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The UK banking system

White Lotus said:
Wow, that's the first time that's ever happened!

Mac Mail screens for junk mail by content, which is okay because the address I use for urban75 subscribed threads is an account which gets little or no spam.

The above post is the first ever notification from an urban75 subscribed thread that Mail read carefully, shook its electronic head and consigned to my junkmail folder. So it's not just me then ... :D :D :D

its probably because it uses the word money so many times.
So no response on the real concrete social relations that perpeuate capital?

No response on your creeking crude enlightenment analysis of ideology?

Fucking Numpty.

heh, looking at the cia facts of the world.

UK - external debt £7 trillion
US - external debt £8 trillion

but the best is

World - external debt £12.7 trillion.

ahahahahahah so the WORLD owes £12.7 trillion to ????

the beauty of the debt based system

oh yeah and the worlds gdp is growing at 4%


In Bloom said:
Yes, yes, but what are the real world consequences of this?

zArk said:

yes we know all this you tit!


This is where the question of ownership comes into play.
zArk said:
So you don't think this has anything to do with having a system where profit is the primary driving force behind all production has anything to do with any of the above?

All you're doing is identifying a single symptom of capitalism and declaring (with no justificaiton) that said symptom is in fact the cause of all the world's problems.
In Bloom said:
So you don't think this has anything to do with having a system where profit is the primary driving force behind all production has anything to do with any of the above?

'Having a system where profit is the primary driving force behind all production' is a symptom of debt based money.
Backatcha Bandit said:
'Having a system where profit is the primary driving force behind all production' is a symptom of debt based money.

no it isn't you tit!

your also missing out the fact that countries owe that money based on future predictions.

Finance capital is a bet on the future productivity of labour, without setting us to work it would collapse.
To be a use-value is evidently a necessary prerequisite of the commodity, but it is immaterial to the use-value whether it is a commodity. Use-value as such, since it is independent of the determinate economic form, lies outside the sphere of investigation of political economy. It belongs to this sphere only when it is itself a determinate form.’ [Contribution,(1859) p.28]

Money is the prerequiste of money, but it is immaterial to money whether it is money. Money as such, since it is independant of money lies outside the sphere of investigation of money.


Marx is non-sense when money is exposed as a commodity.
You don't think that you've taken a few liberties there just substituting words? I demand more evidence that Marx is non-sense. Part os the system does not meet your - criteria for "imaginary" (which I find a little odd, autonomous=imaginary!??)

Did Marx not say that money is a commodity?

Still, commodities are still being bought and sold - M-C-M is still occuring. Part of the system is not entirely autonomous.
I wouldn't worry phil
phildwyer said:
Come let us mock at the great

Come let us mock at the wise;

Come let us mock at the good
...as this leaves you lot out.

Jazz, do you have a single, solitary piece of evidence to suggest that prosperity would follow from the removal of an interest-based money system? Because I suspect you don't.
Azrael23 said:
Your a cretin blagsta. You`ve done no research and your too arrogant to listen to those who have.

Spineless whelp.


Consider yourself bitched.

Oh the shame. :(
oh btw to all you clever clogs;

Iran 1956 had the Shah installed through a US/UK coup, removing the elected government. 1973 the Shah was kicked out and the democratically elected leader was re-installed. The banking system changed immediately and so did international perspective upon Iran.

Iran kicked the Shah out in 1979, not 1973

Do you even read my posts or just scan it looking for a keywords?

If you wish to argue against this issue, i suggest you pay more attention and research what i am writing

oh and if you think that the US/UK was powerless in this event and couldnt stop it.. you are sadly naive.
Wonder why they encouraged Saddam [their man] to invade Iran? Then turn on Saddam, invade, levy sanctions [1 million killed directly from them] and set the precendent for the 2003 invasion [over 300,000 directly killed by US and UK military].

March 23rd the UN will be deciding on action against Iran, but also on March 23rd Iran will be deciding upon trading oil in EUROS. The US economy will be crippled if this occurs. So will the UK economy. So will the world economy.
Blagsta said:
Oh the shame. :(

That's right Blagsta. You have indeed shamed yourself here, and in public too. All can now see that you most certainly do "traffic in mockery." And your shame is shared by all those who choose to mock rather than join what is certainly an interesting and constructive conversation among intelligent, if sometimes eccentric, people. I would like to continue, and I will, but I am off to Miami now, and to Colombia tomorrow. I shall be among you from there.
zArk said:
March 23rd the UN will be deciding on action against Iran, but also on March 23rd Iran will be deciding upon trading oil in EUROS. The US economy will be crippled if this occurs. So will the UK economy. So will the world economy.

I think what you mean is that Iran will decide whether or not to price it's oil in EUR rather than USD. (No need to go into a tedious discussion here about the different types of crude oil produced (WTI/Brent & Dubai) nor the different demand factors affecting them)

Funny though don't you think, that I can find no reference to this supposed
collapse in the news section of either my Bloomberg or Reuters terminals, nor can I recall it mentioned in the financial press? Financial markets hve their head in the sand or you havn't got a scooby what your talking about?

But never let the facts stand in the way of a good strory hey zArk :rolleyes:
A Dashing Blade said:
Funny though don't you think, that I can find no reference to this supposed
collapse in the news section of either my Bloomberg or Reuters terminals, nor can I recall it mentioned in the financial press? Financial markets hve their head in the sand or you havn't got a scooby what your talking about?

But never let the facts stand in the way of a good strory hey zArk :rolleyes:





a dashing blade-- you are obviously NOT searching for anything or reading anything
In its economical war Iran is treading the same path Saddam Hussein had started when he, in 2000, converted all his reserve from the Dollar to the Euro, and demanded payments in Euro for Iraqi oil. Many economists then mocked Saddam because he had lost a lot of money in this conversion. Yet they were very surprised when he recuperated his losses within less than a year period due to the valuation of the Euro. The American administration became aware of the threat when central banks of many countries started keeping Euros along side of Dollars as their monetary reserve and as an exchange fund for oil (Russian and Chinese central banks in 2003). To avoid economical collapse the Bush administration hastened to invade and to destroy Iraq under false excuses to make it an example to any country who may contemplate dropping the Dollar, and to manipulate OPEC’s decisions by controlling the second largest oil resource. Iraqi oil sale was reverted back to the petrodollar standard.

The UN had control of Iraqs Oil, the UN ordered Saddam to move to Euro Oil. The whole thing is orchestrated.
dated 12/1/2006 but is a commentary by a guest writer.

dated 14/9/2005

dated 16/6/2004

dated 27 October 2004

Anything (at all) more recent let alone more reliable?

Ohhh, what a surprise, nothing about this issue on the Iranian Ministry of Petoleum website (http://www.nioc.org/) nor in the semi-official trade rag Iran Petroluem (http://www.iranpetroleummag.com).

zArk said:
a dashing blade-- you are obviously NOT searching for anything or reading anything
You're way out of your depth pal. I work on a trading floor (emerging markets bonds & fx - tho' the commodity/energy guys are on the floor below - ), if the type of major macro-event event that you postulate were in any way imminant, I suspect I'd be one of the first peeps on these boards to hear about it.
A Dashing Blade said:
You're way out of your depth pal. I work on a trading floor (emerging markets bonds & fx - tho' the commodity/energy guys are on the floor below - ), if the type of major macro-event event that you postulate were in any way imminant, I suspect I'd be one of the first peeps on these boards to hear about it.

oh right, so even though i have shown you reports by different people because YOU havent heard anything it isnt true? Are you saying all those writers are making it up? Its all lies is it?

Ok, under the same premise tell me this;

Is gm food banned in the UK?
and when you come to the conclusion which is fact, will you then concede that without people like me you would not find things out?
Will you admit that the research and hard work people like I do is valuable and shouldnt be scoffed at?
Will you cease and desist battling me and use information as food for thought?
zArk said:
oh right, so even though i have shown you reports by different people because YOU havent heard anything it isnt true?

No, you showed me reports taliking about what-ifs . . . "Speculations have begun regarding whether the proposed March 2006 launch of the Iranian oil bourse (IOB), . . . " (Aljazeera) . . . "The Tehran oil bourse is scheduled to open in 2005 . . . " (Guardian) . . . "It is unclear at the time of writing (Oct 2004) , if this project will be successful" . . . (Global Research)

1) I searched Bloomberg news stories (BBG proprietry news feed, you have to pay for it). This is one of the primary sources used in the City.

2) I searched Reuters news stories (Rtr proprietry news feed + all global news agencies (again, you have to pay for it). This is the other primary news source used in the City.

3) I searched the in-house commodity research database about this. Nada, nothing, not a damm thing (funny that a global investment bank hasn't noticed this don't you think?)

As a corollory, USD has not been dumping out against the EUR and there are no particuarly interesting out of the money put positions in that currency pair.

Furthermore, there is nothing on any website that I can find regarding the setting up of the IOB (no website, no discussion about standardised contract sizes, delivery dates, derivatives on Iranian crude etc etc etc).

So, not only have I not heard about this imminant USD collapse, neither has the two main international financial news agencies, no other international news agency, nor the company I work for and neither is this reflected in international money flows (those things that may or may not be real according to you and the pixies at the bottom of your garden..

But hey, you decide :rolleyes:
zArk said:
Ok, under the same premise tell me this;

Is gm food banned in the UK?

Is that "Ok" as in "Yes ADB, you are correct"?

Or is that "Ok" as in "It's been demonstrated that I'm talking bollocks but I'm not going to admit it"?

Lets clear this one up before we move on GM ok?
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