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Now *that's* what I call a bomber plane (big images ahoy)


It never went into production and (some?) of these are mock ups, but it sure was a beast!





did anyone else see this one and immediately think of bowser's flying castle thing from mario 3?

Is that the Maxim Goriky?

If it is the one I'm thinking of, I think the mas grave for its crew was one of the best examples of constructivist art I've e seen yet - distinguished, yet somber & with that blend of tradition & modernity that few could match. :(
Yup. I'll have to check the exact date but mid-late 30s does ring a bell.

It was the pinnacle of Soviet aeronautics of the time & the prototype flew for some time, establishing air routes across the country.
The biggest bomber of them all still remains the Convair B-36 & that was in service (384 built) till the B52 outclassed it:


Alongside a B29, no small plane in itself. The B-36 had a 230' wingspan, compared to the Kalinin's 174'


Several preserved examples still exist.
That is one hell of an aeroplane...

Tbh bombers are one thing I can't muster much enthusiasm for, because almost inevitably their use involves killing and maiming a lot of innocent people. Fighter planes, warships etc mainly kill other combatants, but I look at a bomber and think of the pictures of cities after the Blitz.

That said, I do think the Avro Lancaster was a fine looking aircraft:

That is one hell of an aeroplane...

Tbh bombers are one thing I can't muster much enthusiasm for, because almost inevitably their use involves killing and maiming a lot of innocent people. Fighter planes, warships etc mainly kill other combatants, but I look at a bomber and think of the pictures of cities after the Blitz.

That said, I do think the Avro Lancaster was a fine looking aircraft:

If it's any consolation, just remember that the modern airline industry developed out of the technologies that were used to make long-range aerial bombing possible...

Just think: if it wasn't for the Dresden firestorm or Hiroshima & Nagasaki, and so on, we wouldn't have been able to have Club 18-30 sangriafests on the Costa del Sol, or monged-out zombiefests in Ibiza.

It's an ill wind... ;)
Yup - Probably the one instance of a Soviet attempt to copy a US aircraft that actually exceeded the original in almost every important way.

See they started making them again recently. :hmm:
For completely OTT designs that even the USAF gave up on as too expensive and impractical, there's the prototyped XB-70 Valkyrie, which I think looked pretty cool:


Yes, a truly impressive aircraft - The Soviet attempt to best it was a complete wash-out though.

Far too heavy to get any real speed. They tried to do it with mainly sheet metal, where the original made extensive use of composites etc. There is a surving prototype at Monino. Will try to dig out a pic later.
Wooden Wonder


Big payload, very fast, very few lost to enemy fire

Gotta be a winner, size not being everything, etc!!:D
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