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Squatters take over Soho offices to create a hub for London's homeless people


Great work:


Squatters have taken over a former office block in the heart of Soho in the latest occupation of central London’s most prestigious addresses.

The derelict five-storey Victorian building in Frith Street, which is due to be transformed into a restaurant and luxury flats, is being used by activists who moved in at the weekend intending to create a hub for the capital’s homeless...

The John Lewis Pensions Partnership Trust last year submitted an application to turn the building into ten flats and a ground-floor restaurant with a new penthouse apartment overlooking central London.

The block is the former base of digital agency Reading Room which used the upper floor as a gallery hosting contemporary art exhibitions. It was sold to the pension fund for £14.5million in 2006.

The activists today said they wanted to “embarrass Westminster council and people in positions of power by doing the work they should be doing.”

Jon, a member of Street Kitchen, said “We want to offer a safe space policy to vulnerable and homeless people - no drugs, no violence, racism or sexism.
jon lewis are bellends to contract for middle managment seems to consist of wankers who think they are running the death star

good luck to these lot!
I can't think of a place which needs safe space for homeless people more than central London, good on them.

As for paying the council to get around the social/affordable housing obligation - I have no polite words for people like that at all.
As for paying the council to get around the social/affordable housing obligation - I have no polite words for people like that at all.

Council is just as shitty for it.

Its a convenient fiction, its a bribe plain and simple and both sides know for sure those funds are not going to affordable housing anywhere.

edit: I read the comments, gah, wankers the lot of em
One of the students at my work came in last week, somewhat perturbed that the building he's living in has been squatted, and in his words 'There's a bunch of guys downstairs having a rave and selling drugs'.

The bit that intrigued me most was the the squatters had posted a notice on the windows saying that the building was designated as non-habitable. If that's the case, surely his landlord was breaking several rules by renting him a room there?
<snip>The bit that intrigued me most was the the squatters had posted a notice on the windows saying that the building was designated as non-habitable. If that's the case, surely his landlord was breaking several rules by renting him a room there?
You know what landlords are often like when they know they're renting to students - taking the piss is a given. :(
That's some nice space they have there. More groups need to get behind this stuff as it ties in with all the various housing actions.
I was touched by their generosity. They're clearly short of money but I was immediately offered smokes and some cider.

In return, they seem chuffed that I'd taken an interest and come down to offer my support.
I was touched by their generosity. They're clearly short of money but I was immediately offered smokes and some cider.

In return, they seem chuffed that I'd taken an interest and come down to offer my support.

I considered going into the previous squat when I saw it but felt I'd be intruding. Wish I had now.
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