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Scoffing too much meat and eggs is ‘just as bad as smoking’, claim scientists


Here's the latest health scare for y'all to chew over:

A study appears to show an overwhelming link between life-threatening diseases and eating meats, eggs, milk, and cheese

Middle-aged people who eat protein-rich food are four times more likely to die of cancer than someone who only eats a little, according to a new study.

The researchers said eating a lot of protein increased the risk of cancer almost as much as smoking 20 cigarettes a day.

They reached their findings, published in the journal Cell: Metabolism, after tracking thousands of people over 20 years.

“We provide convincing evidence that a high-protein diet - particularly if the proteins are derived from animals - is nearly as bad as smoking for your health,” one of the academics behind the work, Dr Valter Longo, of the University of Southern California, told The Daily Telegraph.

A high-protein diet was defined as one in which 20 per cent of the calories came from protein. They recommended eating 0.8g of protein per kilogram of body weight a day during middle age.

I dont think they can ever ban chips. They are a worldwide, nutritionally adept foodsource and I am now talking myself into eating chips cos I havent had any dinner.
Now the fuckers will want to ban eating food in pubs.
:rolleyes: :mad:

The Nanny State is coming to get you!
The problem with eating any type of food is that sooner or later you will die. Not eating any food will only lead to dying sooner rather than later. Overall the problem with life is that it is an illness curable only by death, after all no one ever survived being alive.
I dont think they can ever ban chips. They are a worldwide, nutritionally adept foodsource and I am now talking myself into eating chips cos I havent had any dinner.

Chips were actually the very first food to be claimed to be more unhealthy than smoking fags - waaaaay back in the early 1980s! :p
From the Guardian:
Winkler continues: "The practical consequence for the protein story is that you've got a correlation between food intake and disease, but the food intake data is so poor that any correlation is suspect. Academics sit in front of a computer screen and do data analysis. But they never question the quality of the primary data. I'm not being rude, but my attitude towards that study is contempt."

A bit of a non-story, as per usual with such subject. But quite useful for agenda pushing and point scoring, I guess...
The problem with eating any type of food is that sooner or later you will die. Not eating any food will only lead to dying sooner rather than later. Overall the problem with life is that it is an illness curable only by death, after all no one ever survived being alive.
Yes. Life is a sexually transmitted terminal disease.
Eating tasty food, drinking lots of alcohol and smoking are some of the few pleasures in life which have the beneficial side-effect of helping to curtail the whole dreary episode.

Sadly, nanny-state busybodies are determined that we should all suffer a joyless, tax-paying existence for as long as possible.
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