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Turtles of Croydon, RIP


Active Member

Bloody great ironmongers, very quirky place, and family business for 111 years - closes December 24th, due to Croydon redevelopment (which probably isn't even happening now, due to the credit crunch).

Like a cross between a 'Are You Being Served?' and a traditional hardware store, it had tonnes of staff, they knew all about their specialist subject, or would refer to their colleagues by department ('you need to see 'Gardening' about that').

Not only that, it clearly had a massive revamp in the Sixties, to match the rest of Croydon, and so has loads of interesting little original 60s signage, tiles and mosaics and the like in its fixtures and fittings.

Bought a final tub of floor vinyl remover today, and will be back to take some piccies before the sad day. Loads of the staff have been there decades. They're selling all the stock off, so slightly desolate atmosphere at the moment...

Doesn't even appear to have a website, it's so old-skool.
I loved Turtles. It is so old-fashioned I bought some curtain wire there only about 6 months ago.

Quite a lot of those small independent businesses have gone from that arcade - most of them in fact. I think the Madeira deli has now gone and it's only a matter of time before Sergio's lovely old-skool cafe (scene of many a happy oryx lunch break) goes, if it hasn't already.

Actually I knew this was on the cards from a while back. Bloody shame, it's a great place. Not sure where I am going to go for my mouse traps and screws now.
Quite a lot of those small independent businesses have gone from that arcade - most of them in fact. I think the Madeira deli has now gone and it's only a matter of time before Sergio's lovely old-skool cafe (scene of many a happy oryx lunch break) goes, if it hasn't already.

Its a bit odd, the majority of shops down St. Georges walk have been gone for a while now but nothing seems to be happening?
never been there, but i can imagine what it's like, I worked in an old fashioned ironmongers when i was a teenager, that one (in bath) is still going
Its a bit odd, the majority of shops down St. Georges walk have been gone for a while now but nothing seems to be happening?

They had to run on short leases because of a possible development, not knowing if they were going to be kicked out next week or in a year or maybe two. It was a real fuck up and is no way to run a business. Very unstable, the smart gamble was to walk away. This left empty shops that nobody in their right mind would take on. What a fucking mess.
It's was Croydon's USP, as far as I was concerned! No reason to go there now, that's for sure.

Beanos is still trading!

can't believe Turtles is closing :(

They had to run on short leases because of a possible development, not knowing if they were going to be kicked out next week or in a year or maybe two. It was a real fuck up and is no way to run a business. Very unstable, the smart gamble was to walk away. This left empty shops that nobody in their right mind would take on. What a fucking mess.

that development has been 'imminent' for at least the last 5 years. traders have no chance.
I went in there a few months back and although there were no 'closing down' signs, it did have a sense of desolation about it. I suppose it's difficult to keep the sparkle about a place if you know you're going to be out on your ear before long.

Turtles was one of my favourite shops as a child. In the 90s was already long 'out of date', but still seemed lively and not at all on its last legs. I remember buying plaster of paris and little animal-shaped moulds from them. :)
I went in there a few months back and although there were no 'closing down' signs, it did have a sense of desolation about it. I suppose it's difficult to keep the sparkle about a place if you know you're going to be out on your ear before long.

Turtles was one of my favourite shops as a child. In the 90s was already long 'out of date', but still seemed lively and not at all on its last legs. I remember buying plaster of paris and little animal-shaped moulds from them. :)

I loved that shop too. Numerous weird things bought over the years, from safety wellies through to a giant 5 pint funnel and tubing, used for a truly horrendous beer bong at rubgy and university.

A sad loss.
So ace being able to be able to buy just one or two of what you needed. I also liked the little sowing and fuzzy felt craft corner (don't tell my rock and roll friends).
Very sad.

BTW, sorry, could you edit that quote so it doesn't contain the url? I meant to put it as I've now changed it to; just don't want google to associate my forum posts with my real name :)
Even if you don't like hardware shops (ie you're a weirdo) it's sad a family business of a century's standing, where the staff all cared and were extremely knowledgeable, have gone.
I'm going to pop over on Monday (beanos too), both have been really good to me.

They were two of the reasons I love Croydon. Here are/were the others

Polka RIP (I cried)
Prawnbrokers (I will cry if this goes)
Even if you don't like hardware shops (ie you're a weirdo) it's sad a family business of a century's standing, where the staff all cared and were extremely knowledgeable, have gone.

You could buy just one nut if that's all you needed and they were always so helpful. I can't ever imagine getting anything like that sort of help in B&Q.
for what they sell or just for the name?

It's the most awesome fishmongers. Their fish is sooo fresh and they have loads of ace stuff. There is a pretty neat butchers up the road but I'm more into fish.

I really really miss Polka (restaurant)
I use to love that little set of shops along there, you had the fat & tall, Turtles, the model shop and a half decent cafe - then the grotty nightclub.

I'm betting it turns into a boarded up ally for a few years now :(
It's the most awesome fishmongers. Their fish is sooo fresh and they have loads of ace stuff. There is a pretty neat butchers up the road but I'm more into fish.

I really really miss Polka (restaurant)

i just looked that fishmongers up, right near me. i never normally go down lower addiscombe road that way, nice one.

will check it and the butchers out
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