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Out with the Old... Network Rail tell businesses to vacate Atlantic Road arches


Peas & Cues
Have just been told by my landlords, Network Rail, that they have plans to redevelop the Arches we rent, and that we dont figure in their new shiny plans. It's not just us, it's every arch along Atlantic Road and Brixton Station Road, from Brixton Road to Poes Road.

Everyone to be Served Notice by "springtime 2015"

To Vacate 6 months after.

New Units to be available from 2017, but there's no "first refusal" given to us on the increased new rents that will come with any new tennancy. We have to apply like anyone else interested. So it looks like after over 40 years, its Goodbye A & C Continental Grocers & hello Pret a Manger, Waitrose Local etc.
the same sort of thing happening along whitechapel high st (rd?). lots of little businesses going, lots of chains coming in. vile. (((:-D)))
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I don't know much about retail but do not see why it would be illegal. I imagine the best course of action will be for protesters to make the case to Network Rail about making room for old businesses who want to stay on. A bit like Nour.
We should be asking how this fits with Brixton Central. Is this why we were being made to play card games?

Where would YOU put the residential, the recreational, the retail etc?

Meanwhile maybe Network Rail and Lambeth Regen were preparing an ambush behind the scenes. That's what it looks like to me.
What stage is Brixton Central at? Is there any chance of more consultation giving people a chance of making it clear that we don't want the town centre being a clone town?
Why are they bothering to negotiate with Network Rail then? Is all this "joint working" a fiction for the masses?
I haven't been to any of the sessions so couldn't say. The joint working for Raleigh Hall and Windrush Square were both a sham. Waste of my time. I don't imagine these are any different.

ETA confused your joint networking reference CH1 with Toms earlier mention of consultation
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This is very much NR's approach to their property. No investment without an increase in revenue.
Also, pretty hard to refurb railway arches without gutting then completely. Have you seen the patchwork of internal water works, gutters, etc in Budget Carpets? Had a long chat with the guy in there about it last week.
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Independent shopkeepers who have serving Brixton for decades get turfed out, while Network Rail rakes it in. It's obscene.
Network Rail's (NR) annual profits have soared to more than £1 billion despite falling further behind punctuality targets.

Profit before tax rose 39 per cent to £1.04 billion for the 12 months ending in March while 90 per cent of passenger trains ran on time, compared to 90.9 per cent the year before.

It means NR again failed to meet a target of 92.5 per cent as it admitted train performance was disappointing. The Telegraph revealed in March that the organisation is in line for a £70m fine over its missed targets.

The company said this was partly down to "slower improvements in asset reliability" though some of the shortfall was also caused by congestion as passenger numbers grew, as well as extreme weather.

Meanwhile, NR's debt pile, which is guaranteed by taxpayers, increased by 9 per cent to £33 billion.
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