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Who else should have honours removed?


Well-Known Member
After the government taking away Fred Goodwin's knighthood, which other knights, barons, dukes, lords and their female equivalents should be stripped of their title?

First obvious answer is Michael "Lord" Ashcroft. Nominated for a peerage over ten years ago by William Hague on the condition that he'd become tax resident here. Still hasn't, still bankrolls the Tories, and is still being a cunt elsewhere, as last night's Panorama showed.

Others please.
are you joking? How about the entire aristocracy- every lord, baron duke and queen to be levelled to no better or worse than a 'common' man. Titles, forgotten. Lands and wealth- redistributed. The institution itself ground into the fucking dust of history
Yes please, but unfortunately I don't see it happening anytime soon.
are you joking? How about the entire aristocracy- every lord, baron duke and queen to be levelled to no better or worse than a 'common' man. Titles, forgotten. Lands and wealth- redistributed. The institution itself ground into the fucking dust of history

I agree, but I'm thinking realistically. Who's been a particular cunt or cuntess to deserve a particularly well-publicised stripping? I mentioned Ashcroft because he lied through his teeth to get what he wanted.

The Barclay brothers, in their hollowed-out volcano in the Channel, away from the nasty tax man, both have knighthoods, so depriving them of it might begin to show 'we're all in it together'.
I'd quite like to get rid of all those daft titles, but it seems like a lot of bother to get rid of them one by one, by selecting this individual and then that individual and then another.

On the other hand, if we just get rid of them all in one go, how are we going to stop people using the titles? It would be way over the top and far too bossy to make it a crime to call oneself Lord this or Lady that and it would be way over the top and far too bossy to make it a crime to address someone else by some daft title.

We should approach the problem differently: allow everyone who wants a title to have the title of his or her choice. They could be made freely available at supermarket checkouts. D'you want help packing? Dukedom? Baronetcy? D'you want any cash back?
We should approach the problem differently: allow everyone who wants a title to have the title of his or her choice. They could be made freely available at supermarket checkouts. D'you want help packing? Dukedom? Baronetcy? D'you want any cash back?

Just picked up a Lady Gaga at Poundland. Unrapped the fucking thing and it turned out to be a Madonna - well past its sell by date. :(
Albert the Magnanimous, King of Germany (1397-1439), granted an honorary knighthood in 1438.

[King Albert] ...ordered the imprisonment and forcible conversion of the Jews. Those that had not converted or escaped were sent off in boats down the Danube, while wealthy Jews remained under arrest, several of them tortured and stripped of their property. The forced baptism of Jewish children was stopped on intervention by Pope Martin V. On 12 March 1421 Albert sentenced the remaining Jews to death. 92 men and 120 women were burned at the stake south of the Vienna city walls on 12 March 1421. The Jews were placed under an "eternal ban" and their synagogue was demolished.

A charming fella, I'm sure. :hmm:
<snip>We should approach the problem differently: allow everyone who wants a title to have the title of his or her choice. They could be made freely available at supermarket checkouts. D'you want help packing? Dukedom? Baronetcy? D'you want any cash back?
:cool: I reckon that could work. There was a mailing list where one person kept using the title they'd got for free from the ULC, so after a couple of weeks of waiting for that person to grow out of it, every active member got titles from that site and used them for a couple of days. Strangely enough, the original title user stopped using their title after that. :D
No one should have their honours removed unless they are culpable in severe disgrace or crime.

This is assuming you back the system in the first place.

Goodwin got lots of money for being inept and greedy. That's just capitalism. Taking his honour off him is a 2 faced sop to make people think the government is "getting tough". They are not. It's a dog and pony show. He should keep his "honour". As a self seeking functionary he fully deserves it.
The Baron Knights.

Nowadays, the groupies have gone and they've become The Barren Nights :(

are you joking? How about the entire aristocracy- every lord, baron duke and queen to be levelled to no better or worse than a 'common' man. Titles, forgotten. Lands and wealth- redistributed. The institution itself ground into the fucking dust of history


and Trigger knighted!!
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