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Things To Do For Free In Sheffield...?


Moved on
I've just recently move to Sheff, and i'm looking for free events/nights out coz i'm completely and utterly skint! Any ideas?
Hitch back to civilization indeed!

I live in Sheffield - I'll have a think and drop you a message if I think of anything.

What kind of things were you after, there's loads of naturey things you can do for free for a kick off.
aye, lots of lovely walks in the vicinity. few museums and galleries worth a visit. Botanical Gardens & Butterfly house (not that I've been in my 13 years here). hmm, what else...there's Cholera Monument....and very cheap beer in the Brown Bear
Hope you left that shit man behind :cool:

Yep! :D Got the hell out of Dodge last week...finally!

King Biscuit...naturey things would be ace! I'm up for trying anything out TBH, just to get out and meet people that i probably wouldn't normally plus to entertain myself with something other than the internet! Free drinks and nibbles are always a bonus as well! :D I'm quite near town, which is good, but have no transport, which isn't so good, but can be worked around. Cheers! :cool:
aye, lots of lovely walks in the vicinity. few museums and galleries worth a visit. Botanical Gardens & Butterfly house (not that I've been in my 13 years here). hmm, what else...there's Cholera Monument....and very cheap beer in the Brown Bear

Ah yes... i was reading about that this morning. The gardens and butterfly house sound right up my street, thanks :)
Ooh, that looks good Keithy...i think that's my Sunday sorted, cheers!

I've got the drugs and dancing thing covered, done a fair bit of partying down here when i lived in Donny ;)

I saw on Wiki that 61% of Sheff is greenspace! I had no idea that there was so much! I like my bracing winter walks...followed by a hot toddy in the nearest boozer :D

I'm in Pitsmoor, but a relatively quiet bit...a little oasis of calm in the eye of the storm...

Cheers for the links TA :cool:
well if you want walking, we have loads of parks that are linked/very close to eachother so you can walk for hours through them all :) I can't remember which ones these are but includes ecclesall rd.

If I was coming back for longer at xmas I'd hassle you to come out and play :D
Actually - there's an online forum for Sheffield (you shouldn't have to look to hard to find it). Although the main forum is mainly stuffed full of depressing bigots talking about Somalis and Hoodies, there's a walkers forum thats quite nice. They announce where they're going every Sunday and you can just turn up and walk with them. Very friendly bunch - I mean to go along more next year.
Found that King Biscuit...i posted the same q on there, and got asked out on a date! :D

It is quiet on here Belboid...i was quite amazed TBH! Course, when i walk to the end of the road i'm back in the think of it, but meh...as long as it ain't on my doorstep, i can handle it ;)

Hassle away Keithy! I can feel a Sheff meet (piss) up coming on! :D
Musically there are loads of free gigs going on in the various pubs/bars around the city centre - there's a good folky night at the green room on devonshire green every wednesday run by my mate louis: www.myspace.com/louis_romegoux (I think it's called 'folkin sheffield') and the red house on solly st also has plenty of free music going on: www.myspace.com/redhousesheffield

The magazine Exposed has a fairly comprehensive listings section and can be picked up all over the place: www.exposedmagazine.co.uk but Now Then is a far superior publication www.nowthensheffield.blogspot.com with a better ethos and nowhere near as many shitty adverts - it's run by the opus collective who put on all kinds of interesting events: www.myspace.com/opusproductions

If I think of anything else ueful I'll post it up but that'll have to do for the time being . . .


saaam :)
welcome to sheffield stella! pitsmoor :eek::D

good veg shops at the top of spital hill.

lots of interesting industrial type walking to be done round and about, looking at the old factories and stuff. i love a bit of dilapidated history.

the 5 weirs walk, and the upper don walk are interesting - the upper don one stops suddenly at kelham island because they ran out of access! i think they are trying to get permission to build a bridge.
apparantly there are otters somewhere in one of sheffields rivers.

the sheffield forum is good for finding jumble sales and car boots - if ya like that sort of thing (which i do!)

also the sheffield telegraph has an events listing thingie on their website

thats enough now for this time in a morning :)
It does Sam, cheers! Always up for free music, and if i take a half bottle in with me it'll make it a lot cheaper! ;) :D

Ta for the welcome Hattie!

Osman's seems to be the best so far (even if they did think a fennel bulb was for inserting into a light socket! :D), and i like the sound of the industrial walks...better dust my camera off!

Nice 1 for the links y'both...getting quite a good list together now :cool:
Kelham Island Museumn is free from today.Worth an hour or two.The Fat Cat near by has a quiz mondays with cheap curry and beer at £1.20 a pint.
Sheff forum is very good.Lots of the villages in Shef have carol concerts, and tomorrow is the carolling train out to Derbyshire.In the sheff telgraph sheff caving club usually looking fro new members although not sure if tis is a summer only thing. How about the BTCV.
Sheffield Star listings online worth checking to.
aye, lots of lovely walks in the vicinity. few museums and galleries worth a visit. Botanical Gardens & Butterfly house (not that I've been in my 13 years here). hmm, what else...there's Cholera Monument....and very cheap beer in the Brown Bear

13 years to fucking long if i was to asked anyhow this might be of use underclassrising.net
This is a nice new Sheffield blog that's popped up recently.

The Sheffield Publicity Department.

There's only one walk up on there at the moment, but it's a good 'un.

I went up early(ish) this morning and it's extra nice with the snow and everything. I think someone has pinched their red flag though :(.

Cracking views of the city, and Park Hill.
Watching the barges going through the locks on the canal behind centertainment if that's your kind of thing. :)

john x
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