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nacho novo

resident Blue
http://www. irish-nationalism.net/forum/index.php?

Obviously irish republicanism has a home here on Urban75, but whats your thoughts on the above web-site? Do you strive for the same aims?

<editor: no direct links to other boards, please>

@editor, soz, I didn't know, but i do now.
I'm an English Republican. I support people from any country who want to become independent and you can't be truly independent and have all those inbred fucks as the heads of your country.

About Northern Ireland, I hope some peaceful arrangement can be found. My ideal would be that all the nations of the UK become Republics and then reunite into a federation based on genuine equality and consensus.
That site's pretty over the top.

I look on the Combat 18 website some times and the argument the British posters have with their Irish and European counter parts are quite amusing. Between all the grunting, swearing and missing punctuation I have deducted that the Europeans are more sympathetic to the nationalist views of the Irish republican community in the north because they are fighting foreign imperialism and oppression while the British posters are sympathetic to the loyalist argument because it's a good thing for white man to invade white man.


It was butchers who first gently guided me to be aware of this brand of nationalism.
Ages ago in fact. Something to do with Sean Sabhat's anti semitism led me to this particular brand of nationalism. Hard to stomach just, as bad as that loyalist "fair" site.
nacho novo said:
http://www. irish-nationalism.net/forum/index.php?

Obviously irish republicanism has a home here on Urban75, but whats your thoughts on the above web-site? Do you strive for the same aims?

<editor: no direct links to other boards, please>

@editor, soz, I didn't know, but i do now.
yep english republican, sorry, hate those Germans for taking over our country if you disagree why not apply to mussolini, adolf hiltler or Oswald mosley for a patriotic British solution. Or The Daily Mail.... Hurrah for The blackshirts etc.... Smash the blueshirts as well....
bobcharge said:
That site's pretty over the top.

I look on the Combat 18 website some times and the argument the British posters have with their Irish and European counter parts are quite amusing. Between all the grunting, swearing and missing punctuation I have deducted that the Europeans are more sympathetic to the nationalist views of the Irish republican community in the north because they are fighting foreign imperialism and oppression while the British posters are sympathetic to the loyalist argument because it's a good thing for white man to invade white man.



Saw on National Anarchist site some tosser (probably yank) hailing the praises of Seamus Costello & the INLA. Wonder how long they would last in Whiterock.
RedSkin said:
yep english republican, sorry, hate those Germans for taking over our country if you disagree why not apply to mussolini, adolf hiltler or Oswald mosley for a patriotic British solution. Or The Daily Mail.... Hurrah for The blackshirts etc.... Smash the blueshirts as well....

or how about catching a grip and giving up on all nationalist/patriotic shite.
nacho novo said:
http://www. irish-nationalism.net/forum/index.php?

Obviously irish republicanism has a home here on Urban75, but whats your thoughts on the above web-site? Do you strive for the same aims?

<editor: no direct links to other boards, please>

@editor, soz, I didn't know, but i do now.

Well it seems your allowed to post a fascist site, but the Republican site which I posted highlighting the anti-imperialist aspects of the struggle got binned and deleted. How bizarre.
Ben66 said:
Well it seems your allowed to post a fascist site, but the Republican site which I posted highlighting the anti-imperialist aspects of the struggle got binned and deleted. How bizarre.

it was me that reported your sickening post, fuckface!

his post may have linked to a loyalist website but it wasn't to videos glorifying the murderous scum.

the fact you comment on the RIRA one as having a nice soundtrack makes me want to punch you in the fucking face, do you want to go show your videos to the the people of Omagh and all the other people who have been killed at the hands of dissident republicans?

One quick question whats your direct connection with the "anti imperialist struggle"?
revol68 said:
it was me that reported your sickening post, fuckface!

his post may have linked to a loyalist website but it wasn't to videos glorifying the murderous scum.

the fact you comment on the RIRA one as having a nice soundtrack makes me want to punch you in the fucking face, do you want to go show your videos to the the people of Omagh and all the other people who have been killed at the hands of dissident republicans?

One quick question whats your direct connection with the "anti imperialist struggle"?

:D Dont tell your a black belt in Origami (Wanker).

How do you think the victims who are Catholic feel when they see the British army publicity for the global murder in the form of medals and platitudes ?
Its the Irish peoples moral right to physically oppose occupation.


I am from a Republican family my Grandfather was in a flying column and my uncle a Quarter-Master who was banned from entering Britain :D
Ben66 said:
:D Dont tell your a black belt in Origami (Wanker).

How do you think the victims who are Catholic feel when they see the British army publicity for the global murder in the form of medals and platitudes ?
Its the Irish peoples moral right to physically oppose occupation.


I am from a Republican family my Grandfather was in a flying column and my uncle a Quarter-Master who was banned from entering Britain :D

hmm well i am one of those northern irish catholics you so care for and i can tell you that they enjoy being killed by the Army, Police and Loyalists as they do getting blown to pieces as collatoral damage by the murdering fuckfaces in the IRA.

lets back on the politics of nationalism.

Would you care to define "Irish", and also explain what your suggestions are for the one million people in northern ireland who don't see themselves as Irish?

Heres how I'd like to see the defence forces upgraded to take back the North.
ARMY 35,000 strong.

Better pay and conditions free education and healthcare for those who serve 5 years +. The creation of an Irish defence industry,(like Swedens), Ireland having a small nuclear deterrent. A youth 15+ junior leader battalion.

Longer basic training-18 weeks, the cultivation of a more aggressive, patriot based ethos. An army that can operate in a nuclear,biological or chemical environment.


The creation of a heavy division, including 80(1) heavy armoured tanks.


The creation of a larger mechanized division, with warrior type fighting vehicles,(to dismount infantry more effectively), hummers with mounted heavy machine guns. More APCs.

Better arming of infantry units, weapons including, 40mm grenade launchers, 60mm lightweight mortars, 81mm m/range mortars. night vision equipment, upgraded small arms from hand guns to combat shotguns, assault rifles and heavy machine guns,and flamethrowers,anti-tank weapons, SAMs, etc.

The creation of an infantry commando/paratrooper division, 7,000 strong.
Designed for rapid deployment with a its own transport aircraft and attack helicopters and engineering, logistic, and mechanized support units. Special Forces, spearhead and Paratrooper Pathfinder units to be equipped with with small tactical nuclear weapons,( like Russian Spetsnaz and NATO special forces, these can stop tanks columns and obliterate an area about 1 square mile). This divison will undergo the similar training as the 2rep French Foreign Legion paras.

This division will also have a special forces battalion, and have mountain, desert and artic warfare (2) cadres.And train with overses forces such as airborne division the French foreign legion, US Rangers etc.


A Squadron of Harriers.

A squadron of F 15s. - Also used for international air displays.

A squadron of chinooks.

A squadron of transport aircraft.

4 airtankers.

A squadron pumas

2 squadrons of apache attack helicopters.

An elite air defence infantry unit formed.

Up graded missile and air defence systems.


7 local patrol vessels (which we already have).

4 mine sweepers.

2 type 22 frigates.

2 type 24 destroyers.

1 assault ship.

1 hydrograhical vessel.

3 diesel submarines, 3 Small nuclear class subs, two aways deployed in international waters.

Missile defence systems to include, exocets, phalanx, seawolf, sea dart etc.

The navy to work closely with naval commando units and air support from the air force.

I bet the liberals would love that, LOL. Defence spending increased to 5 billion euro (3) from money saved on asylum seekers etc.

A coast guard unit and armed border patrol unit designed to deport asylum seekers and undesirables.

(1) At its peak the warsaw pact had over 120,000 tanks, NATO around 12,000(a). The US military today has around 3,000.

(2) To take place with Scandinavian marine and special forces units.

(3) not much when you consider the US spends around 25% GNP on its military.
Around 550 billion dollars per annum.

(a) Which was why it relied so heavily on a nuclear deterrent.
Ben66 said:

Heres how I'd like to see the defence forces upgraded to take back the North.
ARMY 35,000 strong.

Better pay and conditions free education and healthcare for those who serve 5 years +. The creation of an Irish defence industry,(like Swedens), Ireland having a small nuclear deterrent. A youth 15+ junior leader battalion.

Longer basic training-18 weeks, the cultivation of a more aggressive, patriot based ethos. An army that can operate in a nuclear,biological or chemical environment.


The creation of a heavy division, including 80(1) heavy armoured tanks.


The creation of a larger mechanized division, with warrior type fighting vehicles,(to dismount infantry more effectively), hummers with mounted heavy machine guns. More APCs.

Better arming of infantry units, weapons including, 40mm grenade launchers, 60mm lightweight mortars, 81mm m/range mortars. night vision equipment, upgraded small arms from hand guns to combat shotguns, assault rifles and heavy machine guns,and flamethrowers,anti-tank weapons, SAMs, etc.

The creation of an infantry commando/paratrooper division, 7,000 strong.
Designed for rapid deployment with a its own transport aircraft and attack helicopters and engineering, logistic, and mechanized support units. Special Forces, spearhead and Paratrooper Pathfinder units to be equipped with with small tactical nuclear weapons,( like Russian Spetsnaz and NATO special forces, these can stop tanks columns and obliterate an area about 1 square mile). This divison will undergo the similar training as the 2rep French Foreign Legion paras.

This division will also have a special forces battalion, and have mountain, desert and artic warfare (2) cadres.And train with overses forces such as airborne division the French foreign legion, US Rangers etc.


A Squadron of Harriers.

A squadron of F 15s. - Also used for international air displays.

A squadron of chinooks.

A squadron of transport aircraft.

4 airtankers.

A squadron pumas

2 squadrons of apache attack helicopters.

An elite air defence infantry unit formed.

Up graded missile and air defence systems.


7 local patrol vessels (which we already have).

4 mine sweepers.

2 type 22 frigates.

2 type 24 destroyers.

1 assault ship.

1 hydrograhical vessel.

3 diesel submarines, 3 Small nuclear class subs, two aways deployed in international waters.

Missile defence systems to include, exocets, phalanx, seawolf, sea dart etc.

The navy to work closely with naval commando units and air support from the air force.

I bet the liberals would love that, LOL. Defence spending increased to 5 billion euro (3) from money saved on asylum seekers etc.

A coast guard unit and armed border patrol unit designed to deport asylum seekers and undesirables.

(1) At its peak the warsaw pact had over 120,000 tanks, NATO around 12,000(a). The US military today has around 3,000.

(2) To take place with Scandinavian marine and special forces units.

(3) not much when you consider the US spends around 25% GNP on its military.
Around 550 billion dollars per annum.

(a) Which was why it relied so heavily on a nuclear deterrent.

okay great joke, you got me.

if this isn't a joke, i'm lost for words, your clearly as clued into northern irish politics... actually fuck that your just plained wired to the moon.
revol68 said:
hmm well i am one of those northern irish catholics you so care for and i can tell you that they enjoy being killed by the Army, Police and Loyalists as they do getting blown to pieces as collatoral damage by the murdering fuckfaces in the IRA.

lets back on the politics of nationalism.

Would you care to define "Irish", and also explain what your suggestions are for the one million people in northern ireland who don't see themselves as Irish?

Irish is someone who swears allegiance to the proclamation of the Easter rising. All wars have innocent victims.
revol68 said:
okay great joke, you got me.

if this isn't a joke, i'm lost for words, your clearly as clued into northern irish politics... actually fuck that your just plained wired to the moon.

Such a force will drive the British into the sea within 48 hours. :D And then onto the isle of Man.

We might even occupy the North West of England and put some settlers their and call it The United Republic of Ireland and the North West.
Ben66 said:
Irish is someone who swears allegiance to the proclamation of the Easter rising. All wars have innocent victims.

have you any idea what percentage of people could actually tell you what it says in the Easter rising proclamation?

And surely the easter proclamation already defines irishness, you fucking cretin, so you'll need to tell us what the writers of the proclamation mean by irish.

And again what about those people who don't want to be irish?
Ben66 said:
Irish is someone who swears allegiance to the proclamation of the Easter rising. All wars have innocent victims.

Aren't you the poster who was getting upset at the thought of Bonsai kittens earlier? :p
Ben66 said:
Such a force will drive the British into the sea within 48 hours. :D And then onto the isle of Man.

We might even occupy the North West of England and put some settlers their and call it The United Republic of Ireland and the North West.

You been to liverpool? :D
All Irish citizens from 3 + willl learn the Proclamation along with their Catacism.

Its a pity you grassed to the mod about my IRA video thread, I could have had some nice music in the background while typing.
Ben66 said:
Heres how I'd like to see the defence forces upgraded to take back the North.

If you're not taking the piss, who's going to pay for all that? Modern MBTs (Main Battle Tanks) cost several million pounds each (unless you buy inferior Soviet/Russian designs), APCs (Armoured Personnel Carriers) cost a few hundred thousand each, a nuclear deterrant would cost billions, Harriers cost in the region of £30million each, F-15s a bit more, Chinooks are very expensive (again millions each), the latest Apache coming into service with the British Army is about £15million per unit, transport aircraft (tactical transport like Hercules or strategic transport like the C-17?) cost even more than fighters, air tankers cost more again than strategic transports, frigates and destroyers cost hundreds of millions each, as do nuclear subs.

Does the RofI have several hundred billion pounds lying round doing nothing that they can buy all those nice shiny bits of kit with?

Ben66 said:
Special Forces, spearhead and Paratrooper Pathfinder units to be equipped with with small tactical nuclear weapons,( like Russian Spetsnaz and NATO special forces, these can stop tanks columns and obliterate an area about 1 square mile).

Sorry to piss on your fantasy, but no special forces on earth are equipped with tactical nukes. What tactical nukes are in use around the world are small missiles or rockets launched from modified tanks or heavy trucks, things that are not in general use by SAS type people.

Ben66 said:
This division will also have a special forces battalion, and have mountain, desert and artic warfare (2) cadres.And train with overses forces such as airborne division the French foreign legion, US Rangers etc.

What use would the RofI have for desert, mountain or arctic trained troops?

Ben66 said:
Missile defence systems to include, exocets, phalanx, seawolf, sea dart etc.

Exocet is an anti ship missile and fairly useless against any modern navy equipped with Phalanx and modern SAMs (such as the US AEGIS system with the SR-2 missile).

Phalanx is a multi-barrelled gun mounted on ships to take out incoming missiles.

Sea Wolf and Sea Dart were out of date and pretty useless 25 years ago in the Falklands, why would you want them now for your all new, all improved Irish forces?
well as much of the equipment used by the British army is from the 1960s or faulty the equiptment mentioned would suffice. The artic warfare training is would simply be to toughen up our troops.

In the cold War the units mentioned were armed with small tactical nukes the size of a large suitcase, and not missiles.

Sea Dart etc can more then reach Brit ships near Wales. IRA units will deal with the traitors etc.

The air force capability will be if we decide to invade the North West of England and annex it.
Ben66 said:
well as much of the equipment used by the British army is from the 1960s or faulty the equiptment mentioned would suffice. The artic warfare training is would simply be to toughen up our troops.

In the cold War the units mentioned were armed with small tactical nukes the size of a large suitcase, and not missiles.

Sea Dart etc can more then reach Brit ships near Wales. IRA units will deal with the traitors etc.

The air force capability will be if we decide to invade the North West of England and annex it.

The British Army has very little kit left from the 1960s, and most of what is that old isn't front line.

Suitcase nukes are a but more Tom Clancy than real life mate - Google the French 'Pluto' system (I think that was the name), their Tactical Nuclear system. It was a large missile mounted on the back of an AMX-13 light tank. How do you think the SAS would get a light tank behind enemy lines without anyone else noticing.

Nuclear suitcase bombs may or may not exist, but how much nuclear fuel do you think you could fit into a briefcase (and would you fancy carrying a bergen full of plutonium on your back for any length of time?).

Sea Dart is an anti aircraft missile, you can fire it off at ships all day if you like, you won't hit anything.

Your air force capability (one squadron of fighters (F-15s) and one squadron of ground attack aircraft (Harrier)) would be slaughtered by the RAF before they saw England.

You still haven't said were all the money to buy all this kit is coming from.

Stick to playing Command and Conquer mate, real life seems to be a bit much for you.
Bigdavalad said:
The British Army has very little kit left from the 1960s, and most of what is that old isn't front line.

Suitcase nukes are a but more Tom Clancy than real life mate - Google the French 'Pluto' system (I think that was the name), their Tactical Nuclear system. It was a large missile mounted on the back of an AMX-13 light tank. How do you think the SAS would get a light tank behind enemy lines without anyone else noticing.

Nuclear suitcase bombs may or may not exist, but how much nuclear fuel do you think you could fit into a briefcase (and would you fancy carrying a bergen full of plutonium on your back for any length of time?).

Sea Dart is an anti aircraft missile, you can fire it off at ships all day if you like, you won't hit anything.

Your air force capability (one squadron of fighters (F-15s) and one squadron of ground attack aircraft (Harrier)) would be slaughtered by the RAF before they saw England.

You still haven't said were all the money to buy all this kit is coming from.

Stick to playing Command and Conquer mate, real life seems to be a bit much for you.

The Saxon cars that run over Irish kids are from the 60s as are Wessex helicopters.

Russian special forces did have suitcase nukes and I heard an ex-SAS officer claiming they did as well.

Obviously you would be hit by surprise, the RAF would not get off the ground as our units would see to that.

The money would come from taxation. People like Bono would also have their assets seized.
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