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Shayler - talk in Brixton - Wed. 2nd Nov.

bristol_citizen said:
Well that's two Green conspiraloons we've unearthed in Bristol with no effort. How many are there in the UK FFS?
5% of them?

...which would still leave 95% who aren't.
you back to putting words in people's mouths, teejay? or are you defending gosling?

have you ever spoken to gosling? or been in contact with him by other means? just to clarify, you understand :)
TeeJay said:
How can I produce evidence for a *question*?

You did see the question mark didn't you?
No on else did because it's not there.

Did you or did you not write this:

"...which would still leave 95% who aren't."

Are you going to edit all your posts by the time we wake up again?
butchersapron said:
No on else did because it's not there.
The question mark was after "5% of them"...

...the second line is dependent on the hypothetical 5%

You can see the question mark can't you butchers?

r'n'b quoted it
TeeJay said:
The question mark was after "5% of them"...

...the second line is dependent on the hypothetical 5%
That's your post - however RnB is asking for evidence of the other 95% (the evidence for the 5% having already been furnished) - which was, most defintely, not followed by a question mark. Good day.
butchersapron said:
That's yourpost - however RnB is asking for evidence of the other 95% (the evidence for the 5% having already been furnished)
You haven't furnished evidence of 5%

You really are a tiresome buffoon butchers. Bristol's equivalent of pbman in fact.

Piss off and troll somewhere else.
Hang on, 5% of the green Party being Loons was your guess TeeJaaY not mine. So why are you getting on your high horse about me repeating you?
butchersapron said:
Hang on, 5% of the green Party being Loons was your guess TeeJaaY not mine. So why are you getting on your high horse about me repeating you?
So it was my guess?

"the evidence for the 5% having already been furnished"

You really are a brain-addled fuckwit, aren't you? :D
as soon as he gets found out he goes all weird, every fucking time - ffs 'teedge' you'd be better off just giving up and going away than staying here looking mad
teejay said:
In my opinion the only approach to take is to seek to attract more 'mainstream' and 'normal' people (something that seems to be happening) and rely on the weight of numbers. I think this is better than trying to "purge" people you consider to be oddballs etc.

so - let's get this straight - your theory to make sure dodgy agenda'd nutters like gosling don't get to be seen as the face of the greens is to... do nothing, and hope enough non-dodgy agenda'd, non-nutters just happen to join the party to dilute the effect of the dodgy agenda'd nutters..?

marvellous :)

like i say, i have no interest in the green party.
TeeJay said:
So it was my guess?

"the evidence for the 5% having already been furnished"

You really are a brain-addled fuckwit, aren't you? :D
No you muppet, that came after your guess and me deciding to take you at your word, after all you wouldn't have just came to the 5% with no serious research at all would you? WOULD YOU?

This post:

5% of them?

...which would still leave 95% who aren't.


You absolute sucker
bristle-krs said:
so - let's get this straight - your theory to make sure dodgy agenda'd nutters like gosling don't get to be seen as the face of the greens is to... do nothing, and hope enough non-dodgy agenda'd, non-nutters just happen to join the party to dilute the effect of the dodgy agenda'd nutters..?

marvellous :)

like i say, i have no interest in the green party.
So you think there should be a purge?

What exactly is Gosling's agenda? [ps I will do a search to see if there are any threads about this already]

I *am* arguing that tolerating 'nutters' is better than having an excessively authoritarian and centralised party where anyone who goes off message or is a bit odd gets thrown out.

I don't really like all this shite, but if you have a 'radical' party which is positioning itself slightly outside the mainstream the is it any surprise that you attract a certain number of oddballs and people with wierd ideas?

While I would prefer that this wasn't the case, I can live with it as long as the bulk of the party have their heads screwed on and as long as the policies remain in the right place.

I think that tolerating the oddballs is better than starting to throw people out over expressing relatively trivial and harmless views.

You may argue that TG is not trivial or harmless. I am willing to listen to what you have to say about him. If it is bad and extreme enough then I would agree that he should be asked to leave the GP. At the moment I couldn't really say either way.
butchersapron said:
...after all you wouldn't have just came to the 5% with no serious research at all would you? WOULD YOU?
I wouldn't take a guess without "serious research"?

Oh do shut up, you idiot. :rolleyes:
TeeJay said:
So you think there should be a purge?

still trying to put words in people's mouths, then.

there's no real point in you talking about this until you've actually done the reading.

you also haven't replied to my questions.
bristle-krs said:
there's no real point in you talking about this until you've actually done the reading.
You haven't provided any links.

I might get round to doing a search for 'gosling', but how hard is it for you to just say exactly what your problem with him is?

I don't get the impression that you would support the Green Party anyway - gosling or no gosling - so maybe there is no point talking to you about this either? You say you don't care. What exactly is your point then?

As for your questions...

...they must have been a bit vague, but I am even less inclined to bother re-reading this thread to find them when you try to do your best impression of Jeremy Paxman. :rolleyes:
The problem (or one of the problems with) with Tony Gosling is that he posted on indymedia, pretending to be Class War, when he is not, and never has been anything to do with the Class War Federation.

His thread "The Class War MI5 Files" by Class War was a straight forward act of disinformation.

Gosling has pushed the "Class War was propped up by MI5" line ever since, even though David Shayler himself abandoned it at the Conway Hall debate he had with larry O'Hara this summer.
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