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bristol indymedia: press release (pre-server seizure) (2)

Sunspots said:
If they really are quite as moronic as you suggest (-which IMO seems to be the case!), I would imagine the timing in relation to the G8 is probably mere coincidence.

The way I see it, it's just a personal vendetta being obsessively played out (by both 'sides', I think). i.e: Zaskar et al jumped at the chance to disrupt BIM by squealing to the police, and BIM which is no doubt loving the (-fully deserved, IMO) public flogging that Zaskar et al are receiving here and elsewhere.

I still think Zaskar is fatuous and disruptive; but IMO, both sides of this dispute need their fucking heads banging together. :rolleyes: :p

A public flogging by some of the numties on the activist section of u75 is rahter meaningless. I think they just made themselves look like thick bullies.

As for my action with the rozzers, it was about the rock droppers not bim, but it suits their twisted agenda to cry foul.

NONE of the current rather silly disruption is anything to do with me. I have said this many times. Clearly it matters not one iota what the truth is.
munkeeunit said:
I'm honestly not enjoying any of this. As of last monday I had cleared my decks all of committments for a few months, as my health is failing me. Having spend the last week up to my ears in legal gibberish, and trolls on BIM, I am not at all prepared to put up with a single day more of this.

The press release makes no mention of Zaskar, as is exactly as it should be.

And I do appreciate the feeling of others that heads should be banged together.

Yes me too actually. I have found some of the threats dished out to me (shoot me ect... ) to be very upsetting. I continue to be distressed by the prejudice and nasty group think we are seeing. I really think we are whitnessing the online equivalent of an online mob hanging. Ridiculous.

I am sorry you are unwell Mr Unit. Believe you me I had a very bad time the other night when some wankers were threatening to come and 'get me' in some very colourfull ways.

If this is making you ill. Try using occams razor and look at the truth. It really is quite simple. You might considor actually talking to me to find out what the truth is ..... ? ?
Zaskar said:
You really should take a long hard look at yourself...

Zaskar said:
People will make up thier own minds whatever shite you feel justified in spouting, and I suspect much of these judgements will be about you and your conduct.

Zaskar said:
If you wish to use your mail list to frustrate this, go ahead, but personally I wouldnt feel comfortable with myself for acting in this way.

Er... -take a look in the mirror! :eek:
Do you not think that having my person threatened oin this forum, abused and villified and threatened again and again might have had that effect?

I am quite happy with my conduct and deeply saddened by what we have seen from amny others. I understnd these things are typical on TBs but it is nonethe less a very poor show.

I am not and have not and will not threaten anyone.
munkeeunit said:
Hmmm. Guess so.

But if the idiot quartet continue disrupting BIM in the lead up to the G8 summit, then the only conclusion left to reach is that they are intent on disrupting BIM in the lead up to the G8 summit.

That is the mud which will stick.

And these usernames will be distributed to around 10,000 inboxes by myself alone.

If the disruption continues that is.

Sorry but you are making yourself sound like a real nasty piece of work.

You need to sit back, have a cup of tea, get a nights kip in and ensure that you, your organisation and your site cannot be sabotaged so easily. If you bothered to do that, you would not be so paranoid, threatening and offensive in the name of being defensive.

There are better ways to protect yourself than dishing out such threats. If you was to carry out such a threat, it sounds like many people would lose and in the long run, your organisation / project has the most to lose.
As I said, my health is such that this is a means of last resort to try and get some peace. It is an act of desperation.

As also said, no mention of Zaskar is made in the press release, which is exactly as it should be. BIM has not inititated the U75 'witch-hunt'

I have stayed out of the U75 toxic rows, until having to put up with another 4-5 hours of infantile and pointless disruption yesterday.

BIM is due to transfer to a more secure codebase, but there's been no time to work further on that this last week.
layabout said:
There are better ways to protect yourself than dishing out such threats. If you was to carry out such a threat, it sounds like many people would lose and in the long run, your organisation / project has the most to lose.
What do you care about a radical media project you tory cunt?
Zaskar said:
Do you not think that having my person threatened oin this forum, abused and villified and threatened again and again might have had that effect?

Just stop and ask yourself why people might have reacted to you in the way they have.

I think you brought all this entirely on yourself the moment you went straight to the police instead of contacting BIM first.

End. Of. Fucking. Story. IMO. :rolleyes:

<walks away from thread>
I am happy with my actions. Others did the same. BIM have made it quite clear in their list that they had no intention of helping the police with thier enquiries.

Attempting contact BIM would have (possibly) delayed the dangerous vandalism coming to the polices attention, and they ususally ignore me anyway.

I dont really think anyone needs the permission of bim to report a dangerous and totally non productive violent criminal act posted on their board. That is just silly.

And remember this. the post broke the most cardinal of IM guidelines. Despite mods seeing the post it remained on the board for 24 hours.
Sunspots said:
Just stop and ask yourself why people might have reacted to you in the way they have.

I think you brought all this entirely on yourself the moment you went straight to the police instead of contacting BIM first.

End. Of. Fucking. Story. IMO. :rolleyes:

<walks away from thread>

Why ? Why indeed. Probably because I insist on not hiding behind multiple aliases. Because I always strive for openness and honesty. Beacuse I always try to explain myself and listen to even the most vulgar of criticism.

I dont apologise for any of that but i do realise that it makes it easy for others to 'target' me.
bristle-krs said:
they say it didn't.

It is my interpretation of conversations on the list. I accept I may be mistaken. At the very least it can be confidently stated that it DID remain on the board for 24 hours. Looking at the evidence I reamin convined it was seen by bimmers long befor a wiser person did indeed 'hide' the post.
My last comment on this is that people should go through the press statement with a fine tooth comb, as it is a finely honed legal document.

There is an exact wording regarding how long the post stayed on the boards which is someway between both interpretations, as with almost everything else currently posted on U75.

I will not be commentinng further except to request further exact and accurate readings of the press statement.

The press statement should be read in connection with the wording in our guidelines, which again are guidelines, not strict rules with an exacting interpretation as it is being commonly presented, also as clearly stated in the guidelines themselves.

Bristol Indymedia Editorial Policy
'Finely honed legal documents' are rarely the preserve of fact and full disclosure..... Are they ?
Of course they aren't.

As also clearly stated in the press release there remain legal and technical issues yet to be fully clarified. The press statement is a clarification of that which is currently clear, and an indicator of that which is currently not.

No further statements will be issued until those additional issues are clarified.

That is the nature of how the law always operates.
munkeeunit said:
Of course they aren't.

As also clearly stated in the press release there remain legal and technical issues yet to be fully clarified. The press statement is a clarification of that which is currently clear, and an indicator of that which is currently not.

No further statements will be issued until those additional issues are clarified.

That is the nature of how the law always operates.

Indeed, honesty and truth really get in the way dont they.....
Zaskar said:
Indeed, honesty and truth really get in the way dont they.....

It is statements such as this which I imagine make you appear very suspicious, in terms of intent to miscontrue and cause malicious damage, in the eyes of others.

There are simply technical and legal issues which are yet to be clarified. That which is not yet clear cannot, by definition, have absolute statements such as truth or honesty, or any other absolute term attached to them.

There are technical and legal issues which have simply not yet been clarified.
munkeeunit said:
It is statements such as this which I imagine make you appear very suspicious, in terms of intent to miscontrue and cause malicious damage, in the eyes of others.

There are simply technical and legal issues which are yet to be clarified. That which is not yet clear cannot, by definition, have absolute statements such as truth or honesty, or any other absolute term attached to them.

There are technical and legal issues which have simply not yet been clarified.


I am suspicous. i do not intend malicoius harm. The eyes of many others are blinkered, mine are not.

I appreciate the legal process very well. I reamin confused for the need for any at all tho. Either bim can help the police or it cant surely ? What concerns me is that they WONT.
Zaskar said:

I am suspicous. i do not intend malicoius harm. The eyes of many others are blinkered, mine are not.

I appreciate the legal process very well. I reamin confused for the need for any at all tho. Either bim can help the police or it cant surely ? What concerns me is that they WONT.

This is about something a sociopath such as youself has zero knowledge. Principle.
bristol_citizen said:
This is about something a sociopath such as youself has zero knowledge. Principle.

Can we at least attempt an interesting dialogue? This issue is interesting and raises many valid points about the evoloution and status of open publishing when it comes into contact with organisiations unfamiliar with it's priniciples.

You sir are a fool as your predictably obsessive and vulgar posts have shown repeatedly.
Zaskar said:
Can we at least attempt an interesting dialogue? This issue is interesting and raises many valid points about the evoloution and status of open publishing when it comes into contact with organisiations unfamiliar with it's priniciples.

You sir are a fool as your predictably obsessive and vulgar posts have shown repeatedly.
how do you square the second paragraph of your post with the first? do you think you're going to get an interesting dialogue through calling bristol citizen an obsessive and vulgar fool?
Sunspots said:
Yep. :p

<walks away from thread AGAIN... :oops: :D >

I dont think that IPRN has exactly shown himself to be anything but a rather enthusiastic keyboard bully. His logic and reasoning in the cited post really cause me no concern.

My postings on this subjest have been honest and truthfull at all times in the face of stupid, childish and nasty attacks. I suggest the rantings of IPRN best be placed in their proper context befor conclusions be drawn.
Zaskar said:
I dont think that IPRN has exactly shown himself to be anything but a rather enthusiastic keyboard bully. His logic and reasoning in the cited post really cause me no concern.

My postings on this subjest have been honest and truthfull at all times in the face of stupid, childish and nasty attacks. I suggest the rantings of IPRN best be placed in their proper context befor conclusions be drawn.
so - you're better than the other lot cos you've been adult in the face of their childish attacks?

and in yr previous post you call bristol citizen a vulgar and obsessive fool?

you may wish to reconsider your stance.
Pickman's model said:
how do you square the second paragraph of your post with the first? do you think you're going to get an interesting dialogue through calling bristol citizen an obsessive and vulgar fool?

Good point. Sorry.

I was referring to his post of course that is just daft and insulting. Responding in kind may indeed not be helpfull or constructive.

I hope BC can post something more likely to foster debate, not retailiation form me.
Pickman's model said:
so - you're better than the other lot cos you've been adult in the face of their childish attacks?

and in yr previous post you call bristol citizen a vulgar and obsessive fool?

you may wish to reconsider your stance.

I think you will find that me calling BC vulgar really is kiddy play compared to what IPRN feels 'big' dishing out. Hence my observation. But point taken.
Zaskar said:
I dont think that IPRN has exactly shown himself to be anything but a rather enthusiastic keyboard bully. His logic and reasoning in the cited post really cause me no concern.

My postings on this subjest have been honest and truthfull at all times in the face of stupid, childish and nasty attacks. I suggest the rantings of IPRN best be placed in their proper context befor conclusions be drawn.

A post that you've yet to bother to deal with the content of, despite it being convincing proof that you've lied.
Sorry. said:
A post that you've yet to bother to deal with the content of, despite it being convincing proof that you've lied.
No, you have chosen to ignore what I have repeatedly said. Clearly you are little bothered by what I say and are intent on 'shouting' me down at all costs and just shouting liar. Truth is irrelevant to you. You just dont like me and appear moe interested in harrasment than discussion.


I know I have been truthfull. If you are convinced I have lied, fine, if others are fine, if others are not, fine. I see little point in attempting to convince you.
Pickman's model said:
how do you square the second paragraph of your post with the first? do you think you're going to get an interesting dialogue through calling bristol citizen an obsessive and vulgar fool?


Zaskar's attempt at some kind of moral high-ground and principal is utterly laughable when you take some of his previous posts into account.

Zaskar said:
My postings on this subjest have been honest and truthfull at all times in the face of stupid, childish and nasty attacks. I suggest the rantings of IPRN best be placed in their proper context befor conclusions be drawn.

Nothing remotely as abusive as your buddy BadNewsWade on the same thread... :rolleyes:
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