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who is responsible for the London attacks?

"Londonistan"... fucking hell. I saw that earlier and made an ever so slightly sarcastic blog post about it. Tonight, since I am annoyed after a two hour bus commute anyway, my mission is to get drunk and post rude comments on any site promoting this drivel.
FridgeMagnet said:
"Londonistan"... fucking hell. I saw that earlier and made an ever so slightly sarcastic blog post about it. Tonight, since I am annoyed after a two hour bus commute anyway, my mission is to get drunk and post rude comments on any site promoting this drivel.

There are assholes everywhere. Here, it used to be 'Hongcouver', for the mouthbreathing crowd.
Point is JC, we've had an long-term effort by certain fringe political parties to stir precisely this sort of shit up. So I think their role in deliberately and maliciously creating what is now apparently a breeding ground for terrorists, is worth mentioning. What we've got now has been their dream.
FridgeMagnet said:
"Londonistan"... fucking hell. I saw that earlier and made an ever so slightly sarcastic blog post about it. Tonight, since I am annoyed after a two hour bus commute anyway, my mission is to get drunk and post rude comments on any site promoting this drivel.

I admire your near future tenacity and vigour.
Now, it may well be that they had outside help and obviously whoever did that would be even more directly culpable for the bombings, but whether they did or not, the question has to be asked: why a bunch of british asians were minded to do this and what role the deliberate promotion of race war in their area by various neo-nazi parties, had in making their minds up for them?
Johnny Canuck2 said:
While brits have always delighted in calling americans down for their racism, it's seemed to me that there is a virulent racism alive and well in UK that wouldn't find such overt expression in the US or Canada for that matter.
Bernie Gunther said:
...It would actually be quite comforting to find they were all chemical engineering students and that the house in Leeds was a home-brew bomb factory.
That's very plausible entirely consistent with the nouvelle vague Jihad and not remotely comforting. Persistent terrorist journeymen like PIRA have a MO and a network and can be caught. You can't trace suicidal self-starters; no security service can protect against that.

I'm off to reread the book of revalation it may be instructive.
But if you are dealing with suicidal self-starters then I think local, personal movitivations become much more important. All this nonsense about treating the London bombings as war makes zero sense. What are they going to do, level Dewsbury the way they did Fallujah?
Bernie Gunther said:
Point is JC, we've had an long-term effort by certain fringe political parties to stir precisely this sort of shit up. So I think their role in deliberately and maliciously creating what is now apparently a breeding ground for terrorists, is worth mentioning. What we've got now has been their dream.

Maybe it's not that simple. Were you aware that until you changed your anti terrorism laws, you were living under a covenant of security with islamic radicals?

Because I was using Daniel Pipes as an example of a right-wing lunatic promoting race wars as a solution to the UK's terrorism problem a couple of pages back and before doing that I'd read a whole bunch of his shit.
JC, right now it looks like this was an entirely domestic matter. I don't give a rats ass what some neo-con mouthpiece thinks about it or how it fits into the global war on terrorism. Thanks to these idiot bombers our local neo-nazis think it's their birthday.
Bernie Gunther said:
Because I was using Daniel Pipes as an example of a right-wing lunatic promoting race wars as a solution to the UK's terrorism problem a couple of pages back and before doing that I'd read a whole bunch of his shit.

That's two authors who point to comments made by people, facts, etc, who come to conclusions that you don't like, and whom you therefore brand as right wing lunatics.
Bernie Gunther said:
JC, right now it looks like this was an entirely domestic matter.

Looks like it to whom? Based on what: a perusal of the newspapers and websites?

Have you already closed your mind to any other possibility?
Johnny Canuck2 said:
<snip> Have you already closed your mind to any other possibility?
No, and the possibility that they had professional help is something worth taking serious until we know different. Either way, the question of why a bunch of asian kids from Leeds either self-started or became ripe for recruitment by professional jihadis is extremely important for our society. Right now I'd bet on domestic, but I certainly wouldn't rule out the possibility they had a coach.
One of the op ed authors, likely one of the ones you don't like, pointed out that during the time of the troubles, the police focussed their investgations to find bombers, etc, in the Irish community.

Would it have made sense to focus it in the Czechoslovakian community?

If the indicators are that these terrorists are muslim, do you agree that the investgation should be focussed in the muslim community?
Bernie Gunther said:
No, and the possibility that they had professional help is something worth taking serious until we know different. Either way, the question of why a bunch of asian kids from Leeds either self-started or became ripe for recruitment by professional jihadis is extremely important for our society. Right now I'd bet on domestic, but I certainly wouldn't rule out the possibility they had a coach.

Why did british muslims end up fighting for the taliban in Afghanistan: was that a domestic issue as well?
Bernie Gunther said:
JC, right now it looks like this was an entirely domestic matter.

How can you say that? I'd say it's most likely they had outside help, quite likely from abroad, to obtain the HE and components and assemble the bombs.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Why did british muslims end up fighting for the taliban in Afghanistan: was that a domestic issue as well?
The question of what made them ripe for recruitment certainly is a legitimate concern. To a large extent, it looks like the same profile applies as would for any other cult or urban terrorist group, right, left, xtian or muslim. Young, pissed-off, middle-class and educated.

In this case though, we have neo-nazis actively trying to promote race war in the area where these guys and not a few of the others who went through AQ camps and so on, came from.

Now they have one. A mosque got firebombed a very short distance from where I live. I am really not very happy that this sort of thing is happening.

And meanwhile, people trying to justify a cretionously bipolar view of the world are trying to exploit this for their own unpleasant purposes.

Londanistan my arse.
Bernie Gunther said:
The question of what made them ripe for recruitment certainly is a legitimate concern. To a large extent, it looks like the same profile applies as would for any other cult or urban terrorist group, right, left, xtian or muslim. Young, pissed-off, middle-class and educated.

In this case though, we have neo-nazis actively trying to promote race war in the area where these guys and not a few of the others who went through AQ camps and so on, came from.

Now they have one. A mosque got firebombed a very short distance from where I live. I am really not very happy that this sort of thing is happening.

And meanwhile, people trying to justify a cretionously bipolar view of the world are trying to exploit this for their own unpleasant purposes.

Londanistan my arse.

There's another possibility.

You may or may not recall the Air India bombing, with the plane that went into the sea off Cork. The flight originated in Canada. On the same day, a bomb was discovered in luggage in Japan, taken off a Canadian Airlines flight.

It all related to Khalistan, and the movement to free the Punjab. The main actors lived in Canada; they were indo-canadian.

Fact is that these people didn't abandon the causes and disputes of their country of origin when they moved here and became canadian citizens.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
<snip> Fact is that these people didn't abandon the causes and disputes of their country of origin when they moved here and became canadian citizens.
Well, as I keep reiterating, I think things can have more than one cause.
Bernie Gunther said:
Well, as I keep reiterating, I think things can have more than one cause.

No disagreement here. You're the one who said it's pretty clearly domestic, and that he didn't want to hear anything else from erstwhile neocons or whomever.
The problem I have with the neo-con interpretation of reality is that they and Blair are desperate to cover there arses for the ghastly mess they've made in Iraq etc and are pushing stuff with racially divisive implication for my society in an effort to present a crudely bipolar version of the world. They are utterly discredited by their performance in Iraq etc, and obviously lost in delusion.

I've actually found stuff from some US right wing ish sites oi2002 was quoting earlier quite informative. The neo-cons no longer have credibility though.
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