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What's wrong with being sexy? Sexist ads of the 1950s.

always been my favourite:

this ones fucking brilliant. Interesting that Stella Artois used a similar concept to 'Costlier Tobaccos' years later with 'Reassuringly Expensive'.

Reminds me of the 70s and 80s when "respectable" camera mags sometimes had front covers that were more or less page 3 pics!
Loads of tech/camera mags still have hot ladies splashed all over the cover and sexism lives on in a lot of the advertising too.
Nowadays it's men that are portrayed as useless/lazy etc in adverts, but most people don't seem to notice this

I think the difference is that when men are portrayed as useless / lazy it's intended as humours - the sexist adverts posted in this thread are using gender to reinforce social expectations, but not in an 'ironic' way.

It's probably safer all round to use nationality as a vehicle to take our social cues from - Sebastian!

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