Louis MacNeice
Autumn Journalist
Arising from another thread here are two takes on what socialism might be; they are meant as a starting point for some debate over what the S word really could/should/does mean:
Cheers - Louis MacNeice
So what are some of the main features of socialism?
Social justice
A free health service (and certainly one that is free of the notions of the internal market or simulated markets which prevent proper delivery of service - in other words, targets have become more important that patient care. That isn't socialist).
Education for all
A properly integrated publicly owned public transport system
Publicly-owned utilities
Social justice
A free health service (and certainly one that is free of the notions of the internal market or simulated markets which prevent proper delivery of service - in other words, targets have become more important that patient care. That isn't socialist).
Education for all
A properly integrated publicly owned public transport system
Publicly-owned utilities
Socialism needs to be able to address questions of material provision, it needs to be thorough going in its commitment to democracy, it needs to be able to accommodate notions of both individual and collective responsibility and it needs to get to grips with challenges of environmental sustainability.
Cheers - Louis MacNeice