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Settlers get the shit kicked out of them in Gaza!

revol68 said:
jesus h christ is this what the left has been reduced to, cheering on the IDF as it removes settlers by force? Seriously though, you don't seem to have any grasp of how the settlers have essentially been used by Sharon.

As for violence in the evictions, don't you think the kids are going through a traumatic enough time without watching there parents being beaten by the IDF(and don't come back to me shouting about the children of Jenin etc as im well fucking aware!). Basically, don't you see that it's just more ordinary people being used and spat out by the state? I mean it might be a necessary part of any settlement in the region but it's hardly something to be revelled in.
I'm not going to deny that the settlers have been used by the government but some personal responsibility has to come into it (especially in the case of the settlers who emigrated from other countries). These settlements are illegal and the settlers have stolen land, water and resorces from the Palestinians.
i agree thats its political manuvering by the sharon state as a smoke screen for the land grab in the west bank. besides, gaza will once again be surrounded by idf plus barbed wire and numerous checkpoints once agian to humiliate the palestinians...

but behind the israeli state is the question of what drives these people on to be settlers and virulent hatred for the palestinians?....

that question goes beyond your 'state' is the main enemy argument...revo...
but behind the israeli state is the question of what drives these people on to be settlers and virulent hatred for the palestinians?....

I think that question is self evident. Just look at how many times the settlers have used holocaust similies. The Palestinians are miscellaneous to the conflict in the eyes of the settlers -- they are hated because they are preventing the fulfillment of the state as a Jewish homeland -- it's not hated in racial terms, although it probably has become that over time, as does hatred grow in all wars, and as Palestinians have grown to hate Jews/Israelis in racial terms (through war).
belboid said:
Its a bunch of semi-fascist fucking settlers having the shit kicked out of them by.....two-fifths fascist settlers. Hopefully they will kick the fucking shit out of each other. It most certainly is something to laugh at.

What a pathetic attitude. I grew up in a Jewish area and have a lot of sympathy with the plight of Jews. The Jews as a group are very strong and, quite rightly, after the war went into a long period of self defence.

How on earth can you link jews with fascism.
energy said:
I think that question is self evident. Just look at how many times the settlers have used holocaust similies. The Palestinians are miscellaneous to the conflict in the eyes of the settlers -- they are hated because they are preventing the fulfillment of the state as a Jewish homeland -- it's not hated in racial terms, although it probably has become that over time, as does hatred grow in all wars, and as Palestinians have grown to hate Jews/Israelis in racial terms (through war).
in that case why cant the jewish population live alongside the palestinians in what was palestine like they did for a thousand years before all this shite blew up in the last 80years?
Please, don't bother tarring me with the meaningless phrase - "the left".

I am neither left, right, or both.

I just like to see illegal occupations by bigoted twats destroyed.
Gumbert said:
in that case why cant the jewish population live alongside the palestinians in what was palestine like they did for a thousand years before all this shite blew up in the last 80years?

i dunno
some did
my grandmother and grandfather, uncle, father and aunt(dedicated old labour zionist kibbutzniks) left in '67 when the violence became intolerable from both Israeli (IDF/Settlers) and Palestinian
her family had been their since 1830s, living peacefully alongside Arab Palestinians on land which they had bought legitimately
ancient jewish prophets did stress non-violent return was imperative
tangentlama said:
Actually, I give a fuck. It's irrelevant what religion or nationality
a non-violent protestor should not have the shit kicked out of them.

PK is full of shit. It seems that no-one is getting the shit kicked out of them -- the army are using empathy to evict people, not violence. PK obviously gets a thrill from violence. :rolleyes:
Gumbert said:
in that case why cant the jewish population live alongside the palestinians in what was palestine like they did for a thousand years before all this shite blew up in the last 80years?

Because pogroms and genocide radicalized the Jews, and the Palestinians were the unfortunates who got in the way of that. Since then, things have gone from bad to worse.
energy said:
PK is full of shit. It seems that no-one is getting the shit kicked out of them -- the army are using empathy to evict people, not violence.

Energy, I suggest you read the newspapers.


"A large crowd of predominantly young people blocked the entrance to Neve Dekalim and refused to let the trucks enter. When security forces tried to push back the crowd, scuffles erupted.

Protesters set fire to a garbage container, and splattered white paint in the road. Protesters, who wore the orange color of pullout opponents, pelted police with plastic water bottles while a water cannon put out the fire. Several people had bloody faces, and four officers were hurt."


PK obviously gets a thrill from violence. :rolleyes:

I get a certain satisfaction, perhaps thrill, seeing the people who forcibly evicted people from their homes a few years ago getting almost the same treatment now, yes.

I say almost, because the Palestinians were far more brutally evicted.
gunneradt said:
How on earth can you link jews with fascism.
Not Jews of course. Zionism definitely. As early as 1948 Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt and other liberal Jews in the US and elsewhere signed a letter to the New York Times warning of the fascist extremes zionism was capable of and explicitly labelling Menachim Begin's party fascist.

No doubt if Albert was still alive today he'd be chuckling over his breakfast at the pictures of the modern Begin's getting a taste of their own medicine. Fuck em.
gunneradt said:
What a pathetic attitude. I grew up in a Jewish area and have a lot of sympathy with the plight of Jews. The Jews as a group are very strong and, quite rightly, after the war went into a long period of self defence.

How on earth can you link jews with fascism.

This Jew would suggest that before you make sweeping statements you do a bit of historical research into Fascism, and then a bit of research into Zionist extremist organisations such as KACH.

Then come back with some ridiculous notion about how you can't link Jews with fascism. :( :(
i just spoke to mate who lives in the Khan Younis refugee camp... she couldn't give a toss about the settlers or the disengagement... vacating the settlements n the IDF leaving Gaza will just turn it into a giant prison... a poor, dirty, over populated wasteland... which everyone will sell to the Palestinians as their "promised land" (pun intended).
redsquirrel said:
So the Palestine-Isreali situation has existed for thousands of years eh :rolleyes:

No, but historical ties to the land go back thousands of years on both sides. Its a complicated situation as most conflicts are complicated.

Not for the European left however, its all cut and dry for them. Like a child they have figured it all out. Palestinians good, Israelis bad.

Mighty intellectuals I tell you.
i wish the IDF would kick the shit out of the settlers tbh, unfortunately they wont be as hardcore as they are with the palestinians

one settler one bullet!
energy said:
Because pogroms and genocide radicalized the Jews, and the Palestinians were the unfortunates who got in the way of that. Since then, things have gone from bad to worse.
this is what i was getting at though you yourself dont mention the word *zionist* do you...

oh and mears

fuck off.... :)
rednblack said:
i wish the IDF would kick the shit out of the settlers tbh, unfortunately they wont be as hardcore as they are with the palestinians

one settler one bullet!
Don't you think the settlers have been used by the Israeli government though? And that the teenagers who are resisting the withdrawal are the most indocrinated?
ViolentPanda said:
This Jew would suggest that before you make sweeping statements you do a bit of historical research into Fascism, and then a bit of research into Zionist extremist organisations such as KACH.

Then come back with some ridiculous notion about how you can't link Jews with fascism. :( :(

you can associate every single country, depending on how minority you want to go, to fascism, in one form or another. 99% of everyone I knew for 20 years was jewish, but they certainly werent fascist. Defensive certainly. My friends father used to organise the Israeli soldiers rehabilitation after injury in Essex and I never met anyone who was extreme in any way.
Thora said:
Don't you think the settlers have been used by the Israeli government though? And that the teenagers who are resisting the withdrawal are the most indocrinated?

of course and they're just using them again - but still, they are scum, and the more the israeli state treats them like shit the more they'll question it
Thora said:
Don't you think the settlers have been used by the Israeli government though? And that the teenagers who are resisting the withdrawal are the most indocrinated?

But in the words of the orthodox 'an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth'

They are not indoctrinated they are Israeli zionists they have access to history and have a choice.
of course they're being used. And yes there is a risk that the 'ill treatment' they receive will lead to a slight increase in sympathy for their position, amongst sections of the population. But it will also increase their isolation from many more, so swings and roundabouts.
Herbert Read said:
But in the words of the orthodox 'an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth'

They are not indoctrinated they are Israeli zionists they have access to history and have a choice.
Sure, they're scum, blowing up buses is pretty shit too. No one really comes out of the whole thing whiter than white, do they?
ZWord said:
No I heard they were going to be rehoused further up the beach, a bit South of Tel Aviv, near Nizzanim. I reckon they'll actually do quite well out of it.
The compensation's huge.

One of the strangest things though, and this is a bit sad, the IDF are going to knock down all the private residences, (so they can't be occupied by palestinians?) apparently.

Compensation is available to those who own their own home in the settlements, many do not & therefore are not entitled to compensation.

The settlements are being destroyed with the say so of the Palestinian Authority who require a denser housing population than the settlements currently provide.
Energy, I suggest you read the newspapers.

Actually, I'm watching Israeli TV channel 1 http://mabat.iba.org.il

They have a live TV news feed at the moment. It's very hard to get access, and I keep losing the link, but it seems that no-one is getting anything kicked out of them.

That picture doesn't prove anything.

So you and your porno-violence fantansies can fuck off!
Herb in violence monopoly shocker

Thora said:
Sure, they're scum, blowing up buses is pretty shit too. No one really comes out of the whole thing whiter than white, do they?

I fucking hate hard core islamics as well as hard core jews :mad:

It pisses me off that the state has the monopoly on violence i would well give em all a fucking roasting and kicking :D

Maybe we should send in shane richie to do the Daz door step challenge in Gaza :D
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