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Anti-paedophile demo - Weymouth

I was in Canterbury a few weeks ago with my family and a man was behind me taking photographs. I looked over and he started saying, "Oh, its just for a project, I am taking pictures of shadows, shadows." I couldn't give a toss what he was doing but he then said to my wife , "look, look it is just of shadows," and he showed us what was on his camera. He then took a photo of my children's shadows. I had said absolutely nothing to him that I was suspicious of his behaviour but he seemed to assume that I thought he was a beast. He had a strange scraggly beard, and was wearing some fucking hippy rainbow coloured clothes. Anyway, because of his weird behaviour I googled Canterbury and Paedophile when I got home and found out that it is another cluster for these filth. Not surprisingly as it has a large tourist flow and they can hide amongst the crowds.

My point is that if there was a register of convicted paedo scum I would have been able to check whether this character was as innocent as he probably is or whether he was building a shadow portfolio to use to build a sick photoshop library. If he was a convicted paedo then I could contact his local Police and let them know that the beast was up to his old tricks. Alternatively, I could rest in the knowledge that he is exactly as he I treated him, an innocent man with a strange habit and a regrettable taste in facial hair and clothes.

Fuck's sake! :rolleyes:

If you checked out every weirdly dressed beardy cunt in Canterbury for possible paedo-noncery you'd never get anything else done, and that'd just be at the fucking cathedral, you spoon!
And why does kenny think he can lie so transparently about things said on this thread?

Something is not right here :hmm:
Actually, you asked what dylans would call a paedophile (rather than "beast") and dylans said he calls such people criminals.

So why the scare quotes?

Because I consider their criminality to be the least of their wrongs. It is not the fact that they have broken the law but what they have done that I object to. These filth are far worse than criminals.
All too often short cuts are taken which can mean that cases are thrown out by the CPS at the last stage on a technicality.
Removing CPS tests is, of course, no cure-all. It'd have to be combined with streamlining across the board. Easier said than done when problems often come from lack of communication between the police and the CPS. Too many cases fall down that gap.

I also agree that miscarriages of justice are better deterred by hanging every officer involved out to dry. Imposing an ever-increasing pile of bureaucracy is no answer.
Ok for the second time I just googled Canterbury paedophiles. nothing. I googled Paedophiles Canterbury. Again nothing.

Kenny mate I'm sorry but I have to conclude that you are indeed a paranoid loony. ( no offence like)

Please prove me wrong and show me what I am missing. Where is the evidence that Canterbury is paedophile central HQ?

Or perhaps you should just admit that you made that up. You did didn't you? Just like you pretended to have read Jean Baudrillard when you only read the cover.
If they do not sign on they will be sent back to prison immediately, have any personal possessions confiscated and if not caught have a bounty placed on them from the funds seized from other paedo criminals.
Bounty? That can only lead to one thing!



I thought you wanted a decrease in suspicious beardy blokes? :D
Because I consider their criminality to be the least of their wrongs. It is not the fact that they have broken the law but what they have done that I object to. These filth are far worse than criminals.
That's daft. They are still criminals, not "criminals"

I think you are not a very good troll :(
Absolutely absurd. Anyone who knew me would know that was the case.
Not true. Your friends tell me you're a frightfully weird-looking cove, and somewhat charmless too.
You are casting aspersions based purely on prejudice due to the fact that my views differ from your own. You are the one who is narrow minded.

All paedophiles and hebephiles are odd-looking, aren't they?
If I waste your time, it may well prevent you trailing around after folks wearing beads, just in case they're paedos.

It's a kind of public service! :D
If they do not sign on they will be sent back to prison immediately, have any personal possessions confiscated and if not caught have a bounty placed on them from the funds seized from other paedo criminals.
Meanwhile in the real world where asset seizure from non-acquisitive crimes is illegal, and likely to stay that way indefinitely...
You are a fucking time waster.

Originally Posted by kenny g

And yes, I make no apologies for calling evil beasts evil beasts. What would you call them?

What interests me is that you're using slang that mostly only ever gets used in nicks.
Cowboy or Indian, or are you just someone giving it large?
Oh I take it back. I googled Canterbury and found a really weird looking bloke with a beard and a purple dress. Definitely dodgy


Banged to fucking rights.

(Hey guys. I know where he lives too)
Ok for the second time I just googled Canterbury paedophiles. nothing. I googled Paedophiles Canterbury. Again nothing.

Kenny mate I'm sorry but I have to conclude that you are indeed a paranoid loony. ( no offence like)

Please prove me wrong and show me what I am missing. Where is the evidence that Canterbury is paedophile central HQ?

Or perhaps you should just admit that you made that up. You did didn't you? Just like you pretended to have read Jean Baudrillard when you only read the cover.

Google Canterbury Paedophile and you will find a series of news articles which list a quite remarkable number of sickening paedos for a town of that size. I can post up a list of all of them if it is necessary but you can just as easily scroll down, ignore the one from New Zealand, and you will find plenty.

I never suggested that there was a "paedo's in canterbury" site or I would have linked to it. You are claiming that i said there was something which there is not and then saying I have made it up. Pretty much sums up your behaviour in this thread.
Oh I take it back. I googled Canterbury and found a really weird looking bloke with a beard and a purple dress. Definitely dodgy


Banged to fucking rights.

(Hey guys. I know where he lives too)

Hah, I already did that joke on the previous page! :p
Google Canterbury Paedophile and you will find a series of news articles which list a quite remarkable number of sickening paedos for a town of that size. I can post up a list of all of them if it is necessary but you can just as easily scroll down, ignore the one from New Zealand, and you will find plenty.

I never suggested that there was a "paedo's in canterbury" site or I would have linked to it. You are claiming that i said there was something which there is not and then saying I have made it up. Pretty much sums up your behaviour in this thread.

He didn't claim anything of the sort.

You're a bit paranoid, when all's said and done, aren't you?
Ok for the second time I just googled Canterbury paedophiles. nothing. I googled Paedophiles Canterbury. Again nothing.

K....... Where is the evidence that Canterbury is paedophile central HQ?


I never said there was evidence that canterbury is paedophile central HQ. That is made up. If you google as I suggested there are plenty of news reports of peadophiles in canterbury.
Kenny G I never suggested that there was a "paedo's in canterbury" site or I would have linked to it. You are claiming that i said there was something which there is not and then saying I have made it up. Pretty much sums up your behaviour in this thread.

Maybe you should set one up. To warn people about blokes in beards and hippy pants taking photos of shadows. :facepalm:
Maybe you should set one up. To warn people about blokes in beards and hippy pants taking photos of shadows.

So do you accept that you misunderstood what I was saying and that there are a quantity of convicted paedophiles associated with canterbury and news reports concerning them accessable through a simple google search?
No. Very easygoing and relaxed. I just want a public register to be kept of convicted paedophiles. An opinion shared by a MAJORITY of the public.

A majority of the public would probably vote to have them publicly burnt in the market square before being torn limb by limb and dragged through the town. Doesn't make it a rational basis for legislation however
So do you accept that you misunderstood what I was saying and that there are a quantity of convicted paedophiles associated with canterbury and news reports concerning them accessable through a simple google search?

try googling Stoke paedophile, there's loads there too! And Birmingham! And Hull! They're everywhere!

A majority of the public would probably vote to have them publicly burnt in the market square before being torn limb by limb and dragged through the town.
Bloody liberals.

If a public register drives convicted abusers underground, it's counter-productive in the extreme.
So do you accept that you misunderstood what I was saying and that there are a quantity of convicted paedophiles associated with canterbury and news reports concerning them accessable through a simple google search?

Er no. I saw no evidence that Canterbury has a higher proportion of sex offenders than anywhere else. But I'm sure you did. That's because you are mad.

Kenny. Tell us more about Jean Baudrillard. :D
Maybe you should set one up. To warn people about blokes in beards and hippy pants taking photos of shadows. :facepalm:

He had a strange scraggly beard, and was wearing some fucking hippy rainbow coloured clothes.

I clearly stated that I was 99% certain that he is innocent but that due to the fact that there is not a public register people like him feel the need to explain themselves as there is the possibility anyone is a paedophile at the moment because a large quantity of convicted beasts are able to walk our streets unidentified.

Once paedos are on a public register they are more likely to be identified by the public and immediately lifted by the Police if they start to engage in otherwise innocent activities such as photographing street scenes etc.

Of course, once the convicted ones are identified there will still be the possibility that other people will be unconvicted paedos but the likelihood that a stranger like him is a paedo would be reduced once I had checked the register to see if he matches.
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