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Webbox's questionable kitty crack

mrs quoad

Well-Known Member
Webbox make cat snacks.

A year or three ago, I started feeding the college cat the occasional Webbox chicken / salmon stick. The mere sight of the wrappings prompted her to go ballistic - standing up on her hind legs, mewing piteously, and developing an obsessive / hooked glint in her eye. This was massively out of character - usually, she was quiet and shy as you like. About 4 weeks after I started giving 'em to her, she developed serious kidney problems, and was put on an all-chicken-and-rice diet.

This may've been a coincidence.

Anyhows, the other day I bought some 'kit-e-lix' from Sainsbury's.

Fucking hell.

They're... like small squeezable tubes of wet, pink diarrhoea. But our Nigel is going ballistic for them. I have suspicions that she turned down breakfast this morning, with the hope of wrangling one out of me.

She isn't that keen on her food, but she's ridiculously up for these. Again - the whole kitty crack / piteous mewing at the mere sight of the wrapper thing. And then bouts of mewing / purring / falling amorously against walls straight after.

Anyone else come across these? For better or for worse?
yep, the webbox ones did that to my cats too - they don't get treats now though and they're no worse off for it

it's just junk food for cats isn't it :)
Webbox make cat snacks.

A year or three ago, I started feeding the college cat the occasional Webbox chicken / salmon stick. The mere sight of the wrappings prompted her to go ballistic - standing up on her hind legs, mewing piteously, and developing an obsessive / hooked glint in her eye. This was massively out of character - usually, she was quiet and shy as you like. About 4 weeks after I started giving 'em to her, she developed serious kidney problems, and was put on an all-chicken-and-rice diet.

This may've been a coincidence.

Anyhows, the other day I bought some 'kit-e-lix' from Sainsbury's.

Fucking hell.

They're... like small squeezable tubes of wet, pink diarrhoea. But our Nigel is going ballistic for them. I have suspicions that she turned down breakfast this morning, with the hope of wrangling one out of me.

She isn't that keen on her food, but she's ridiculously up for these. Again - the whole kitty crack / piteous mewing at the mere sight of the wrapper thing. And then bouts of mewing / purring / falling amorously against walls straight after.

Anyone else come across these? For better or for worse?

Yes - we bought some a couple of weeks ago thinking they were a snack. I think they are meant to be used to disguise medicine or something. Mr. Kippers looked at us like we had just shat in his bowl and expected him to eat it, he was not impressed.

We gave them to the local Cat's Protection League or I would have donated them to Nigel!

He does like the Webbox snack sticks though and does get all glinting eyed/mad whineing about them, but then he does the same for his ordinary food and moths so....
Oh yeah - moths and birds! He is quite successful at catching the former but the latter tends to begin and end with the chattery noises!:D

He's very good at chomping on humans, though. Although the toughest hunting cat I ever kept was, perhaps not surprisingly, a female tortie and white named Bracken who once killed a stoat.
Argh, Webbox treats - I don't give my lot treats regularly but do keep some in the cupboard for if I ever need to do some cat-luring... not that much luring is required, they hear the crackle of the wrapper and climb right up me wailing their little heads off and trying to snatch it out of my hand.

They're a fucking hazard, because I always end up getting scratched or accidentally bitten when handing them out, Jakey nearly took my thumb off once he was so keen to get the treat in his greedy little gob!
Those treats are known as cat smack in this house due to the way the cats are about them.
I like to break the Webbox treats into little bits and then get Mr. Kippers to eat them off my palm so I can feel his furry chin.....that's a bit sad, mad cat lady isn't :oops:
I split one each between our 2 most nights at bedtime. Bob has a habit of just grabbing my hand while standing at full height on his hind legs in his desperation. They seem to prefer the salmon ones but will eat most of the other flavours. Ive given some to 2 work colleagues who said their cats went a bit nuts over them too.
^ Yeah when I do give them I break them up into thirds so they have a bit each (if I can keep them away from it long enough to break it up without ending up needing skin grafts - my cats are very friendly cats, it's not as if they are vicious under other circumstances, such is the power of Webbox!)

One of them once snatched a whole one and swallowed it whole in about 3 gulps, it came back up within seconds looking slightly mangled but still intact. I fear they might do themselves some sort of internal injury swallowing it whole if I don't break it up first, they are that keen.
A year or three ago, I started feeding the college cat the occasional Webbox chicken / salmon stick. The mere sight of the wrappings prompted her to go ballistic - standing up on her hind legs, mewing piteously, and developing an obsessive / hooked glint in her eye. This was massively out of character - usually, she was quiet and shy as you like. About 4 weeks after I started giving 'em to her, she developed serious kidney problems, and was put on an all-chicken-and-rice diet.
Fuck! Seriously? I feed these to my cat all the time.
Full of shit :( The natures menu treats are alright, or thrive, maybe try them. :)

My cat only likes whiskas treats, won't even eat dreamies and won't go near natures menu or thrive, makes training quite hard and slow. :( The moggies eat anything and chicken is perfect.

The cat might have had kidney problems from another cause btw :D
yeah hope that's the case! am going to stop feeding her them nontheless to be on the safe side. the fact my local shop has run out (entirely down to me :oops: ) will help in this respect
I've just brought a packet of these for my mum's cat off the back of this thread - it's kitty crack time for Misty!
I like to break the Webbox treats into little bits and then get Mr. Kippers to eat them off my palm so I can feel his furry chin.....that's a bit sad, mad cat lady isn't :oops:

Nah, it's just your hand.
When your laying them on your naked body, that's when you gotta worry ;)
Lil only really likes the Whiskers Temptations for a treat and even then she sometimes leaves them for a bit.
She is not to be tempted by any human food at all, including fish, prawns etc which is a good thing I guess.
Full of shit :(

Given that many people seem to feed their cats all manner of low meat content soya-based crap labelled as cat food for their main diet, I am not going to worry because once in a blue moon I give my cats a "full of shit" treat, when the rest of the time they eat a very healthy meat-based diet.

What are you training your cats to do, out of interest? I am lucky in that my cats are very demanding of attention, so rewarding them with attention (or denying attention to discourage less desirable behaviour) has worked extremely well for me, but I realise that isn't going to work for every cat.
Webbox's 'kit-e-lix,' which seem to be the feline equivalent of strawberry flavoured Angel delight.


Ingredients include either 2.7% or 3.7% indeterminate protein, about 2-3% 'oil,' a bit of ash, and 88% 'moisture.'

Not even 'water.' 'Moisture.' There was some moist stuff. We put it in.

Does the job, mind.


I have massive doubts about their ingredients, but they make top-end cat crack.
that looks absolutely revolting :D
It looks repellant. It is hard to get out of the tubes without some backsplash, too. Needs approaching with caution.

Doesn't smell too bad, mind.

I really do wonder what they put in them - Nigel won't touch *real* fish, cooked or uncooked. But she'll go for this like nobody's business.
Aren't you meant to get them to lick the tube rather than put it in a dish?

What are the sodium levels in these things?
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