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NH Carnival '14 - Soundsystems under threat

ska invita

back on the other side
An early carnival thread as there seems to be trouble afoot...

Keep Channel One Sound System at Notting Hill Carnival

We have had several objections by local residents regarding our license application for our annual Notting Hill Carnival appearance. The Council are taking this seriously and we need to fight our corner.
Channel One Sound System has been in this position (Westbourne Park Road/ Leamington Road Villas) for around 20 years consecutively (32 years in total at Notting Hill Carnival). We have always taken the license restrictions very seriously and made sure that the music is turned off at 7pm sharp and kept within the requested sound limits.
We need to show the local Council (Westminster) that there is significant support in us being there.
We're meeting the case worker next week and hope to get as many signatures in support that we can. Please sign and spread the word.

Mikey Dread, Ras Kayleb, Jah T, Errol, Rachel

Sign the petition here: http://www.activism.com/en_GB/petition/keep-channel-one-sound-system-at-notting-hill-carnival/61321

...and whats more it sounds like its not jut CH1 under threat

I was speaking to Kayleb yesterday about this, its not only Channel One being targeted. The carnival is spread over two boroughs, Westminster and Chelsea. Westminster which usually have around 6 soundsystems have decided to stop any sounds from setting up anywhere in their borough, this is why Aba is all ok but Channel One have to fight.

This map shows Ken&Chlesea borough border...
CH1, Solution, Ambassador, I think Pineapple Tribe too, are all on a road which is on the border between Westminster and K&C - and it sounds like it counts as Westminster.

If Westminster are planning to kick all these sounds off their turf that would be a disaster for roots music at carnival
In the meantime I think its worth signing the petition and sharing it far and wide. Carnival is an endangered thing, and needs protecting at every stage
Hey guys, what seems to be the problem here?
Every year we have to apply for a license to play at Notting Hill Carnival. This year the Council told us to apply for a permanent license. There have been a number of objections from local residents and as a result we have to go to a licensing committee hearing at Westminster Council offices where we can state our case and the Council can decide to deny or grant us the license to play.

Why are people complaining about a Sound System at Carnival? Surely they expect that?
You would think so wouldn't you? The Carnival has been going on a long time, 48 years. We've been at the same spot for the last 20 years. The complaints mention:
- excessive volume resulting in migraines,
- having to relocate pets because of the bass
- low level damage to property - urination on property, broken glass etc.
- congestion of people traffic
- impact on public safety, crime and disorder
When people buy a property in Notting Hill, they should know that the Carnival was there first. It's not something new. It's only two days out of the whole year. We take the restrictions very seriously, we always adhere to the curfew of 7pm, we regularly monitor the sound levels and we keep a close eye on the crowd. The elders have a strong presence so the youngsters know not to cause any trouble in our area. We also stop the sound and tell people to stop if we see anything going on that shouldn't be. At the end, after we've packed up we also go and pick up bottles etc from people's gardens. We do everything we can to help the local residents.

You're one of the longest running Sound Systems at Carnival - why are they singling you guys out?
Westminster has six Sound Systems, the rest are in the Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. They've singled out three sounds this year - us, Killawatt and Sir Lloyd. The underlying feeling is that we're not wanted in their borough and they're doing everything they can to make things difficult for us.

Are the Council taking this very seriously?
Yes, very. The Council's licensing committee has the power to deny us a license to play. We have instructed a barrister to represent us at the hearing. We don't want to come unprepared and we want to stay where we are, at Notting Hill Carnival.

If you're not able to set up shop in your usual place, does that mean you won't be able to perform at Carnival at all?
Most probably. It's very late in the day now. All the spots have gone, it would be very difficult to find an alternative location at this late stage. We were only told about this in May, maybe if we'd had longer we could have considered other arrangements.

How can people help Channel One?
Please, sign the petition. Share it and sign it. Spread awareness of what's going on. We want as many people as can be to support us. We need to show the Council that Notting Hill Carnival is our heritage and our culture. It's part of what makes London such a special place. It's not about money or brands or house music. It's about unity and coming together, our motto is "breaking down barriers", and there's no better place to do this than Notting Hill Carnival. We are fighting to maintain this.

You can find out more and sign Channel One's petition to Westminister Council right here.
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hey ska invita Pineapple Tribe shouldn't have too many problems this year, no Lab Horns/Turbosound in attendance, assuming they get a license of course.
yeah that was speculation on my part as to which sounds were affected - sounds like its CH1, Killawatt and Sir Lloyd/Digital Soundboy
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Fozzie B posted this on twitter

think my favourite looking sound at carnival is (was?) Rough but Sweet's green cabs http://roughbutsweetsoundsystem.blogspot.co.uk/

a bit harsh: aba shanti, Lord Amabasador (Mikey Dreads nephew?), Solution/Jah Observer, Gazs Rocking are all great, Digital Soundboy and Pineapple Tribe are great for more modern banging music, people seem to Love Sancho Panza on the house tip, Good Times is always Good etc, etc, etc, etc, theres lots of goodness for everyone - and long may it stay that way...

my fear is that The Man wants rid of carnival but its become too big to take down with one shot so they're planning to salami slice it, 3 sounds at a time. Mustn't let them take an inch!!
CH1 are doing a fundraiser ofr their legal costs

TOP CAT! Tenor Fly! On CH1! That sounds like a must....

After 20 amount of years at the same spot at the Notting Hill Carnival, this year Channel One are being forced to attend a licensing committee hearing at Westminster Council Offices on 6th August at which the council may refuse Channel One a license to play. Channel One are taking this seriously and have instructed a barrister specialising in licensing law to represent them at the hearing. This will come at a hefty price. Please join with us to help raise money to contribute to Channel One's legal costs and to ensure this foundation soundsystem continues to be a part of the rich heritage of Europes biggest street festival.
Channel One have called on their friends to support them and help raise money for the cause.
Line up includes:
Channel One
Top Cat
Tenor Fly
Nanci and Phoebe
Earl Gateshead
Solo Banton
Gussie P
Kibir La Amlak
Donovan Kingjay
DJ Snuff
Dagger Sound System
Jason X
Channel One Sound System
United Kingdom
6 Aug 2014 — Thank you so much for supporting us. Following our hearing today at City Hall, I am pleased to inform you all that we have been granted a license to appear at Notting Hill Carnival this year and for the foreseeable !! We have been honoured by all the support we have received.

Dont know about killaw and sir lloyd - i fear for Sir lloyd especially
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Not sure what this means exactly - from article dated today

British Association of Sound Systems (BASS), which represents Channel One and all static sound systems who appear each year at Carnival, confirmed that Westminster contacted them last year but said the first meeting between the council, BASS and Channel One was held earlier this year.

BASS chairman Ricky Belgrave said Channel One, Sir Lloyd and Killawatt were given “no option” but to apply for Premises licenses for this year’s event and were told “in no uncertain terms” that Westminster would not accept a TENs application from any of the three members.

He said they have 14 members who hold Premises licences in Kensington and Chelsea and 18 who hold TENs to appear at carnival and they are “not against Premises licences when required”.

He said they agreed that Channel One and Sir Lloyd were “borderline on numbers and therefore were likely in Premises territory” but claimed: “We did not agree that a Premises license was appropriate for Killawatt.”

He added: “We had a site meeting were WCC reaffirmed their Premises position for Killawatt and we remain in disagreement. However our member Killawatt fearing they would not have a license to appear at Carnival 14 felt pressurised into submitting a Premises application.

“Just to benchmark by example we have 14 members who hold Premises licenses located RBK&C and 18 who TENs licensed to appear at carnival and we are not against Premises licenses when required.”
Time Out say that they got their license with conditions: more barriers, they have to tidy up after themselves and 3. New Noise Limit :mad: i wonder how bad it is ... ffs
Rinse celebrate 20 years this year and as part of that ahve taken over the green boxes of Rough But Sweet - I think just on the Sunday


Date:24 August 2014Venue:Rough But Sweet SoundsystemLocation:Corner of Hazlewood Crescent & Bosworth Road, W10 5DJ

Just up and around the corner from Aba Shanti's spot

definitely will doing a Good TImes>Aba>Rinse carnival on sunday
CH1 are doing a fundraiser ofr their legal costs

TOP CAT! Tenor Fly! On CH1! That sounds like a must....

After 20 amount of years at the same spot at the Notting Hill Carnival, this year Channel One are being forced to attend a licensing committee hearing at Westminster Council Offices on 6th August at which the council may refuse Channel One a license to play. Channel One are taking this seriously and have instructed a barrister specialising in licensing law to represent them at the hearing. This will come at a hefty price. Please join with us to help raise money to contribute to Channel One's legal costs and to ensure this foundation soundsystem continues to be a part of the rich heritage of Europes biggest street festival.
Channel One have called on their friends to support them and help raise money for the cause.
Line up includes:
Channel One
Top Cat
Tenor Fly
Nanci and Phoebe
Earl Gateshead
Solo Banton
Gussie P
Kibir La Amlak
Donovan Kingjay
DJ Snuff
Dagger Sound System
Jason X
this is tonight btw
That is pretty much my plan every year! :thumbs:
though this year with the new twist of the Rinse takeover on the Sunday - first time they have an official presence at carnival (though Digital Soundboy did feel quite Rinsey)...the fact their spot will be a few steps over from Aba with no crowds to fight past is a real boon. Really want to catch Josey Rebelle's set - shes my favourite radio DJ these days...

Talking rinse 20th, heres a pick of Geeneus & Lady ST 20 years ago, early days of rinse :cool:

though this year with the new twist of the Rinse takeover on the Sunday - first time they have an official presence at carnival (though Digital Soundboy did feel quite Rinsey)...the fact their spot will be a few steps over from Aba with no crowds to fight past is a real boon. Really want to catch Josey Rebelle's set - shes my favourite radio DJ these days...

Talking rinse 20th, heres a pick of Geeneus & Lady ST 20 years ago, early days of rinse :cool:


Yeah I meant the Aba/Good times run. :)

Great pic!
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