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Why does Afghan policeman kill American troops in several times?


New Member
Ans. we see that NATO and American troops have been
struggling from last decade to win the heart of Afghan
people.America and other western power also spent a lot
of money to do same thing.But they are failure.But why.
Ans. we see that NATO and American troops have been
struggling from last decade to win the heart of Afghan
people.America and other western power also spent a lot
of money to do same thing.But they are failure.But why.

Military occupiers tend to be unpopular. Shooting people, blowing people up, blowing up homes and towns, destroying crops and livestock and sustaining a corrupt and incompetent regime, even if all these things are done with the best of intentions, are activities likely to make enemies. Occasional massacres committed from the air or on the ground by bonkers soldiers are especially unpopular. Such things would be hated here. They are hated just as much by Afghan peasants.

The Taliban were not and are not popular with everyone, but the Taliban are (mainly) Pashtun. They have been able to present themselves as the defenders of Islam, against the kuffar, and of their land, against foreigners, and their kin, against strangers. I do not like their ideology or programme one little bit, but they are Afghans and among Afghans that counts.

GI Joe is not Afghan and he has an unfortunate habit of killing Afghans. He does it to liberate them, no doubt, but they are just as dead afterwards.

GI Joe is going to leave. Tommy Talib will stay and the poor bloody Afghans will continue to live the Islamoshite disaster that has probably been inevitable ever since the Afghan Islamists defeated the Afghan Commies.
Reasons are varied some support the Taliban .Others are due to the nature of Afghan society if they feel disrespected they will go for their guns. Sometimes its also a cultural misunderstanding can trigger bloodshed.
Military occupiers tend to be unpopular. Shooting people, blowing people up, blowing up homes and towns, destroying crops and livestock and sustaining a corrupt and incompetent regime, even if all these things are done with the best of intentions, are activities likely to make enemies. Occasional massacres committed from the air or on the ground by bonkers soldiers are especially unpopular. Such things would be hated here. They are hated just as much by Afghan peasants.

The Taliban were not and are not popular with everyone, but the Taliban are (mainly) Pashtun. They have been able to present themselves as the defenders of Islam, against the kuffar, and of their land, against foreigners, and their kin, against strangers. I do not like their ideology or programme one little bit, but they are Afghans and among Afghans that counts.

GI Joe is not Afghan and he has an unfortunate habit of killing Afghans. He does it to liberate them, no doubt, but they are just as dead afterwards.

GI Joe is going to leave. Tommy Talib will stay and the poor bloody Afghans will continue to live the Islamoshite disaster that has probably been inevitable ever since the Afghan Islamists defeated the Afghan Commies.

Fucking Islamophile! :p
Ans. we see that NATO and American troops have been
struggling from last decade to win the heart of Afghan
people.America and other western power also spent a lot
of money to do same thing.But they are failure.But why.

That's the worst poem I've ever read. And I've been on the AWL website!
It's amazing how when you put the size10 into a country then arm a few brave souls to do your bidding some of them turn out to have been just waiting for the chance to fucky you up. Why are they not grateful :mad:
It's amazing how when you put the size10 into a country then arm a few brave souls to do your bidding some of them turn out to have been just waiting for the chance to fucky you up. Why are they not grateful :mad:
the size 10?


Reasons are varied some support the Taliban .Others are due to the nature of Afghan society if they feel disrespected they will go for their guns. Sometimes its also a cultural misunderstanding can trigger bloodshed.
I would say the main reason is the murder and bombings along with the brutality and occasional rape, Muslims can be sensitive about things like these.
I would say the main reason is the murder and bombings along with the brutality and occasional rape, Muslims can be sensitive about things like these.

repeatedly burning Korans by mistake and posing for photos while urinating on the corpses of dead afghans does tend to be a tad unhelpful when it comes to the old hearts and minds game
just caught a few things on youtube..battle of sniper alley or some such, basically troops blowing holes walls, to avoid IEDs on the gravel paths...why not just helicopter the troops in.

Any way at the end of the mission the group of marines had moved 800 yards in three days, one or two had been injuried by stepping on ieds, others more or less ok. Afgan locals losing homes, farmland and other buildings to the bulldozzers. So no friends made or hearts won.
just caught a few things on youtube..battle of sniper alley or some such, basically troops blowing holes walls, to avoid IEDs on the gravel paths...why not just helicopter the troops in.

Any way at the end of the mission the group of marines had moved 800 yards in three days, one or two had been injuried by stepping on ieds, others more or less ok. Afgan locals losing homes, farmland and other buildings to the bulldozzers. So no friends made or hearts won.
Anyone would be forgiven for thinking you are under the delusion that the U.S and its minions are in Afghanistan for some honourable purpose.
just saw on the news there another afghan chum of the NATO forces has clipped a few more yanks he was supposed to be on the same side as . 3rd time in a week .
Afghan forces. Green-on-blue attacks. The solution

The Afghan National Army, the "green" force is rotten, if not to its core then to much of the periphery. Some of the green is more like gangrene (gan-green, get it! ;) )

The problem I see is in the disconnect between the political control (Karzai) and the funding (mostly from the USA but anyway internationally funded).

Wikipedia: Afghan National Army
The new Afghan National Army was founded with the issue of a decree by President Hamid Karzai on December 1, 2002

Karzai as the "duly" (ahem) elected president of Afghanistan is perfectly entitled to run an Afghan national army but Afghans should pay for that themselves.

Afghanistan is a poor nation and could not afford that much of an army but if they paid for it themselves, at least the Afghan national army would likely be honest, accountable to Afghans and take on limited tasks - secure the presidential palace, military headquarters and might be up to defending the capital Kabul and surrounding land, maybe.

Now the issue is this - to secure all of Afghanistan, even to secure our supply routes, we need lots of troops and it makes sense to have some kind of Afghan force to help us - but we need a bigger and better green force than the Afghans can afford to pay for. (Also why would a national Afghan force want to prioritise defending our supply routes? They wouldn't want to.)

So the West, NATO needs to pay for some green Afghan forces - that's a good idea, if, if, if, if and only if, those green forces we are paying for are auxiliary to NATO-ISAF - run by NATO-ISAF - under the control of a NATO general, maybe an American general if you could find a good one to do it.

That way we would only recruit capable Afghans into the green force we pay for and interact with daily. We'd be sure our green troops were loyal - wouldn't shoot our blue troops.

No way would we have any incentive to spend our own money on disloyal incapable Afghans in green uniform so we would not do it, if we had political and military control over our green forces, which we would have if they were called "The NATO-ISAF Afghan auxiliary force" - with no pretence of them being an Afghan national force under Karzai.

However, some idiot has come up with the idea of paying Afghans to have an army funded by us but controlled by Karzai so there is no accountability. The people in charge, deciding who to recruit, can recruit bad soldiers because they get paid more by the US for soldiers, whether they be bad soldiers or not.

Why wouldn't Karzai and this guy


Lt. Gen. Sher Mohammad Karim, Commander of the Afghan National Army

recruit junkies, thieves, murderers and agents for the Taliban into the Afghan National Army?

Why wouldn't they recruit anybody they can find into the Afghan national army if, for every soldier they can name, they get paid more US dollars?

Where's the incentive for Karzai and Karim to recruit only good soldiers? There isn't any incentive at all.

Again the US ends up funding corruption.

If a green soldier kills a blue then who gets held responsible in the chain of command?

Nobody gets held responsible.

Who should get held responsible? The US and NATO should. We should blame ourselves for paying anything for an army which we do not have any political control over.

What on earth does Panetta (and what did Gates before him) think he is (was) doing trusting this guy Karzai and his general Karim with billions of US tax-payer dollars to pay for a green army?

Why are NATO defence ministers happy with the poor leadership from NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen and the NATO Supreme Allied Commander Admiral James Stavridis? Shouldn't the NATO leaders have spotted this fatal flaw in green troop organisation and tried to re-organise green forces as I suggest here, if they know what they are doing (which they don't)?

The competent answer to green on blue attacks is to split up the Afghan army into two distinct forces -

  • a national Afghan army which Afghans pay for and is commanded by the Afghan president and whichever general he/she wants to appoint. (dark green)
  • a NATO-ISAF auxiliary force of Afghans, funded by the US and other NATO counties and international donors. This would be commanded by our generals. (light green)
So there should be two green armies - each of a different shade of green. Karzai's dark green he would use to defend himself and his capital. Our light green we would use to defend our supply routes and to support our operations in Afghanistan generally.

Only when the Afghan economy had grown to the point that they could afford to pay for a big enough army to defend the whole country would we transfer our light green army over to Afghan national control and then we could leave Afghanistan in the hands of Afghans.

So long as we are paying for an Afghan force we must retain political control over it otherwise it fuels corruption and does little or nothing to help to fight the enemy we are trying to defeat and the green-on-blue attacks simply undermine political support for the whole Afghanistan / Pakistan mission.

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