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Revolutionary Movements


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On this topic I am approaching the subject of revolutionary movements from an anarchist point of view. Trying to do this, I collect information from the books of two greek anarchists of Agi Stina “Memories” and from Giannis Tamtakos “A life's memories on the Revolutionary Struggle”. I will try to make clear the role of EAM and KKE during the greek civil war, and project this way of thinking on other revolutionary movements.

Acronyms that I will use:

KKE = Greek Communist Party
EAM = Revolutionary Militant Movement

EAM used to be a KKE front during the second world war and the civil war that followed (1944 – 1949). KKE on that period was outlawed, and the EAM members were guerilla fighters on the mountains.

Mr Vasilis Bartzotas, member of the KKE, on an article that he published at the newspaper “To Vima” on 06/01/1981 says that “the incidents on december 1944 were caused by the english with the general Scobi” (spelling?), butcher of Athens as he called him, without mentioning himself and his party though.

Bartzotas, on his speeches at the KKE members, at Kallithea in Athens, was saying about the antistalinist trotskist, and marxists, even for the members disobeying the partisan direction that they “should be killed wherever they are found and dissapear in order the situation to become clear”. So the EAM members in Kallithea, arrested Mr Giorgos Mourounakis and Gazetas, and after beating them, ordered them to give information about their friend Giorgos Doxas, and after releasing them they told them to hide up to the time that their wounds would heal. Doxas, was murdered by the EAM members and his body was then hidden.

Mr Bartzotas, was also responsible for the murder of the lawyer Dimosthenis Boursoukis, at Pireas. Also on his order, they killed Thumios Adramutidis, Kosmas Charitonidis, Nikos Arabantinos, Stelios Katsamprokos, Panagiotis Tsigelis, Stauros Berouchis (blind and disabled because of an injury during WW II), Manolis Kabalieros, the marxist Mpelias who was cut to pieces after his murder, Spyros Sapounas, Kostas Damalas, Stergiou and much more

They also killed disobeying members of KKE, as it is mentioned on the book “ The history of KKE” of the stalinist G. Katsoulis as well as Dritsos on his own book “ Comrade why do you kill me?”

The common meetings of marxists, trotskists and KKE members that took place on 1946-47, a KKE's idea, took place in order KKE to find out how many of them still remained and execute them and not because they wanted to exchange ideas with them. All these took place at a period, that KKE was naming all people disagreeing as spies and was killing them, “ignoring” the fact that actual spies existed within their members. They were angry because of the police treatment, but they were doing the same, working for the allies Intelligence Service. Of course the atrocities of the conservatives during that period were also big, as they were arresting people and were sending them at the police headquarters, at a room with Chitler's photos on the walls and were tortured copying the methods of Chitler and Mousolini.

The conservatives with the police were also guarding the food shops in Athens when they were closed, protecting the private ownership and preventing the public from looting them nommater the fact that they were starving to death.

The EAM members did exactly the same during the civil war, guarding the food stores in order the “working class” to take the food, but in reality they were stealing the food and selling it at the black market. Groups of anarchists, were managing to break some food stores and give the food to the public, but this could not happen outside Athens and the big cities as they were not organised enough.

During the bloody Sunday uprising on December 1944, the police was shooting the people, from their building. After the massacre the EAM members were asking protection from the USA ambassador in Greece, waving a hudge USA flag, and chanting in order him to save them.They are the ones who were welcoming the british when Greece was liberated from the Nazis and now they were welcoming the americans, their big allies as KKE was saying.

Bartzotas is saying, that when the british troops were firing from the Parthenon, the EAM members did not shoot back “ in order not to destroy the Parthenon” but they did not even shoot at a building a few blocks down were all the conservative leaders were hiding.

They did not do it, because they did not want to take control of the country by themselves, but they wanted a cooperation with the conservatives, but with KKE to be in charge. Unfortunately their big boss, Stalin, did not help them at all and left Greece to be under the british influence. Even when the russian army invated Bulgaria, and the troops passed the borders to north Greece, they were immediately ordered to withdraw. During the December massacre, Churchil was free to do whatever he wanted as Stalin left him. The top members of KKE managed to get hold of guns, for their protection, other members though fled to the former eastern block countries, but Bartzotas returned, pretending to be ill.

From all the above you can understand that troskists and anarchists during the Nazi rulling in Greece and the civil war, were not going with EAM or any other guerilla fighters. Anarchists, did not have as a target to create military type movements and attack, but to start a social revolution, that everybody would join, even the german troops who would disobey to the orders. Their way of thinking was not to make a group to fight against the rulers, but the public to revolt and within class struggle authority to be dissolved. “Closed type” anarchist societies, wherever they have been formed, they have failed because they do not manage to get support from the public.

In our days, quite enough anarchist comrades, sympathize with “Revolutionary Movements” of different countries, like Che, FARC, IRA, chechen freedom fighters, Basque fighters, even islamist groups. As anarchists, we should be in solidarity with people struggling for their freedom, like the Palestinians, but we should not also agree with Chamas actions. Chamas are not antiauthoritarians, they were the government of Palestine anyway, they are fantamentalists. Being an anarchist and a jihad fantamentalist are 2 different things.

In a lot of occasions anarchists, while trying to show their anti-imperealist profile, they become anti-americans and antisemits, talking in the same way about the israeli or american public, and their oprresive capitalist rullers. The target of anarchist should always be social revolution, so they should not exclude anybody, as the anarchists in WWII did not exclude the german troops

Anarchist's sympathy, for example, for Che and Castro of Cuba, is wrong if we take in account the fact that Castro has imprisoned and tortured a lot of political prisoners, a lot of them being anarchists.
On my last posts, I mentioned the Communist Youth members of KKE actions during demos, and translated 2 anarchist leaflets that show the actions of KKE on 1979 and during the Polytechnic uprising on 1973. Now I give you some information about EAM.

On all these occasions there is something common. The uprisings that cannot be controled by KKE, are being oprresed with the help of KKE, as it happened on the December incidents and the Polytechnic uprising. KKE's mechanism is acting in an oppresive FASCIST way, trying to strangle every public uprising, helping the police and eventually the state.

Of course later on, tries with the falcification of the events, to present that these uprisings happened by their effords, completely “forgetting” their repression actions.

KKE is a fascist political party with left appearance. This is not happening only with the greek communist party, this is stalinism and can be met anywhere in the world. This great fascist, Stalin, was the one who was torturing and murdering political prisoners in USSR. He was the one who made an agreement with Churchil giving Greece to Britain. The imperealist plan back then, that was secretely agreed, was for german troops to withdraw from Greece and on the same time the british to take control in order not to give a chance to the greek public to form a government... And all these under Stalin's approval. The imperealists have ways to communicate and agree with each other, nommater if they are left or right, “enemies” or “friends”.

Therefore, it is quite obvious that stalinist political parties and movements act with the same tactics.This is a global fainomeno. In Columbia, for example, FARC, are fighting against the Buhs's puppet government, but also killing whoever disobeys. In Turkey you may find the following guerilla fighter group, PKK, DHKPC, TDP, TKP/ML, TIKKO, SPB, MLKP, TIKB, ICCB, TDKP and ΡΗΚΡ all of them being marxist/stalinist. The most of them completely ignore anarchism, and are opposing to it. Stalinist militarist movements, are hierachically based armies, that are acting in order to gain authority. Therefore the result will be to have a fascist left rulling instead of a fascist conservative one, with no revolution really happening or real change on the public's life .

Trotsky, having realised that USSR was ruled by beaurocracy, wanted to change this system, without dissolving authority, just wanting a different structure and function of the system in USSR.

Anarchist and antiauthoritarian theories and actions are the only really revolutionary. Only on this occasion we are talking about antiauthority, for non hirearchical societies. The anarchist concept is social freedom, therefore anarchists should always be close to society and its problems, as the anarchists did during the Nazi rulling and were feeding the poor. Under this spectrum, any thoughts of forming or supporting “revolutionary” guerilla fighting groups is not really an appropriate way of action.
well, there are so many splits on what a revolutionary movement should do,
I agree that anti-American, anti-semtism and supporting Islam fundamentalist should definitely not be part of it.

Supporting nations for there land does go against the ideal of a international movement in that , there most likely don't care about revolutionary movements and just want there land. Pretend there is a Palestine tommarrow, capitalism will properly be the system they choose to run , so the support of the Palestine's will have got nowwhere. Remember there are lots of Isrealis that disagree with what is happening, just like british disagree with whats happening in england. We should promoting the end of land wars and understanding for every one.

I do get upset a little why anarchist and communist argue over essentially the same end results.
lobster, I agree up to a point. Anarchists should be supporting every society that is struggling against authority, not nations. An anarchist point of view should not be to help Palestinians as a nation to form a state, but to help them as people to liberate themselves informing them on the same time about the anarchist way of thinking and action. Back to my example anarchists while being under Nazi rulling did not support the people's demand for a greek state and for that reason they did not join in with the guerilla fighters, but the people's demand for freedom ....

The only think that is confusing me a bit more is the Zapatista movement. They are again a military organisation but not demanding to become a different state, their own way of life is also quite non hierarchical ..... Any opinions of anybody on this?
Dimitris said:
lobster, I agree up to a point. Anarchists should be supporting every society that is struggling against authority, not nations. An anarchist point of view should not be to help Palestinians as a nation to form a state, but to help them as people to liberate themselves informing them on the same time about the anarchist way of thinking and action. Back to my example anarchists while being under Nazi rulling did not support the people's demand for a greek state and for that reason they did not join in with the guerilla fighters, but the people's demand for freedom ....

The only think that is confusing me a bit more is the Zapatista movement. They are again a military organisation but not demanding to become a different state, their own way of life is also quite non hierarchical ..... Any opinions of anybody on this?

The Zapatistas do oppose pretty much what anarchist/communist do.
It similar to Palestinian People's Party , Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine , because both of them have secular agendas with socialist aims.
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