I made a mistake on the other thread btw when I said all forms of hate crimes have been shown to be rising, that was based on incidents reported to police which are, but according to the Crime Survey hate crimes fell in the most recent period. So there might be some truth in the police claim that crimes are more likely to be reported rather than increasing.
There is one very strange disparity, the number of hate crimes against disabled people in the most recent period according to the crime survey is 70,000. However of the 52,528 hate crimes recorded by police in the same period, just 2,508 were disability hate crimes. The crime survey is based on a survey of 50,000 people and their recent experience of crime, so whilst its not a huge sample (but is about the standard size for national statistics) it is probably a better measure of whats actually going on, rather than how many people are reporting things to the police etc.
The above disparity may just mean using the Crime Survey to monitor hate crime is worthless as the sample is too small, yet there isn't the same level of disparity for racially motivated crimes, about half of which are recorded by police. Even stranger is that the crime survey asks if people made the crime known to police, and records that 48% of people reported hate crime (higher incidentally than non-hate crimes, although this is likely to do with the type of offence).
So to break it down roughly, the police record about 50,000 hate crimes a years, the crime survey says there is four times that amount at 200,000 and that half of those, 100,000 were reported to police. That's 50,000 missing crimes which seem to be disproportionately disability hate crimes, which suggests that police are ignoring, or not recording a lot of disability hate crimes reported to them.