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Why do people insist on showing you their apple products?

keeping it civilised in the tech forums as usual I see... maybe we should ask the mods if they want to introduce a rule about this... well done... :rolleyes:
Yes. I'd like you to stop posting highly disruptive and groundless accusations about supposed "anti-dyslexic" comments contained in a simple question that clearly had no such message. Could you do that please?
Yes. I'd like you to stop posting highly disruptive and groundless accusations about supposed "anti-dyslexic" comments contained in a simple question that clearly had no such message. Could you do that please?
like say posting up irrelevant unrelated images of cider on a tech thread in order to push your bizarre agenda again...

btw groundless would be without basis you've made many claims you are unable to comprehend my posts which as most others can and can communicate with me perfectly well means the only way this can be interpreted is as a deliberate, and crude tactic to attempt to alienate a poster you know has dyslexica by claiming they're illiterate... which is considering the power dynamic nothing short of nasty bullying...

and groundless would be that there's nothing which evidences this, however there's a litany of your posts which attest otherwise...

so please stop lying, and be civil, else we'll need to petition the mods to change the posting rules in the tech forums to force people to be civil eh...
btw groundless would be without basis you've made many claims you are unable to comprehend my posts which as most others can and can communicate with me perfectly well means the only way this can be interpreted is as a deliberate, and crude tactic to attempt to alienate a poster you know has dyslexica by claiming they're illiterate... which is considering the power dynamic nothing short of nasty bullying...
I'm afraid that's bordering on paranoia or you're just presenting a deliberate misrepresentation.

I simply asked for clarification on a rather vague comment you made. I've reproduced it below so others can judge for themselves if there's any evidence of 'power dynamic bullying' and "anti-dyslexic" sentiment from me:

I'm afraid that's bordering on paranoia or you're just presenting a deliberate misrepresentation.

I simply asked for clarification on a rather vague comment you made. I've reproduced it below so others can judge for themselves if there's any evidence of 'power dynamic bullying' and "anti-dyslexic" sentiment from me:

View attachment 23174
again deliberate misrepresentation of your previous actions... text book... absolutely textbook... good one...

It's not your dyslexia, you're perfectly capable of making yourself understood. Indeed when it comes to explaining practical things, say the workings of an engine or Joomla, you're very good at it. It's when you try and prove some abstract point things go a bit David Ike. And I mean that in the m ost civil of ways. :D

thanks to you Robin, Batman will live to fight another day...

as for you being civil... uhuh... like that's possible...
like say posting up irrelevant unrelated images of cider on a tech thread in order to push your bizarre agenda again...
It's a thread in the General forum about apple products.

No Touching.
Sometimes this board is like going back in time. HELLO! It's 2012! There is nothing unusual about owning an iPhone! It doesn't mean you are a "hipster"! Loads and loads of people have iPhones and it's been like that for years!

Go tell the people who keep waggling the fucking things in my face then. Tell them nobody cared when ipads or iphones were first on the market and even more nobody cares now that they've been around for ages and every fucker has got one.

Oh you've got an ipad? Well I bet I've got something you haven't got. A personality.
Go tell the people who keep waggling the fucking things in my face then. Tell them nobody cared when ipads or iphones were first on the market and even more nobody cares now that they've been around for ages and every fucker has got one.

Oh you've got an ipad? Well I bet I've got something you haven't got. A personality.
You really should quit that job at the Apple Store you know.
You really should quit that job at the Apple Store you know.

Frank: "Good afternoon sir, how can I help you?"
Customer: "Well, it's my ipad. It's stopped working."
Frank: "Could you look at the back of your ipad and tell me what you see please sir?"
Customer: "Err, nothing. Just the Apple logo."
Frank: "An Apple logo you say?"
Customer: "Yeah."
Frank: "So you bought an Apple product and brought it back to the shop when it stopped working? What's your next stop, are you going to a catholic church to tell them that the pope you bought last week keeps shitting in the woods? This stuff is not designed to work. It's designed to look pretty for a couple of weeks so you can show it to your mates and make sure they all know what a cunt you are, then it breaks so you have to come and buy a new one to make sure people don't start thinking you're not a cunt. The whole point of our products is to allow cunts to show off how much money they have to piss away on stuff that doesn't work. If you're too poor to take advantage of this service I suggest you stroll the fuck on before I call security."
This, I can't think of many times anyone I know has shown-off a gadget unless asked about it.

Me either, it's an odd thought really. In fact the last time I can remember anyone really making a big deal about their phone like this was me and it was the Palm Centro! :D
Sometimes this board is like going back in time. HELLO! It's 2012! There is nothing unusual about owning an iPhone! It doesn't mean you are a "hipster"! Loads and loads of people have iPhones and it's been like that for years!

I half expect somebody to go on a rant about that Starbucks and their funny-sounding coffees, now. I just want a cup of coffee and they won't serve me one ooh no it has to be a mochafrappylatté. And that Big Brother, eh? What's that about?

Aint that the truth, the idea that owning an iPhone makes you part of some Apple cult hasn't been true (if it ever was) for half a decade...time to move on people, normal people own iPhones too, some of them live right next door to you.
Although it has to be said that iPad-waving has become much more commonplace, usually at concerts or public events where some fucking dickhead is blocking out the view for others when they try and take pictures on the things.
Go tell the people who keep waggling the fucking things in my face then. Tell them nobody cared when ipads or iphones were first on the market and even more nobody cares now that they've been around for ages and every fucker has got one.

Oh you've got an ipad? Well I bet I've got something you haven't got. A personality.

You must hang around with some right wankers because that has never happened to me.
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