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The Sandy Hook Owl and the New World Orderd


the truth don't care
Remember the owl in the dollar bill, the giant owl at Bohemian Grove (the place where our beloved rulers dress up in robes, worship owls and do weird stuff) and the owl in the Capitol Hill road layout? pictures

Well it seems a little curious that a student of Sandy Hook would present to Obama - a rather impressive picture of an OWL... featuring the letters NWO on an eyebrow

we did it guys! :)

PS That Icke page is hilariously insane, with its entirely made-up connections that have no bearing on reality at all.

Owls. LOL.
oh dear, thread title typo... I pressed 'd' before posting the thread...
The New World Order in the shape of a tiny blodge on a dollar bill that might look like an owl - or maybe a motor car or a sandwich - must have made you do it.
Remember the owl in the dollar bill, the giant owl at Bohemian Grove (the place where our beloved rulers dress up in robes, worship owls and do weird stuff) and the owl in the Capitol Hill road layout? pictures

Well it seems a little curious that a student of Sandy Hook would present to Obama - a rather impressive picture of an OWL... featuring the letters NWO on an eyebrow

we did it guys! :)

Wow. Even by your standards.
The poor sod who tried to help the kids who turned up,in his drive having fled from the massacre is being harrased by fucking conspricacy theorists demanding how much he was paid to be a goverment actor etc etc!!!

Fucking cunts
there's been alot of stuff like this, people getting death threats because their cars were mentioned (completly unrelated to the shootings) in the police radio video.And I think that's where the link i posted above started from, people getting harrassed who have nothing to do with it. I mean, you can see this video getting the school harrassed by CTists or at worse, the kid who drew the picture.
there's been alot of stuff like this, people getting death threats because their cars were mentioned (completly unrelated to the shootings) in the police radio video.And I think that's where the link i posted above started from, people getting harrassed who have nothing to do with it. I mean, you can see this video getting the school harrassed by CTists or at worse, the kid who drew the picture.

bit hard to harass someone whos dead
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