to decide who is ill and it is certainly not right to point and laugh at people with mental health problems, which seems to be the intention behind the word.
Mungy said:
oh yeah. i do question what joe bloggs says eventually. i just take it on face value at first. its only when i have sat and, not so much as thought about it, but just left it alone until i get a response from myself that i start to wonder what they are on about.

i read stuff on here, peoples opinions and the like. now sometimes straight away, perhaps from personal experience, i will think that what i am reading isn't right for me. and other times it will be days before what i have read "rings true" and i either do something about it or not.

the one thing i don't like on urban or anywhere else is the abuse that flies around. i am crap at debating and arguing, i get tied up in my own stuff and take too long to understand what other are saying, so i very rarely get into debate. the name calling, the attacking the messenger rather than the message, the focussing on the weak part of an argument all spoil threads.

why can't we all pool what information we have and work out just what is going on without the name calling and the abuse.

i don't like the way conspiraloon is used either. i assume the loon part is referring to lunatic. sure maybe some people are mentally ill, but it is not for us unqualified people to decide who is ill and it is certainly not right to point and laugh at people with mental health problems, which seems to be the intention behind the word.

Mungy said:
i don't like the way conspiraloon is used either. i assume the loon part is referring to lunatic. sure maybe some people are mentally ill, but it is not for us unqualified people to decide who is ill and it is certainly not right to point and laugh at people with mental health problems, which seems to be the intention behind the word.
FFS: you're being ridiculous. No one is laughing at mentally ill people.
Loon: A person with confused ideas; incapable of serious thought
laptop said:
* Awaits banning of O'Hara for sending 22,000 PMs castigating every single member who uses a board name *

Seriously though, why would anyone persist with a board whose basic groundrules make them so paranoid?

Except, of course, to plug their subscription viewsletter.

If you (and Durutti/Invisible Planet) think that your amazingly coincidental (in terms of timing) abusive attacks and misrepresentation of my real views are going to shut me up, you are sadly mistaken. That you troll, shows you hate, and that you hate, shows you fear. Excellent!! :D
Yes, don't diss the loon


Tis truly a lovely bird and we even named are money after it.


At the Salt Lake olympics, we buried one under the ice and we won gold!!!
If I recall, Bob Dylan uses the phrase "crazy as a loon" in (I think) Bob Dylan's 115th Dream.

But back to Azrael, who, in post #440, accepts that, having cited Michael Meacher as a figure of authority, he doesn't actually know who Meacher is or what position he holds. He goes on to say that this doesn't matter. So having made a claim on a given basis (Meacher is important and in the circles of power) he then withdraws the basis of that claim but doesn't think it matters!

This doesn't really obscure the reality that Meacher, never more than a minor government minister, is in no better position to know what happened on 9/11 than any of the rest of us.
Donna Ferentes said:
This doesn't really obscure the reality that Meacher, never more than a minor government minister, is in no better position to know what happened on 9/11 than any of the rest of us.

I know exactly what happened.

You Donna have just given up and found the entire thing far too confusing.

hence subjective arguments are useless

9/11 WTC 1,2, 7
1. there were explosives in WTC 1,2 and 7
2. the buildings were brrought down by controlled demolition
3. the FAA, NORAD and the pentagon were conducting exercise drills that morning which directly affected NORADS response to the hijackings
4. the hijackers were government agents part of the exercise
5. not only was it an attack to push the US into global war [money money money] but it was also a bank robbery of billions of dollars of gold from WTC and a major distraction from the theft of $3.3 trillion dollars from the pentagon 1999-2000.

it doesnt take mental gymnastics to figure all that out.
zArk said:
I know exactly what happened.

You Donna have just given up and found the entire thing far too confusing.

hence subjective arguments are useless

9/11 WTC 1,2, 7
1. there were explosives in WTC 1,2 and 7
2. the buildings were brrought down by controlled demolition
3. the FAA, NORAD and the pentagon were conducting exercise drills that morning which directly affected NORADS response to the hijackings
4. the hijackers were government agents part of the exercise
5. not only was it an attack to push the US into global war [money money money] but it was also a bank robbery of billions of dollars of gold from WTC and a major distraction from the theft of $3.3 trillion dollars from the pentagon 1999-2000.

it doesnt take mental gymnastics to figure all that out.
Was the Reichstag fire similar
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