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Wheatsheaf pub in Tooting to become a Tesco/supermarket?

Brixton Hatter

Home is south London mate
Rumours that the Wheatsheaft in Tooting Bec will become a Tesco. It's a decent pub - refurbed a few years ago, does good real ale. Local campaign seems to be building quickly - 8000 signatures on a petition already!


Tesco have denied all knowledge, but - being host to about 10 Tescos in a square mile in Brixton - we all know how this starts. Antic run the pub....but they are on a 24 hour closure notice :eek:

Some background here: http://www.lowimpact.org/blog/2013/Jul/wheatsheaf-tooting-tesco.htm

Facebook thingy: https://www.facebook.com/tesco/posts/550401261685676

Petition here: http://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/save-the-wheatsheaf-tooting-bec

magneze girasol
It's an ace pub since the refurbishment. Already signed the petition and distributed it on Facebook.

See the place just to the left of the pub - it's a supermarket! Another one is not needed.
Apparently, Tesco has confirmed they are not interested in opening a shop there. But a very wide protest is happening in Tooting (!), involving Sadiq Khan and CAMRA, to try to bring pressure for the Council not to allow a change of use for the pub to stop any other predators. CAMRA is hosting a meeting at the Selkirk at 7.30pm on Sunday.

It's my local and I went down yesterday for a mass photo shoot at the pub for the local papers...

eta It used to be an Antic pub but, when they ran into financial difficulties last year, it was sold to a company called Gregarious. They now own the freehold.
It's an ace pub since the refurbishment. Already signed the petition and distributed it on Facebook.

See the place just to the left of the pub - it's a supermarket! Another one is not needed.

Definitely. Nokta next door is a great local supermarket and open 24/7.
Definitely. Nokta next door is a great local supermarket and open 24/7.

Nokta is brilliant, except that it's now 'Foodfare', which I don't think is a brilliant name...

I used to go to the Wheatsheaf when it was a sad place with just Seamus and his cronies round one corner of the dingy bar. And then Antic bought it and filled it full of granny bric-a-brac and painted it with some leery colours and it just went 'boom'. It was the best thing to reach Tooting Bec in living memory!!
It must be a decade since I was last in the wheatsheaf but Tooting has relatively few pubs anyway so it would be a shame to see it go.

Isn't the old Blockbusters along the road a Tesco nowadays?
I drank in the old Wheatsheaf a few times when I first moved to Tooting, I quite liked the atmosphere but could'nt deal with the shit state of the beer...

I do like the new version, one of my old housemates worked there for a bit. Normally have good music on too.
BITD the Wheatsheaf was the pub of choice for the patients and staff from St Georges Mental Health trust.The psychiatrists were particularly odd,one of the liveliest and dangerous pubs in south London.
Good points made in that article:
Generally, we think that the opening of multinational chains is a bad thing, whether it's in the High Street or out-of-town, for four main reasons:
  • they put small local shops out of business - they can subsidise new outlets with profits from elsewhere, they have economies of scale, and they don't pay the same percentage tax as small businesses
  • because they don't pay their share of tax, they don't contribute as much as they should to local hospitals, schools, roads and other community assets
  • profits are sucked out of the local economy to pay remote shareholders; it's money that local economies can often ill afford to lose, and yet the major shareholders of multinationals are often already wealthier than the entire population of your local town
  • they destroy local uniqueness, and turn all of our town centres into bland clones of each other
They make good sunday roast... hope it doesn't close down :(
This is the one that was so popular we couldn't get roast, isn't it? Surprised after that experience that it could be in trouble financially, but maybe we just picked their most popular time (and they didn't have many dinners to start with). :(
This is the one that was so popular we couldn't get roast, isn't it? Surprised after that experience that it could be in trouble financially, but maybe we just picked their most popular time (and they didn't have many dinners to start with). :(

They were part of the Antic chain. Antic had been buying the freehold of dozens of failing South London pubs and turning them round but it seems they overstretched themselves and had to sell half the empire to Gregarious. The Wheatsheaf was one that they shed.

It's fabulously successful but the new owners might want cash money now.
This is the one that was so popular we couldn't get roast, isn't it? Surprised after that experience that it could be in trouble financially, but maybe we just picked their most popular time (and they didn't have many dinners to start with). :(

Yep. Been back a couple of times since, but earlier ;) They had food on both occasions.
The future of a popular pub has been secured after its freeholder revealed it is not up for sale.

Enterprise Inns, who own the freehold of The Wheatsheaf, in Upper Tooting Road, Tooting, have said they no longer intend to sell the pub.

Their leaseholders, Antic Ltd, renamed Gregarious Ltd, were recently in administration, with the pub lease due to expire at the end of the year.

Many suspected the site would become a Tesco, while an online petition calling on the council to take action over its future gained more than 8,300 signatures.

Antic London, parent company of the pub, posted a tweet confirming the owners wanted to sell the pub but said no buyer had been chosen.

But Enterprise Inns have confirmed they have no plans to sell the pub and are in continuing discussions with the parties involved.

An Enterprise spokesman said: "We can confirm that we have no plans to sell The Wheatsheaf public house in Tooting.

"Our Publican has recently been in administration and the pub lease is due to expire at the end of this year.

"We are in continuing discussions with the parties involved with a view to reach a mutually acceptable outcome

MP Sadiq Khan, who has been campaigning to save the pub, received the email revealing the plans.

He said: "This is fantastic news.

"I am relieved and pleased that Enterprise Inns, the freehold owners of the much-loved Tooting local, The Wheatsheaf have now provided this written assurance that they have no plans to sell the pub.

"It is so important that successful businesses are supported – especially when they are as popular as The Wheatsheaf.

"It has been great to see how the local community have mobilised and organised to save this community asset.

"Our community campaign will send a loud message to anyone thinking of turning The Wheatsheaf into a shop or supermarket - hands off.
In case anyone is still interested in this, a local pressure Group and Sadiq Khan (local MP) have been trying to get the Council to grant an Article 4 Direction to stop any change of use for the pub (to make any future sale to Tesco (or whatever) impossible)

Aidan Mundyabout 3 hours ago
Hello, as a member of the Save the Wheatsheaf Campaign Executive group I thought I would add my summary to last night’s Council Planning Committee meeting and our partial victory
Last night the planning committee approved a motion requesting the Council grant an Article 4 Direction on both demolition and change of use. Why is this important? Because the Article 4 Direction, which over 10,000 people have called on the Council to introduce, would require planning permission for the demolition or change of use of the Wheatsheaf.
A representative from the Council’s Planning Department confirmed that on the proposed timescales it could take up to two years before the Planning Committee passed the Direction. It should also be pointed out that: 

Officers recommended not passing an Article 4 on cost grounds. Councillors did not introduce or support a motion that would have there and then put in place an Article 4 Direction as we have all called for.
The legal minimum time length a council must consult on an Article 4 Direction I believe is 6 weeks. The Council has proposed a 6-month consultation. Bit overkill in my opinion.
Finally, you should be aware of new reports that Enterprise Inns, the owner of the freehold, have had architects and planners recently access the Wheatsheaf. I suspect, if these reports are accurate, that this could be the first step in putting the freehold on the market. I hope anyone from Enterprise Inns who may read this can put these fears to rest and clarify the situation.
This was the first council planning meeting I had attended. Admittedly like many people I'm not a planning buff, I don't regularly attend Planning Committee meetings. However, the behaviour and absolute lack of drive and determination of the Committee members to take decisive action on the night was utterly disappointing. I was particularly concerned about one Councillor who continually made party political points, rather than engaging on the merits or otherwise of our case, when questioning the local MP.
Sadiq Khan MP...called on the Council Committee to introduce an Article 4 Direction that very night, which it is in their power to do.
The Planning Committee can claim they acted by recommending an Article 4 Direction to be considered. However, for me it feels like a golden opportunity was missed. Despite the support of tens of thousands of people, our MP and the campaign team, the Councillors on the Committee failed to take the bold and decisive action that you and I expect and pay them for. The campaign continues...

Sadiq Khan MPabout 7 hours ago
Good afternoon
As many of you will know, last night Wandsworth Council met to decide the fate of The Wheatsheaf pub in Tooting Bec. Since July we have been calling on Wandsworth Council to use planning law to save the much-loved pub. This was a chance for the Council to be bold and take decisive action to protect the long term future of the pub. Prior to the meeting, the Council released a report revealing that they were not going to recommend granting the crucial ‘Article 4 Direction’ we had asked for against change of use at the site. In my speech to the councillors at the meeting I argued that this was unacceptable and that the Council needed to grant the much-needed Direction there and then.
I am relieved to say that the Council have partially listened, and recommended that an Article 4 Direction be granted eventually - but they did not back my call for the immediate action that would save The Wheatsheaf right away. Instead they revealed they may take up to two years to make a decision! Make no mistake about it, councillors had the opportunity to save the pub last night, but they chose not to - and therefore the long-term future of the pub remains under threat.
There will be some who try and claim that this decision is a complete success, but that’s not the case. By the time the Council finally make a decision The Wheatsheaf could be turned into Tesco, a Sainsbury’s or luxury flats – a very real possibility, and one that really worries those who have done such a good job turning the Wheatsheaf around over the last three years. The response of Anthony Thomas, the founder of the pub’s management company Antic, is that the failure of Wandsworth Council to grant an immediate Article 4 direction has played into the hands of potential developers.
Like Anthony, and like many of you, today I am feeling let down by Wandsworth Council. After what has been a fantastic community-led campaign, our pub is still at risk - as the SWLTV film clip above explains in more detail.
So what happens now? There will be a local consultation, and although the Council have until November 2015 to confirm that the Direction be granted, in reality this confirmation can be made much earlier – anytime from January 2014. I’ll be working with local residents and The Wheatsheaf to continue to push for the Council to take action sooner rather than later.
But in the meantime, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in the campaign – whether you signed a petition or my letter, came to a meeting or just supported the pub, it has been brilliant campaigning with you.
I am here to help, whatever your politics. Best wishes, Sadiq
Just had this posted on a local forum. The main problem was getting a block on any future change of use....

Dear Friends,

Wandsworth Council is going to put in place the Article 4 Direction against change of use for the Wheatsheaf!

Thanks to your support and the expert advice put forward by Dale Ingram at the council committee meeting the other week, we learnt last night that following further legal advice the council will be putting this protection in place at the end of next week!

This wouldn't be happening without your support, so a huge thank you for having been a part of saving the Wheatsheaf. This is just a small illustration of what we as a community can achieve.

Looking forward to seeing some of you for a celebratory drink (down the Wheatsheaf, of course).
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