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Police tactics/reaction to 'illegal' Raves

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Good words, strong words
Hi, I know of someone that is thinking about putting on a rave in the UK. Can anyone give me an idea of how the police can be expected to behave? If it's over 100 people, I guess it's impossible that the police won't hear about it at some point. Do they always try to shut them down? If enough party goers turn up first is it impossible for them to shut down the rave? What happens in the morning? Will they always try to confiscate the rig? If each person at the rave owns only a tiny part of the rig, is it impossible for them to go through all the paperwork? What if alcohol is sold at the rave, does this change anything?

Recent precedents? Info much appreciated, TIA.

I suppose that the cops would try to uphold the law.
You know the sort of thing. Illegal drugs, alcohol sales and so on.
If you intend to break the law it's tough shit if you get caught out.
this wouldn't be anything to do with that facebooky beach party thing the media was on about recently would it?

if so cancel it or they'll make an example of you and have you up in court as it's too high profile.

search this forum and you'll find various threads with advice - there's also a section on the main rave section of the site about this, but it's well out of date (sorry, I was meant to write an update last year but have been slacking).

Basics of the situation is that there pretty much are no legal loopholes any more if you've not got a license, though if it's under a hundred or so and there's no complaints and it's a birthday party on land you own / have permission to use then you should be ok.

The max fine is £20k, plus 6 months in prison, and they can and have impounded rigs - though this is usually for crews that have been fairly persistant - they make out they're keeping the rig for evidence until it goes to court or some such bollocks.

Having said that, it is still possible to do parties and get away with it, you just have to be careful about it (and lucky).

the basics are

find a good site that's well away from any houses,

only use a ralatively small pa so the sound definately won't travel too far - if the police get a noise complaint you will definately get a visit, and quite likely get shut down, so the golden rule is do everything you can to avoid getting a noise complaint in the first place.

do not advertise the event publicly anywhere, and especially not facebook - use text message and email lists to promote it, and word of mouth, and make it clear that it's not to be put onto any websites / posters etc.

if possible don't publicise the location til the night, have a meeting point for public transport to the site, with someone to meet people there and lead them to the site, and use the text list to text out the info on mass at a prearranged time - 8pm is good / have a friendly pub that will give out the info on the sly / have minibus taxis booked from the pub to the location and go in convoy.

The site must have a load of off road parking, preferably far enough away from the road that it's not obvious from the road what's going on - but defo don't have people parking on the actual road as that will get the polices attention.

Don't go and set up too early - if you've set up before there's anybody there, then you're bound to get a dog walker reporting you to the police and you'll get shut down before it even starts... best bet is to try and time your arrival for just before the public transport gets there, make sure you've got a big enough crew with you to get set up quickly when people arrive - use the people to help you carry stuff over to make things quicker, but make sure you have crew at the unloading / set up end to keep order.

As soon as it get's light, do a litter pick - just find some willing volunteers to go round doing a sweep of the site, so the early morning dog walkers don't find the place looking utterly trashed. Then keep on top of it in the morning, and do a full sweep of the site before you leave.

Make sure you've got a plan for the waste - we had an entire transit van full of litter to take off the beach with us one year, so you need to plan for both actually picking the litter up, and getting it away from the site and disposing of it.

Make sure you've got a decent sized crew who're 100% up for helping out, and make sure they know this means they need to be there on time, and willing to lug stuff across at the beginning, and more importantly at the end of the party, as well as being prepared to help sort out the car parking, donations buckets etc. - 10 at least I'd say.

You MUST have a police liason person who'se fully prepared to talk to the police when / if they do come. It's absolutely vital that when the police do come, this person is not twatted, and as soon as the police are spotted, everyone else should back off, and the police liason person must not hesitate, they must walk straight towards them, and go talk to them politely.... firstly ask them if there've been any complaints, reassure them that the situation is under control, say you're just having a bit of a party for your mates birthday / solstice / some similar reason, and that you've kept the sound system small enough that it shouldn't be heard from houses, you've got first aid / fire equipment, nobody will be driving till they've slept... actually a really good arguement to use to continue the party is that loads of people have come by public transport, so they'll all be stuck here anyway until the public transport starts again, so it's best to keep them entertained to avoid any problems... at some point they'll ask if you're the organiser / dj, explain that you're not the organiser, but you've been asked by the organiser to liase with the police on their behalf. As police liason I've never had any problem giving them my name and phone number - it shows good faith, but make sure they record that you're police liason in their notepad... even if you're djing, don't say that you are as this can be taken as you being 'materially involved in the organisation of an unlicensed event' (which is what they finally did me for, when I stupidly let on that I'd been djing at a party). Also tell them that if they do get any noise complaints they can just give you a ring and you'll make sure you get it turned down.

It can be good to offer to show them round, you can lead them round that way, and point out all the good bits like first aid kit, fire extinguisher, litter pickers. Tell them you'll make sure you clear the site up properly afterwards, and that you're going to be litter picking as soon as the sun comes up so it's tidy for the dog walkers, and that you'll be winding the party up around 6ish.

When the police do arrive, have a plan for it, so that while the police liason person is talking to them, other people are going round turning the sound down gradually (not enough that they'll notice that it's been turned down), get people litter picking, get word round that the police are here, it's all under control, but if everyone could not openly take drugs til they've gone, make sure the fire extinguisher is by the generator etc.

The reason that it's so vital you talk to the police when they first arrive is that the likelyhood is the first coppers to get there will just be a standard panda car, that's just sent to investigate a noise complaint, or hopefully has just been driving past and seen people about and thought they should check it out.... basically they're just bog standard local plod on night duty, and are much more likely to be sympathetic / not want to cause a fuss / happy to get back to some coffee at the police station / and will do so if they don't think it's going to be a problem. They'll probably say something about coming back to check everything's ok later on, and may give you a curfew time - if they do, and are otherwise being sound, then agree to this and stick to it, as the chances are that it means this is the time that dog walkers will start appearing, who may make complaints if the parties still in full swing, which would then potentially get the coppers in trouble for not busting you earlier, plus getting you in trouble when the day shift has just shown up for work and has fuck all to do.

The worst thing you can do is ignore the police when they first get there, as they'll then go back to the nick and report the incident and tell them they're not sure what's going on, couldn't find anyone to talk to, looks like chaos etc. and then their boss will come out to take a look, and he'll be well fucked off at getting dragged out of the station, or quite likely getting dragged out of bed to deal with this, which pretty much means you're going to get busted. They may not bust you straight away, they may choose to wait til the day shift comes on duty and bust you when they've got the man power to do it, and they know everyone will be too fucked to do much about it anyway... so have someone sensible to go talk to the first coppers that arrive and be polite to them and reassure them that it's all under control and no need for them to wake their boss up.

Seriously, I was police liason for 8 years and fuck knows how many parties, and the only 2 times we got busted was when I wasn't doing police liason, and the people who were meant to be didn't do it.

If they say it's too loud, immediately tell them you'll turn it down a bit, ask if they've had noise complaints, if so try to find out where from - at least which direction, that way you can potentially reposition the speakers so they point away from the person complaining. IF they tell you to turn it off, try to use the arguement that all these people at the party are now stuck there til they're either sober enough to drive or the bus comes in the morning, and surely it's better that they have something to do, rather than jsut having several hundred drunk pissed off people to deal with... whatever you do, do not try to be a clever twat and argue the law with them, there's nothing more likely to wind a copper up than someone going 'I know the law, you can't do that' to them... bottom line, they can nick you for drunk and disorderly any time they like really, so it's all pretty much academic. If it comes to it, then just turn it off, better to live to party another day than end up fighting off riot police, having equipment trashed, people injured and nicked, and getting prosecuted to fuck.

more to follow...
When talking to the police, always have some of the crew watching you at all times (and also keeping the pissed fuckwits away), and never stray too far from the party / too close to the police car. While they're close to the party they're not going to risk arresting you (unless they've come in big numbers) as they know that if it kicked off they'd potentially get the shit kicked out of them before back up could arrive... but if you were stood by the police car with nobody backing you up it might be just too tempting for them to simply nick you and drive you offsite.

erm don't go too big - once it get's close to 1000 or over, the police will start getting very nervous, and it all get's a bit unmanageable anyway - litter picking for a thousand people ain't fun, and you'll prob start getting cars backing up onto the roads etc.

choose your site carefully, ideally a wood / beach type place that's public access at least, or a field with permission from the farmer.

bring enough spare petrol for the generator

walkie talkies are useful

having someone parking cars up is a good idea, as they can make sure some numpty doesn't block the track... plus maybe collect donations, though this needs to be done carefully. I'd reccommend if possible having someone sat in a car near the entrance with a radio to liase with the car park person, let them know when vehicles are coming down, but more importantly give them advance notice the police are coming, how many cop cars it is and if their lights are flashing - car park person would then stash the donations money, police liason person would be found to greet the police, and the music can be turned down a bit / site made ready for the police etc.

erm, I'm giving away all our secrets here... if you want more advice, pm me questions - if you pm me the location of hte site I can check it out on google earth and let you know my thoughts.
Hi, I know of someone that is thinking about putting on a rave in the UK.
first off don't call it a rave, it's just an outdoor party - if the police hear the word rave it sets off their spidey senses, and they start getting their riot gear out.

Can anyone give me an idea of how the police can be expected to behave?
see above for best case scenario. The main thing is that if they have the numbers there on site already that they think they need to shut it down then they probably will - no point rounding up all the troops just to send them home again, then potentially have to deal with a bigger problem later is their view.

So if they're there with more than 4-6 of them, chances are that you're going to get shut down, and will only get nicked if you argue too much... If you refuse then they may not bust you immediately, but will likely draft in reinforcements / wait for the day shift to show up, then come down in force to teach you who's boss when you're too fucked to deal with it.

If it's over 100 people, I guess it's impossible that the police won't hear about it at some point. Do they always try to shut them down?
no, not always - we did a good 50 odd, had one shut down by 40 riot police (that we didn't get prosecuted for coz we'd done it properly), 1 where the police came down at the end after it had finished, and I ended up getting nicked for it and getting a caution in the end.

Other crews have had it much worse, with rigs impounded, big fines, etc. but IMO some of them have been very naive, others have just pushed it too far / there's been a pre-existing bad history between the police and ravers in the area.

The law has changed since we were first doing them though, and they've closed most of the loopholes we used to use (not actually loopholes as such, we just knew the law and knew how to throw parties inside the law without needing a license... was all a gret area mind)

If enough party goers turn up first is it impossible for them to shut down the rave?

Not exactly - all depends where you do it, if they know about it in advance, what police resources they have, and whether they're getting fuckloads of complaints or not... if does make it harder for them to shut it down if they've not got many police on duty, but then it also makes it much harder for them to ignore, and often if you've ignored them telling you to turn it off during hte night, they'll wait for the day shift to come on duty, keep the night shift on duty for an extra couple of hours so they've got double the number of bodies on duty, then turn up on mass - at which point turning the rig off and packing up immediately is you're only sensible course of action... but they will still probably want someone to take the fall for it (bollocks, forgot to point that out above... you always need to have someone who agrees in advance that if it comes to it, they will take the wrap for it - should be someone with no previous ideally, preferably on the dole - to minimise the size of any fine - and not the rig owner if poss).

What happens in the morning?
see above... always best to either finish totally and pack up around 6-7am, or at least start packing away and turn the rig down - be ready to knock it off at the first site of a fuckload of police on the horizon. It's best anyway to not go on too long as you'll need enoguh people with energy to get the kit packed away etc.

Will they always try to confiscate the rig?
no, not always, usually only if you're arseholes / don't turn it down / off when they say / take the piss... but not always.

If each person at the rave owns only a tiny part of the rig, is it impossible for them to go through all the paperwork?
If they're going to impound the rig, generally they'll just do it and worry about the technicalities later... see the above point about them impounding rigs and keeping them supposedly for evidence purposes.

There is a potential way round this, which we have used successfully, but it was while ago, and others have since had their rigs impounded anyway, so it's defo not a magic get out of jail free card, but still can be useful. Essentially if you hire the rig from a reputable hire company, and don't tell them what it's for - basically dry hire it, tell them it's for a party in a pub or something... and have a hire sheet for it with you, then technically while they would have the right to seize it on the night, they'd have to give it back to the hire company on the monday morning.

this only works if the hire companies van isn't seen at the venue, and their crew aren't there. The reason this should work is that the if the hire company hired the kit to you in good faith, and you then used it illegally, then they shouldn't lose out financially by having their kit impounded. I believe that in the 90's more than one police force got successfully sued for loss of earnings by legit hire companies for rigs that were impounded.

the problem is that this only really works if the police believe that either you or the hire company has the resources and willingness to actually pay for a solicitor to take them to court. It also doesn't work if the same rig's been photographed at several raves, which IMO is where the crews mentioned above have potentially fallen down.

The time we got busted by 40 riot police though this did save the rig, as when the head copper was threatening to impound the rig, I just looked at the rig (10-15k rig on a balcony up a load of rickety stairs), got the hire sheet out, looked at my mate and said 'fair enough, we'll leave you to it then and go to the pub. We'll come and pick it up monday morning' 'er what do you mean', 'well the rigs hired, the hire sheets legit, the company had no idea what we were using it for, so we'll be picking the kit up monday morning' 'erm, well no actually you may as well keep it then'

I've also walked into a police station after a reclaim the streets on the monday morning with a hire sheet and walked out with the rig that had been impounded... they actually gave me the scaffold tripod back as well 'because i keep tripping over it'.

to work though this blag has to be pulled properly with a proper legit hire sheet from a proper legit hire company.

What if alcohol is sold at the rave, does this change anything?
not as much as it used to, but yes it does make it likely any fine would be higher... if you're going to sell alcohol, do it subtly, with no more than a couple of crates behind the decks at any time, and no signs advertising the beers on sale... or just have someone going round selling alcohol from a crate every half hour or so.

Recent precedents? Info much appreciated, TIA.

well most of my experience is from 1998-2005 or so, but we still did a small beach party last year with no bother, and I know of others that have gone off no problem as well... there's also the norfolk experience which has seen several parties ending with full pitched battles with the riot police...
there's also a section on the main rave section of the site about this, but it's well out of date (sorry, I was meant to write an update last year but have been slacking).

You just have written the update! It looks like you've covered pretty much everything there so just re-edit it and bung it to Mr Ed.

Quality posts btw.
search this forum and you'll find various threads with advice - there's also a section on the main rave section of the site about this, but it's well out of date (sorry, I was meant to write an update last year but have been slacking).
You've just about written it now!

Do you fancy giving it a bit of polish and I'll post it up?
You just have written the update! It looks like you've covered pretty much everything there so just re-edit it and bung it to Mr Ed.

Quality posts btw.

You've just about written it now!

Do you fancy giving it a bit of polish and I'll post it up?
so I have... yep, will give it a polish, bound to be some stuff I've missed as well.... defo need some more on the legal side of things
Thanks. Great post. I will pm you with some more questions/ideas if you don't mind.

Yes, more legal info would be useful, and detailed precedents.
what Free Spirit said basically.

not sure i agree with the Convoy/meet up bit, that is my only quibble. it's dead easy to get spotted/reported by the police and crowd dispersed or held in for ages.

Oh and there is new legislation being pushed for giving the police power to seize equipment in a van that may or may not be on it's way to a rave.

Being pushed by a Norfolk or Suffolk MP due to the actions of the 6 finger 'fire pon dem babylon' rave numpties in that area.

Can find links if needed.

read up about Section 63's as well.
Interesting. But then you'd have to tell officials the location in advance. And if the site is MOD land...
and be prepared to get arrested, have your sound system seized and spend months getting it back through the courts regardless of how well you plan it, sometimes thats just how it goes.

other times you can not see a copper all night or one bod will pop down in the morning and say 'i'll be back at 10am' which generally means rig off and people on ketamine down from the trees by then.

don't do raves in areas that are highly active already the main problem is when a particular force gets the same sites rinsed week after week and then they are honour bound to clamp down. that might not be you whose rinsed it but you could end up on the wrong end.

been some seizures this summer already in TVP and i don't really think the hire out wheeze works anymore.

they can and do also seize any other vehicles on the party site.
Interesting. But then you'd have to tell officials the location in advance. And if the site is MOD land...

aaah yeh you do need it to be slightly legit, i.e have permission from the landowner! :D

They can take equipment and vans even if they're hired. Like Dan says convoys are a bad idea but getting a decent amount of people there before you put the partyline up is a good idea. Trustworthy friends though obviously. :hmm:
They can take equipment and vans even if they're hired. Like Dan says convoys are a bad idea but getting a decent amount of people there before you put the partyline up is a good idea. Trustworthy friends though obviously. :hmm:

ime there are generaly a load of people who'll go on site with the crew.
then sit there and watch you set up :D

try and get on about 11 as the pubs kick out and get your number up pronto.
Being pushed by a Norfolk or Suffolk MP due to the actions of the 6 finger 'fire pon dem babylon' rave numpties in that area.

er the police wrecked their event, nicked their mates and stole their soundsystem so they attacked them. I thinks that's fair enough :confused:

or are we talking abt different things?
er the police wrecked their event, nicked their mates and stole their soundsystem so they attacked them. I thinks that's fair enough :confused:

or are we talking abt different things?

there is a hardcore of idiots in norfolk who think it's a good idea to chuck things at the police. not helpful.

this has been demonstrated many other times apart from that one.

i was at an anarchists fundraising rave on saturday, thought i'd bump in to you as it goes.
er the police wrecked their event, nicked their mates and stole their soundsystem so they attacked them. I thinks that's fair enough :confused:

or are we talking abt different things?

Are you sure you're not talking about Wentwood? Were you there?
do it in Wales ;)
our coppers (and punters) are (mostly) cool :D

Was Wentwood in Wales? :D

Are you talking about Wentwood? Were you there?

No he isn't.

He's talking about when a crowd started bottling a police station because some of there crew got nicked.

funnily enough it wasn't that long after that Essex Police stopped a party with extreme violence.
If you put on a free party, on farm land, with written permission, then asked everyone who attended to donate 5 quid to a particular charity, do you think people would?

It could be a small charity so the party donations (or lack of) would be very noticable.

I like the idea of trusting people. I think it would be an interesting social experiment.
If you put on a free party, on farm land, with written permission, then asked everyone who attended to donate 5 quid to a particular charity, do you think people would?

It could be a small charity so the party donations (or lack of) would be very noticable.

I like the idea of trusting people. I think it would be an interesting social experiment.

if you've got land to do it on with permission then get yourselfs a TEN and have some fun :cool:

generally outdoor parties are donations or money you get in no way shape or form from selling warm cans of stella.

but if you've got land and can get a tent sorted and some lights etc or a BBQ or summat to give people something extra for that £5 then go for it.

oh and let me know where you are doing it. my summer is bereft of out door parties so far.

fuck london squats in summer
Was Wentwood in Wales? :D

No he isn't.

He's talking about when a crowd started bottling a police station because some of there crew got nicked.

funnily enough it wasn't that long after that Essex Police stopped a party with extreme violence.

So he's on about Brainskan then. Propoganda's a marvellous thing by the looks of it lol :rolleyes::D

'stole' their soundsystem....ROFL
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