City Screen is a limited company registered in England as company number 2310403 and its registered office is 16-18 Beak St, London, W1F 9RD
Can't believe how cheaply the council rent our space to this mob.
It might not be quite so irritating if this cheap space was being shared by some of the smaller traders in Brixton. I wouldn't mind seeing something resembling a summer market with a choice of stalls selling food/drink, clothes/jewelry, postcards or such.
The Ritzy presence is just so bland and corporate.
Yeah, more coffee shops, we don't have enough of them.
Not good ones anyway.
Wouldn't know. I don't get the idea of 'going out' for coffee...
If you work from home, it's a way of maintaining sanity and getting to chat to other sanity-concerned freelancers.Wouldn't know. I don't get the idea of 'going out' for coffee...
And that's a peculiarly British trait, albeit one that is slowly eroding
What's the BCA? Yes to trader's and more indy caffs on the square too.
Black Cultural Archives - they're refurbishing and extending Raleigh Hall at the southeast corner of the square. Thread:
Recently there was a link posted to a document outlining the pricing structure for seats in the square which implied that perhaps a policy exists.My understanding is that the space wasn't offered up to The Ritzy. They approached Lambeth and made them an offer which was accepted. Obviously Ritzy are in a better position to take advantage of the square than other businesses but that on its own shouldn't preclude them from being allowed to do so.
Similarly, a business group approached the council about setting up the small market outside KFC a couple of years back. Anyone could have asked to do this but the group that did it got the pitch. Then local businesses complained that it was unfair competition and the licence was withdrawn. (Not sure if there wasn't more to it than that).
If businesses want to use the spaces I guess they should put forward a proposal. If you don't ask...
...Recently there was a link posted to a document outlining the pricing structure for seats in the square which implied that perhaps a policy exists.
"But the plans were on display ..."
"On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them."
"That's the display department."
"With a flashlight."
"Ah, well the lights had probably gone."
"So had the stairs."
"But look, you found the notice didn't you?"
"Yes," said Arthur, "yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard'."
Recently there was a link posted to a document outlining the pricing structure for seats in the square which implied that perhaps a policy exists.
Even if someone asks/proposes it shouldn't mean that the council just give to they that ask. Something like the commercialisation of a very expensive public square should have had at least a little consultation attached to it. What if McDonald's had asked first?
I don't recall any of the proposals for Windrush Square featuring a vast chunk of the area being taken over by a private company.My understanding is that the space wasn't offered up to The Ritzy. They approached Lambeth and made them an offer which was accepted. Obviously Ritzy are in a better position to take advantage of the square than other businesses but that on its own shouldn't preclude them from being allowed to do so.
Similarly, a business group approached the council about setting up the small market outside KFC a couple of years back. Anyone could have asked to do this but the group that did it got the pitch. Then local businesses complained that it was unfair competition and the licence was withdrawn. (Not sure if there wasn't more to it than that).
If businesses want to use the spaces I guess they should put forward a proposal. If you don't ask...
I don't recall any of the proposals for Windrush Square featuring a vast chunk of the area being taken over by a private company.
As it is, vast pots of public money appear to have just funded a nice al fresco new dining/cafe area for the Ritzy.