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"No Blood" at Oswald shooting claims photographer


the truth don't care
Photographer Who Snapped Infamous Oswald Photo Said "No Blood At Crime Scene."

20 Oct 2006
By Greg Szymanski

For those JFK assassination researchers and truth seekers, a startling revelation was made on American radio Thursday, as Bob Jackson, former Dallas Times Herald photographer, made public for the first time that there was "not a speck of blood anywhere" on the body or at the crime scene when Jack Ruby supposedly shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald.

Jackson was on assignment for the Dallas paper on the morning of Nov. 24, 1963, when Oswald was being transferred from his holding cell and snapped the picture "seen around the world," a Pulitzer Prize winning photo of Oswald grimacing with Jack Ruby fully visible with pistol in hand, shooting Oswald.

After 43 years, Jackson told listeners of Greg Szymanski's radio show, The Investigative Journal, he witnessed no blood on Oswald after the shooting, as well as "not a speck of blood" at the crime scene leading all the way to when Oswald was put in the ambulance.

"I sure did think it was strange not to see any blood whatsoever," said Jackson, whose award-winning photo was later published first on the Times Herald front page and then in the Saturday Evening Post.

"I stayed on the scene well after Oswald was taken away in the ambulance and I never did see any blood, not one drop."

Jackson's startling revelation adds fuel to the fire of researchers who claimed Oswald was never shot by Ruby, but later killed by CIA operatives in the ambulance after Oswald was sedated against his will. Rest of article

New Gaudi Revelations

The grandson of the man driving the tram which knocked down Antonin Gaudi and led to the architect's death 2 days later has claimed in an article sold to the News Of El Mundo that it couldn't have happened.

José Caracas revealed, when offered 1million pesetas to cover his gambling debts, that his grandfather Jos-bee Caracas admitted on his deathbed that Gaudi couldn't have been killed by the tram in question.

"My grandfather was a proud man", Bob revealed, "and was never in his 50 years driving trams in Barcelona late for his shift".

But that day, it appears Mr Caracas was indeed late - he had been up celebrating his team's victory in the local burro derby - and took his tram out 14 minutes later than usual, meaning that no tram was in service at the time of Gaudi's death. His pride prevented him admitting as much at the time and it was only at the end of his life that he felt he should confess.

Speculation is rife as to who, in that case, was behind Gaudi's death. Perhaps some Francoist agents dressed as a tram, or a primitive clockwork remote control tram. Perhaps Gaudi actually detonated from the inside rather than from being hit by a tram (onlookers have referred to him seeming to crumble inwards rather than be flung to one side as you would expect).

Many scientists - very well-regarded, apparently, and yet all completely unheard of before today - have been quick to appear on chatshows confirming that there was no way Gaudiwas victim of death by tram, before collecting their fee and heading off down the taverna with Davíd Ickera for a swift cervesa and a giggle.
If only Bill was alive to hear about this..:)


Kennedy, I love talking about the Kennedy assassination because to me it's a great example of, er, a totalitarian government's ability to, you know, manage information and thus keep us in the dark any way they... Oh sorry wrong meeting... Ah shit. That's the meeting we're having tomorrow at the docks......

You can't actually get to the window (Oswolds shot) as such but the reason they did that of course, they didn't want thousands of American tourists getting there each year going [Mimes looking out of window]
"No fucking way!
I can't even see the road.
Shit they're lying to us.
Talking about Kennedy, people come up to me:
"Bill, quit talking about Kennedy, man. Let it go. It's a long time ago - just forget about it."
And I'm like alright, then don't bring up Jesus to me.
As long as we're talking shelf life here.
"Bill, you know Jesus died for you."
Yeah, well it was a long time ago. Forget about it!
How about this. Get Pilate to release the fucking files. Quit washing your hands Pilate - release the goddam files. Who else was on that grassy Golgotha that day?
"Bill, it was just, you know, hur, taking over of democracy by a totalitarian government, let it go."
editor said:
And from the same journalist, an interview with some nutter banging on about aliens.
Come on Ed this guy Greg Szymanski is onto, or is it just on, some good shit:D
"Black Pope" And Jesuits Have The Evil Serpent's Body Wrapped Firmly Around America And Going In For The Kill

Buffalo NY Man Learns of 'Daddy' Bush's Ties With Illegal Virgin Islands Drug Smuggling While Finding Out His Family Deeply Connected To Illuminati

Every last person who believes in God and truth needs to come forward, speak out and erect a barricade of peace and freedom in front of the devilish New World Order's blackened front door.

Right on Greg:cool: :D
Just be glad he's not a Chelsea fan...


There is clearly a conspiracy against us. You can see it clearly. UEFA hates Chelsea. The FA, they hate us too. And the county of Berkshire, they're all out to get us. Can you not see it? The evidence is plain and I think you all know really that they hate us because we are so good. They're out to get us, all of them.
Bigdavalad said:
And now, just 43 years later, he's revealed it all for the first time?
Took him a while to remember and the journalist has been busy talking to people who have been chasing after 40 mph, 800 yr old, 8 feet tall aliens.
I know I'll regret chipping in, but Jazz, you think LHO look part in the faking of his own death only to be killed a few mins later in the Ambulance? Don't you ever think that the universe you're creating is so, so, so much more complicated than the real one? That every 'explanation' you come up with actually needs much more complicated explaining itself?

It must be exhausting being you.

(Did you see the Daily Express headline today. Apparently something blah blah about Diana.)
danny la rouge said:
(Did you see the Daily Express headline today. Apparently something blah blah about Diana.)

Did it involve a 900Kg Fiat Cinquicento running a 4,000Kg armoured Mercades off the road?
hmmm... so let's get this straight. You all think Greg Szymanski is simply making this all up about Bob Jackson?
danny la rouge said:
I know I'll regret chipping in, but Jazz, you think LHO look part in the faking of his own death only to be killed a few mins later in the Ambulance? Don't you ever think that the universe you're creating is so, so, so much more complicated than the real one? That every 'explanation' you come up with actually needs much more complicated explaining itself?

It must be exhausting being you.

(Did you see the Daily Express headline today. Apparently something blah blah about Diana.)
It's an intriguing theory, yes. I wasn't aware of it until I read this though. But it does indeed have parallels with Diana. It's obviously going to be risky attempting to kill someone while they have bodyguards with them. You are far more assured of success if you can create the incident then control what goes on in the privacy of an ambulance. In Diana's case, the ambulance was there within - correct me if I'm wrong - one minute. She was alive when she went in. That ambulance then - in the middle of the night with no traffic at all - took an hour and a half to get her into a hospital by which time she was dead. If you don't find something a bit odd there, think about how you would feel if you were having a heart attack and the ambulance crew stopped for a cup of tea on the way
Woof woof

(what's that?)

...it's Ian Huntley's dog! :D

sorry Jazzz, I lost interest in playing "chase the jazzz-fact" roughly three years ago, somewhere in a ditch next to an airfield.
And by strange coincidence: "They speak like a dog barking"

What are the odds against this being 'by chance'?
Iam said:
Just be glad he's not a Chelsea fan...


There is clearly a conspiracy against us. You can see it clearly. UEFA hates Chelsea. The FA, they hate us too. And the county of Berkshire, they're all out to get us. Can you not see it? The evidence is plain and I think you all know really that they hate us because we are so good. They're out to get us, all of them.

That's no conspiracy, we all hate Chavski..

Now the referees in the Ryman Premier League.. that's a fucking conspiracy
Jazzz said:
That ambulance then - in the middle of the night with no traffic at all - took an hour and a half to get her into a hospital by which time she was dead. If you don't find something a bit odd there, think about how you would feel if you were having a heart attack and the ambulance crew stopped for a cup of tea on the way
Actually, the ambulance team were following standard French practice when they chose to treat her at the scene. But don't let that get in the way of another of your fascinating, fact-free theories!
British policy advocates that patients are moved to hospital immediately as long as they are not trapped in wreckage or so ill that movement will kill them, while French accident victims are routinely treated at the scene of a crash.

Dr Mailliez followed the correct procedure. Although Diana was not physically trapped she could have been suffering from spinal injuries. All doctors know that moving an accident victim without special equipment creates a serious risk of exacerbating any spinal fractures. That can cause irreversible paralysis.
Jazzz said:
It's an intriguing theory, yes. I wasn't aware of it until I read this though. But it does indeed have parallels with Diana. It's obviously going to be risky attempting to kill someone while they have bodyguards with them. You are far more assured of success if you can create the incident then control what goes on in the privacy of an ambulance.
Didn't Robin Cook die in an air ambulance?
Anyone got a theory?
of course Oswald didn't bleed when he got shot. invisible trans-dimensional lizard people have invisible trans-dimensional lizard blood. what did they expect? :rolleyes:
Bigdavalad said:
Did it involve a 900Kg Fiat Cinquicento running a 4,000Kg armoured Mercades off the road?
No idea; I didn't read it. I subscribe to the conspiracy theory that the woman was in a high speed car crash and died.

Just as I subscribe to the theory that JFK was shot. And so was LHO. And Ruby Wax.

Oh wait... Naw, actually, I don't care enough to correct that.
Actually for once I think Jazzz has a point here.

And I think a certain person has some explaining to do.

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